import {delay} from 'app/common/delay'; import {RefCountMap} from 'app/common/RefCountMap'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; function assertResetSingleCall(spy: sinon.SinonSpy, context: any, ...args: any[]): void { sinon.assert.calledOnce(spy); sinon.assert.calledOn(spy, context); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(spy, ...args); spy.resetHistory(); } describe("RefCountMap", function() { it("should dispose items when ref-count returns to 0", function() { const create = sinon.stub().callsFake((key) => key.toUpperCase()); const dispose = sinon.spy(); const m = new RefCountMap<string, string>({create, dispose, gracePeriodMs: 0}); const subFoo1 = m.use("foo"); assert.strictEqual(subFoo1.get(), "FOO"); assertResetSingleCall(create, null, "foo"); const subBar1 = m.use("bar"); assert.strictEqual(subBar1.get(), "BAR"); assertResetSingleCall(create, null, "bar"); const subFoo2 = m.use("foo"); assert.strictEqual(subFoo2.get(), "FOO"); sinon.assert.notCalled(create); // Now dispose one by one. subFoo1.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); subBar1.dispose(); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "bar", "BAR"); // An extra subscription increases refCount, so subFoo2.dispose will not yet dispose it. const subFoo3 = m.use("foo"); assert.strictEqual(subFoo3.get(), "FOO"); sinon.assert.notCalled(create); subFoo2.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); subFoo3.dispose(); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); }); it("should respect the grace period", async function() { const create = sinon.stub().callsFake((key) => key.toUpperCase()); const dispose = sinon.spy(); const m = new RefCountMap<string, string>({create, dispose, gracePeriodMs: 60}); const subFoo1 = m.use("foo"); assert.strictEqual(subFoo1.get(), "FOO"); assertResetSingleCall(create, null, "foo"); const subBar1 = m.use("bar"); assert.strictEqual(subBar1.get(), "BAR"); assertResetSingleCall(create, null, "bar"); // Disposal is not immediate, we have some time. subFoo1.dispose(); subBar1.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); // Wait a bit and add more usage to one of the keys. await delay(30); const subFoo2 = m.use("foo"); assert.strictEqual(subFoo2.get(), "FOO"); sinon.assert.notCalled(create); // Grace period hasn't expired yet, so dispose isn't called yet. sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); // Now wait for the grace period to end. await delay(40); // Ensure that bar's disposal has run now, but not foo's. assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "bar", "BAR"); // Dispose the second usage, and wait for the full grace period. subFoo2.dispose(); await delay(70); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); }); it("should dispose immediately on clear", async function() { const create = sinon.stub().callsFake((key) => key.toUpperCase()); const dispose = sinon.spy(); const m = new RefCountMap<string, string>({create, dispose, gracePeriodMs: 0}); const subFoo1 = m.use("foo"); const subBar1 = m.use("bar"); const subFoo2 = m.use("foo"); m.dispose(); assert.equal(dispose.callCount, 2); assert.deepEqual(dispose.args, [["foo", "FOO"], ["bar", "BAR"]]); dispose.resetHistory(); // Should be a no-op to dispose subscriptions after RefCountMap is disposed. subFoo1.dispose(); subFoo2.dispose(); subBar1.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); // It should not be a matter of gracePeriod, but make sure by waiting a bit. await delay(30); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); }); it("should be safe to purge a key", async function() { const create = sinon.stub().callsFake((key) => key.toUpperCase()); const dispose = sinon.spy(); const m = new RefCountMap<string, string>({create, dispose, gracePeriodMs: 0}); const subFoo1 = m.use("foo"); const subBar1 = m.use("bar"); const subFoo2 = m.use("foo"); m.purgeKey("foo"); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); m.purgeKey("bar"); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "bar", "BAR"); // The tricky case is when a new "foo" key is created after the purge. const subFooNew1 = m.use("foo"); const subBarNew1 = m.use("bar"); // Should be a no-op to dispose purged subscriptions. subFoo1.dispose(); subFoo2.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); // A new subscription with the same key should get disposed though. subFooNew1.dispose(); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); subBarNew1.dispose(); assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "bar", "BAR"); // Still a no-op to dispose old purged subscriptions. subBar1.dispose(); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); // Ensure there are no scheduled disposals due to some other bug. await delay(30); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); }); it("should not dispose a re-created key on timeout after purge", async function() { const create = sinon.stub().callsFake((key) => key.toUpperCase()); const dispose = sinon.spy(); const m = new RefCountMap<string, string>({create, dispose, gracePeriodMs: 60}); const subFoo1 = m.use("foo"); subFoo1.dispose(); // This schedules a disposal in 20ms m.purgeKey("foo"); // This should purge immediately AND unset the scheduled disposal assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); await delay(20); const subFoo2 = m.use("foo"); // Should not be affected by the scheduled disposal. await delay(100); // "foo" stays beyond grace period, since it's being used. sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); subFoo2.dispose(); // Once disposed, it stays for grace period await delay(20); sinon.assert.notCalled(dispose); await delay(100); // And gets disposed after it. assertResetSingleCall(dispose, null, "foo", "FOO"); }); });