import { FormFieldRulesConfig } from 'app/client/components/Forms/FormConfig'; import { fromKoSave } from 'app/client/lib/fromKoSave'; import { makeT } from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import { DataRowModel } from 'app/client/models/DataRowModel'; import { ViewFieldRec } from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import { fieldWithDefault } from 'app/client/models/modelUtil'; import { FormTextFormat } from 'app/client/ui/FormAPI'; import { cssLabel, cssNumericSpinner, cssRow } from 'app/client/ui/RightPanelStyles'; import { alignmentSelect, buttonSelect, cssButtonSelect, makeButtonSelect } from 'app/client/ui2018/buttonSelect'; import { testId } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import { makeLinks } from 'app/client/ui2018/links'; import { NewAbstractWidget, Options } from 'app/client/widgets/NewAbstractWidget'; import { Computed, dom, DomContents, fromKo, Observable } from 'grainjs'; const t = makeT('NTextBox'); /** * TextBox - The most basic widget for displaying text information. */ export class NTextBox extends NewAbstractWidget { protected alignment: Observable; protected wrapping: Observable; constructor(field: ViewFieldRec, options: Options = {}) { super(field, options); this.alignment = fromKo(this.options.prop('alignment')); this.wrapping = fromKo(this.field.wrap); this.autoDispose(this.wrapping.addListener(() => { this.field.viewSection().events.trigger('rowHeightChange'); })); } public buildConfigDom(): DomContents { const toggle = () => { const newValue = !this.field.config.wrap.peek(); this.field.config.wrap.setAndSave(newValue).catch(reportError); }; const options = this.field.config.options; // Some options might be disabled, as more than one column is selected. // Prop observable is owned by the options object. const alignmentDisabled = Computed.create(this, use => use(options.disabled('alignment'))); const wrapDisabled = Computed.create(this, (use) => use(options.disabled('wrap'))); return [ cssRow( alignmentSelect( fromKoSave(this.field.config.alignment), cssButtonSelect.cls('-disabled', alignmentDisabled), ), dom('div', {style: 'margin-left: 8px;'}, makeButtonSelect( fromKo(this.field.config.wrap), [{value: true, icon: 'Wrap'}], toggle, cssButtonSelect.cls('-disabled', wrapDisabled), ), testId('tb-wrap-text'), ), ), ]; } public buildFormConfigDom(): DomContents { const format = fieldWithDefault( this.field.widgetOptionsJson.prop('formTextFormat'), 'singleline' ); const lineCount = fieldWithDefault( this.field.widgetOptionsJson.prop('formTextLineCount'), '' ); return [ cssLabel(t('Field Format')), cssRow( buttonSelect( fromKoSave(format), [ {value: 'singleline', label: t('Single line')}, {value: 'multiline', label: t('Multi line')}, ], testId('tb-form-field-format'), ), ), dom.maybe(use => use(format) === 'multiline', () => cssRow( cssNumericSpinner( fromKo(lineCount), { label: t('Lines'), defaultValue: 3, minValue: 1, maxValue: 99, save: async (val) => lineCount.setAndSave((val && Math.floor(val)) ?? ''), }, ), ), ), dom.create(FormFieldRulesConfig, this.field), ]; } public buildDom(row: DataRowModel) { const value = row.cells[this.field.colId.peek()]; return dom('div.field_clip','text-align', this.alignment), dom.cls('text_wrapping', this.wrapping), dom.domComputed((use) => use(row._isAddRow) || this.isDisposed() ? null : makeLinks(use(this.valueFormatter).formatAny(use(value), t))) ); } }