import axios, {AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse} from 'axios'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import omit = require('lodash/omit'); import {configForUser, configWithPermit, getRowCounts as getRowCountsForDb} from 'test/gen-server/testUtils'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; import {createEmptyOrgUsageSummary, OrgUsageSummary} from 'app/common/DocUsage'; import {Document, Workspace} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Organization} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization'; import {Product} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Product'; import {HomeDBManager, UserChange} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager'; import {TestServer} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils'; import {TEAM_FREE_PLAN} from 'app/common/Features'; const assert = chai.assert; let server: TestServer; let dbManager: HomeDBManager; let homeUrl: string; let userCountUpdates: {[orgId: number]: number[]} = {}; const chimpy = configForUser('Chimpy'); const kiwi = configForUser('Kiwi'); const charon = configForUser('Charon'); const support = configForUser('Support'); const nobody = configForUser('Anonymous'); const chimpyEmail = ''; const kiwiEmail = ''; const charonEmail = ''; let chimpyRef = ''; let kiwiRef = ''; let charonRef = ''; async function getRowCounts() { return getRowCountsForDb(dbManager); } describe('ApiServer', function() { let oldEnv: testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot; testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('error'); before(async function() { oldEnv = new testUtils.EnvironmentSnapshot(); process.env.GRIST_TEMPLATE_ORG = 'templates'; server = new TestServer(this); homeUrl = await server.start(['home', 'docs']); dbManager = server.dbManager; chimpyRef = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(chimpyEmail).then((user) => user!.ref); kiwiRef = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(kiwiEmail).then((user) => user!.ref); charonRef = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(charonEmail).then((user) => user!.ref); // Listen to user count updates and add them to an array. dbManager.on('userChange', ({org, countBefore, countAfter}: UserChange) => { if (countBefore === countAfter) { return; } userCountUpdates[] = userCountUpdates[] || []; userCountUpdates[].push(countAfter); }); }); afterEach(async function() { userCountUpdates = {}; await server.sanityCheck(); }); after(async function() { oldEnv.restore(); await server.stop(); }); it('GET /api/orgs reports nothing for anonymous without org in url', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, []); }); it('GET /api/orgs reports nothing for anonymous with unavailable org', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/deep/api/orgs`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, []); }); for (const users of [['anon'], ['anon', 'everyone'], ['everyone']]) { it(`GET /api/orgs reports something for anonymous with org available to ${users.join(', ')}`, async function() { const addUsers: {[key: string]: 'viewers'|'owners'} = {}; const removeUsers: {[key: string]: null} = {}; for (const user of users) { const email = `${user}`; addUsers[email] = 'viewers'; removeUsers[email] = null; } // Get id of "Abyss" org (domain name: "deep") const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Abyss'); try { // Only support user has right currently to add/remove everyone@ let resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, { delta: { users: { '': 'owners' }} }, charon); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Make anon@/everyone@ a viewer of Abyss org resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, { delta: {users: addUsers} }, support); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Confirm that anon now sees this org when using a url mentioning the org resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/deep/api/orgs`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(["Abyss"], any) =>; // Org is marked as public assert.equal([0].public, true); // Confirm that anon doesn't see this org from other urls resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/orgs`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual([], any) =>; // Confirm that anon doesn't see this org from /session/access/all resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/session/access/all`, await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', null)); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual([], any) =>; // Confirm that regular users don't see this org listed from other domains, // either via api/orgs or api/session/access/all. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/orgs`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); let orgs = any) =>; assert.notInclude(orgs, 'Abyss'); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/session/access/all`, await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: '', name: 'Chimpy'})); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); orgs = any) =>; assert.notInclude(orgs, 'Abyss'); // Confirm that regular users see this org only via api/orgs, // and only when on the right domain, and only when shared with "everyone@". resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/deep/api/orgs`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); orgs = any) =>; if (users.includes('everyone')) { assert.include(orgs, 'Abyss'); } else { assert.notInclude(orgs, 'Abyss'); } resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/deep/api/session/access/all`, await server.getCookieLogin('deep', {email: '', name: 'Chimpy'})); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); orgs = any) =>; assert.notInclude(orgs, 'Abyss'); } finally { // Cleanup: remove anon from org let resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, { delta: {users: removeUsers} }, support); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, { delta: { users: { '': null }} }, charon); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Confirm that access has gone away resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/deep/api/orgs`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual([], any) =>; } }); } it('GET /api/orgs is operational', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Chimpyland', 'EmptyOrg', 'EmptyWsOrg', 'Fish', 'Flightless', 'FreeTeam', 'NASA', 'Primately', 'TestDailyApiLimit']); // personal orgs should have an owner and no domain // createdAt and updatedAt are omitted since exact times cannot be predicted. assert.deepEqual(omit([0], 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'), { id: await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'), name: 'Chimpyland', access: 'owners', // public is not set. domain: 'docs-1', host: null, owner: { id: await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpy'), ref: await dbManager.testGetRef('Chimpy'), name: 'Chimpy', picture: null } }); assert.isNotNull([0].updatedAt); // regular orgs should have a domain and no owner assert.equal([1].domain, 'blankiest'); assert.equal([1].owner, null); }); it('GET /api/orgs respects permissions', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal([0].name, 'Kiwiland'); assert.equal([0], 'Kiwi'); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Kiwiland', 'Fish', 'Flightless', 'Primately']); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} is operational', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 'NASA'); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} accepts domains', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/nasa`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 'NASA'); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} accepts current keyword', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/orgs/current`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 'NASA'); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} fails with current keyword if no domain active', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/current`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} returns owner when available', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // billingAccount is omitted since it isn't focus of this test. assert.deepEqual(omit(, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'billingAccount'), { id: oid, name: 'Chimpyland', domain: 'docs-1', host: null, access: 'owners', owner: { id: await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpy'), ref: await dbManager.testGetRef('Chimpy'), name: 'Chimpy', picture: null } }); assert.isNotNull(; }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} respects permissions', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Kiwiland'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.deepEqual(, {error: "access denied"}); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/9999`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); assert.deepEqual(, {error: "organization not found"}); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces is operational', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Horizon', 'Rovers']); assert.equal([0].id, await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon')); assert.equal([1].id, await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers')); assert.deepEqual([0] any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Pluto', 'Beyond']); // Check that Primately access is as expected. const oid2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); const resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid2}/workspaces`, kiwi); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Fruit', 'Trees']); assert.deepEqual([0] any) => omit(doc, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt')), [{ access: "viewers", // public is not set id: "sampledocid_6", name: "Bananas", isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }, { access: "viewers", // public is not set id: "sampledocid_7", name: "Apples", isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }]); assert.deepEqual([1] any) => omit(doc, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt')), [{ access: "viewers", id: "sampledocid_8", name: "Tall", isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }, { access: "viewers", id: "sampledocid_9", name: "Short", isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }]); // Assert that updatedAt values are present.[0] any) => assert.isNotNull(doc.updatedAt));[1] any) => assert.isNotNull(doc.updatedAt)); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces accepts domains', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/nasa/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Horizon', 'Rovers']); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces accepts current keyword', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/orgs/current/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Horizon', 'Rovers']); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces returns 403 appropriately', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Kiwiland'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces lists individually shared workspaces', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 1); // 1 of 2 workspaces should be present assert.equal([0].name, 'Fruit'); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces lists individually shared docs', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Flightless'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 1); assert.equal([0].name, 'Media'); assert.lengthOf([0].docs, 1); // 1 of 2 docs should be available assert.equal([0].docs[0].name, 'Antartic'); }); it('GET /api/orgs/{wid}/workspaces gives results when workspace is empty', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('EmptyWsOrg'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal([0].name, 'Vacuum'); assert.lengthOf([0].docs, 0); // No docs present }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} is operational', async function() { const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Pluto', 'Beyond']); assert.equal(, 'NASA'); assert.equal(, null); }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} lists individually shared docs', async function() { const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Media'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 1); // 1 of 2 docs should be available assert.equal([0].name, 'Antartic'); }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} gives results when empty', async function() { const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Vacuum'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 'Vacuum'); assert.lengthOf(, 0); // No docs present }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} respects permissions', async function() { const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Deep'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/9999`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('GET /api/workspaces/{wid} gives owner of org', async function() { const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Private'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, charon); assert.equal(, 'Chimpy'); }); it('POST /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces is operational', async function() { // Add a 'Planets' workspace to the 'NASA' org. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const wid = await getNextId(dbManager, 'workspaces'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, { name: 'Planets' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful and contains the next available workspace id. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, wid); // Assert that the added workspace can be fetched and returns as expected. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${}`, chimpy); const workspace = omit(, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'); = omit(, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'); assert.deepEqual(workspace, { id: wid, name: 'Planets', access: 'owners', docs: [], isSupportWorkspace: false, org: { id: 1, name: 'NASA', domain: 'nasa', host: null, owner: null } }); }); it('POST /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to add to an org that doesn't exist. const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/9999/workspaces`, { name: 'Planets' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('POST /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to add to an org that chimpy doesn't have write permission on. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, { name: 'Apes' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('POST /api/orgs/{oid}/workspaces returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Use an unknown property and check that the operation fails with status 400. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, {x: 1}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('PATCH /api/workspaces/{wid} is operational', async function() { // Rename the 'Horizons' workspace to 'Horizons2'. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, { name: 'Horizon2' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Assert that the workspace was renamed as expected. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); const workspace =; assert.equal(, 'Horizon2'); // Change the name back. const wid2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon2'); const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid2}`, { name: 'Horizon' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to rename a workspace that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/9999`, { name: 'Rename' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to rename a workspace without UPDATE access. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Fruit'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, { name: 'Fruit2' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('PATCH /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Use an unavailable property and check that the operation fails with 400. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, {x: 1}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('DELETE /api/workspaces/{wid} is operational', async function() { // Add Kiwi to 'Public' workspace. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'); let wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Public'); // Assert that the number of users in the org has not been updated. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); const delta = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'viewers'} }; const accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200); // Assert that Kiwi is a guest of the org. const orgResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); const beforeDelCount = await getRowCounts(); // Delete 'Public' workspace. const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Assert that the workspace is no longer in the database. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(fetchResp.status, 404); // Assert that Kiwi is no longer a guest of the org. const orgResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp2.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org remains unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); const afterDelCount1 = await getRowCounts(); // Assert that one workspace was removed. assert.equal(afterDelCount1.workspaces, beforeDelCount.workspaces - 1); // Assert that Kiwi's workspace viewer and org guest items were removed. assert.equal(afterDelCount1.groupUsers, beforeDelCount.groupUsers - 2); // Re-add 'Public' const addWsResp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, { name: 'Public' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful assert.equal(addWsResp.status, 200); wid =; // Add a doc to 'Public' const addDocResp1 = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'PublicDoc1' }, chimpy); // Add another workspace, 'Public2' const addWsResp2 = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, { name: 'Public2' }, chimpy); assert.equal(addWsResp2.status, 200); // Get 'Public2' workspace. const wid2 =; // Add a doc to 'Public2' const addDocResp2 = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid2}/docs`, { name: 'PublicDoc2' }, chimpy); assert.equal(addDocResp2.status, 200); // Get both doc's ids. const did1 =; const did2 =; const beforeAddCount = await getRowCounts(); // Add Kiwi to the docs const docAccessResp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did1}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(docAccessResp1.status, 200); const docAccessResp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did2}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(docAccessResp2.status, 200); // Assert that Kiwi is a guest of the org. const orgResp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp3.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org remains unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); const afterAddCount = await getRowCounts(); // Assert that Kiwi's 2 doc viewer, 2 workspace guest and 1 org guest items were added. assert.equal(afterAddCount.groupUsers, beforeAddCount.groupUsers + 5); // Delete 'Public2' workspace. const deleteResp2 = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid2}`, chimpy); assert.equal(deleteResp2.status, 200); const afterDelCount2 = await getRowCounts(); // Assert that one workspace was removed. assert.equal(afterDelCount2.workspaces, afterAddCount.workspaces - 1); // Assert that one doc was removed. assert.equal(, - 1); // Assert that one of Kiwi's doc viewer items and one of Kiwi's workspace guest items were removed // and guest chimpy assignment to org and chimpy owner assignment to doc and ws. assert.equal(afterDelCount2.groupUsers, afterAddCount.groupUsers - 2 - 3); // Assert that Kiwi is STILL a guest of the org, since Kiwi is still in the 'Public' doc. const orgResp4 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp4.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org remains unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); // Delete 'Public' workspace. const deleteResp3 = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(deleteResp3.status, 200); const afterDelCount3 = await getRowCounts(); // Assert that another workspace was removed. assert.equal(afterDelCount3.workspaces, afterDelCount2.workspaces - 1); // Assert that another doc was removed. assert.equal(, - 1); // Assert that Kiwi's doc viewer item, workspace guest and org guest items were removed, and Chimpy was // removed from doc as owner, ws as guest and owner, and org as guest. assert.equal(afterDelCount3.groupUsers, afterDelCount2.groupUsers - 7); // Assert that Kiwi is no longer a guest of the org. const orgResp5 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp5.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org remains unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); // Re-add 'Public' finally const addWsResp3 = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, { name: 'Public' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful assert.equal(addWsResp3.status, 200); }); it('DELETE /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to delete a workspace that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/9999`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('DELETE /api/workspaces/{wid} returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to delete a workspace without REMOVE access. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Fruit'); const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs is operational', async function() { // Add a 'Surprise' doc to the 'Rovers' workspace. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'Surprise' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful and contains the doc id. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 22); // The length of a short-uuid string // Assert that the added doc can be fetched and returns as expected. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); const workspace =; assert.deepEqual(, 'Rovers'); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Curiosity', 'Apathy', 'Surprise']); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs handles urlIds', async function() { // Add a 'Boredom' doc to the 'Rovers' workspace. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); let resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'Boredom', urlId: 'Hohum' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, 22); // The length of a short-uuid string const docId =; // Assert that the added doc can be fetched and returns as expected using urlId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/Hohum`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, docId); // Adding a new doc with the same urlId should fail. resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'NonEnthusiasm', urlId: 'Hohum' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); // Change Boredom doc to use a different urlId // Also, use the existing urlId in the endpoint just to check that works resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/Hohum`, { urlId: 'sigh' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Hohum still resolves to Boredom for the moment resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/Hohum`, chimpy); assert.equal(, docId); // Adding a new doc with the Hohum urlId should now succeed. resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'NonEnthusiasm', urlId: 'Hohum' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); const docId2 =; // Hohum now resolves to the new doc. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/Hohum`, chimpy); assert.equal(, docId2); // Delete the new doc. Use urlId to check that works. await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/Hohum`, chimpy); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to add to an workspace that doesn't exist. const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/9999/docs`, { name: 'Mercury' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs returns 403 without access', async function() { // Attempt to add to a workspace that chimpy doesn't have any access to. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Trees'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'Bushy' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs returns 403 with view access', async function() { // Attempt to add to a workspace that chimpy has only view access to. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Fruit'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, { name: 'Oranges' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('POST /api/workspaces/{wid}/docs returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Omit the new doc name and check that the operation fails with status 400. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/docs`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('POST /api/orgs is operational', async function() { const oid = await getNextId(dbManager, 'orgs'); // Add a 'Magic' org. const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, { name: 'Magic', domain: 'magic', }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful and contains the next available org id. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, oid); // Assert that the added org can be fetched and returns as expected. let fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${}`, chimpy); const org =; assert.deepEqual(omit(org, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'), { id: oid, name: 'Magic', access: 'owners', domain: `o-${oid}`, // default product suppresses vanity domains host: null, owner: null, billingAccount: { id: oid, inGoodStanding: true, individual: false, isManager: true, paid: false, product: { id: await dbManager.testGetId('stub'), features: {}, name: 'stub', }, status: null, externalId: null, externalOptions: null, features: null, stripePlanId: null, paymentLink: null, }, }); assert.isNotNull(org.updatedAt); // Upgrade this org to a fancier plan, and check that vanity domain starts working const db = dbManager.connection.manager; const dbOrg = await db.findOne(Organization, {where: {name: 'Magic'}, relations: ['billingAccount', 'billingAccount.product']}); if (!dbOrg) { throw new Error('cannot find Magic'); } const product = await db.findOne(Product, {where: {name: 'team'}}); if (!product) { throw new Error('cannot find product'); } dbOrg.billingAccount.product = product; await; // Check that we now get the vanity domain fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(, 'magic'); }); it('POST /api/orgs returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Omit the new org name and check that the operation fails with status 400. const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, { domain: 'invalid-req' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('PATCH /api/orgs/{oid} is operational', async function() { // Rename the 'Magic' org to 'Holiday' with domain 'holiday'. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Magic'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, { name: 'Holiday', domain: 'holiday' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Assert that the org was renamed as expected. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); const org =; assert.equal(, 'Holiday'); assert.equal(org.domain, 'holiday'); // Update the org domain to 'holiday2'. const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, { domain: 'holiday2' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); // Assert that the org was updated as expected. const fetchResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(, 'Holiday'); assert.equal(, 'holiday2'); }); it('PATCH /api/orgs/{oid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to rename an org that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/9999`, { name: 'Rename' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/orgs/{oid} returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to rename an org without UPDATE access. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, { name: 'Primately2' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('PATCH /api/orgs/{oid} returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Use an unavailable property and check that the operation fails with 400. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Holiday'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, {x: 1}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); assert.match(, /unrecognized property/); }); it('DELETE /api/orgs/{oid} is operational', async function() { // Delete the 'Holiday' org. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Holiday'); const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Assert that the org is no longer in the database. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(fetchResp.status, 404); }); it('DELETE /api/orgs/{oid} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to delete an org that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/9999`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('DELETE /api/orgs/{oid} returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to delete an org without REMOVE access. const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/docs/{did} is operational', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); const doc: Document =; assert.equal(, 'Jupiter'); assert.equal(, 'Horizon'); assert.equal(, 'NASA'); assert.equal(doc.public, undefined); }); it('GET /api/docs/{did} returns 404 for nonexistent doc', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/typotypotypo`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('GET /api/docs/{did} returns 403 without access', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); // Unauthorized folks can currently check if a document uuid exists and that's ok, // arguably, because uuids don't leak anything sensitive. it('GET /api/docs/{did} returns 404 without org access for nonexistent doc', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/typotypotypo`, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('GET /api/docs/{did} returns 404 for doc accessed from wrong org', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/pr/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('GET /api/docs/{did} works for doc accessed from correct org', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} is operational', async function() { // Rename the 'Surprise' doc to 'Surprise2'. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Surprise'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { name: 'Surprise2' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Assert that the doc was renamed as expected. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); const workspace =; assert.deepEqual(, 'Rovers'); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Curiosity', 'Apathy', 'Surprise2', 'Boredom']); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} works for urlIds', async function() { // Check that 'curio' is not yet a valid id for anything let resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/curio`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); // Make 'curio' a urlId for document named 'Curiosity' const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Curiosity'); resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { urlId: 'curio' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Check we can now access same doc via urlId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/curio`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'curio'); // Check that we still have access via docId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'curio'); // Add another urlId for the same doc resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { urlId: 'hmm' }, chimpy); // Check we can now access same doc via this new urlId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/hmm`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'hmm'); // Check that urlIds accumulate, and previous urlId still works. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/curio`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'hmm'); // Check that we still have access via docId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'hmm'); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} handles urlIds for different orgs independently', async function() { // set a urlId with the same name on two docs in different orgs const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Curiosity'); // part of NASA org const did2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Herring'); // part of Fish org let resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { urlId: 'example' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did2}`, { urlId: 'example' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Check that we get the right doc in the right org. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/nasa/api/docs/example`, chimpy); assert.equal(, did); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/o/fish/api/docs/example`, chimpy); assert.equal(, did2); // For a url that isn't associated with an org, the result is ambiguous for this user. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/example`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); // For user Kiwi, who has no NASA access, the result is not ambiguous. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/example`, kiwi); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} can reuse urlIds within an org', async function() { // Make 'puzzler' a urlId for document named 'Curiosity' const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Curiosity'); let resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, {urlId: 'puzzler'}, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Check we can now access same doc via urlId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/puzzler`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, 'puzzler'); // Try to make 'puzzler' a urlId for document within same org. const did2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Apathy'); resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did2}`, {urlId: 'puzzler'}, chimpy); // Not allowed, since there's a live doc in the org using this urlId. assert.equal(resp.status, 400); // Remove the urlId from first doc resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, {urlId: null}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // The urlId should still forward (until we reuse it later). resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/puzzler`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); // Try to make 'puzzler' a urlId for second document again, it should work this time. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did2}`, {urlId: 'puzzler'}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Check we can now access new doc via urlId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/puzzler`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did2); assert.equal(, 'puzzler'); // Check that the first doc is accessible via its docId. resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, did); assert.equal(, null); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} forbids funky urlIds', async function() { const badUrlIds = new Set(['sp/ace', 'sp ace', 'space!', 'spa.ce', '']); const goodUrlIds = new Set(['sp-ace', 'spAace', 'SPac3', 's']); const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Curiosity'); let resp; for (const urlId of [...badUrlIds, ...goodUrlIds]) { resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, {urlId}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, goodUrlIds.has(urlId) ? 200 : 400); } for (const urlId of [...badUrlIds, ...goodUrlIds]) { resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${urlId}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, goodUrlIds.has(urlId) ? 200 : 404); } // It is permissible to reset urlId to null resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, {urlId: null}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/sp-ace`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, null); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} supports options', async function() { // Set some options on the 'Surprise2' doc. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Surprise2'); let resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { description: 'boo', openMode: 'fork' } }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // Check they show up in a workspace request. const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); const workspace: Workspace =; const doc = => === 'Surprise2'); assert.deepEqual(doc?.options, {description: 'boo', openMode: 'fork'}); // Check setting one option preserves others. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { description: 'boo!' } }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, {description: 'boo!', openMode: 'fork'}); // Check setting to null removes an option. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { openMode: null } }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, {description: 'boo!'}); // Check setting options object to null wipes it completely. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: null }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, undefined); // Check setting icon works. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { icon: '' } }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, {icon: ''}); // Check random urls are not supported. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { icon: '' } }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, {icon: ''}); // Check removing icon works. resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { options: { icon: null }, }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual(, undefined); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to rename a doc that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/9999`, { name: 'Rename' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} returns 403 with view access', async function() { // Attempt to rename a doc without UPDATE access. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Bananas'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, { name: 'Bananas2' }, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did} returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Use an unavailable property and check that the operation fails with 400. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Surprise2'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, {x: 1}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('DELETE /api/docs/{did} is operational', async function() { const oid = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const wid = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Surprise2'); // Assert that the number of users in the org has not been updated. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); // Add Kiwi to the 'Surprise2' doc. const delta = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'viewers'} }; const accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp.status, 200); // Assert that Kiwi is a guest of the ws. const wsResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(wsResp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { maxInheritedRole: "owners", users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: 'guests', parentAccess: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: "guests", parentAccess: null, isMember: false, }, { // Note that Charon is listed despite lacking access since Charon is a guest of the org. id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: null, parentAccess: null, isMember: false, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); // Assert that Kiwi is a guest of the org. const orgResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }] }); const beforeDelCount = await getRowCounts(); // Delete the 'Surprise2' doc. const deleteResp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(deleteResp.status, 200); // Assert that the doc is no longer in the database. const fetchResp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}`, chimpy); const workspace =; assert.deepEqual(, 'Rovers'); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Curiosity', 'Apathy', 'Boredom']); // Assert that Kiwi is no longer a guest of the ws. const wsResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(wsResp2.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { maxInheritedRole: "owners", users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: 'guests', parentAccess: "owners", isMember: true, }, { // Note that Charon is listed despite lacking access since Charon is a guest of the org. id: 3, email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, name: "Charon", picture: null, access: null, parentAccess: null, isMember: false, }] }); // Assert that Kiwi is no longer a guest of the org. const orgResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(orgResp2.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: "guests", isMember: false, }] }); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[oid as number], undefined); const afterDelCount = await getRowCounts(); // Assert that the doc was removed. assert.equal(, - 1); // Assert that Chimpy doc owner item, Kiwi's doc viewer item, workspace guest and org guest items were removed. assert.equal(afterDelCount.groupUsers, beforeDelCount.groupUsers - 4); }); it('DELETE /api/docs/{did} returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to delete a doc that doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/9999`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('DELETE /api/docs/{did} returns 403 with view access', async function() { // Attempt to delete a doc without REMOVE access. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Bananas'); const resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/zig is a 404', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/zig`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); assert.deepEqual(, {error: "not found: /api/zig"}); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did}/move is operational within the same org', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const wsId1 = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon'); const wsId2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Rovers'); const orgId = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); // Check that move returns 200 const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace: wsId2}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); // Check that the doc is removed from the source workspace const verifyResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId1}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Pluto', 'Beyond']); // Check that the doc is added to the dest workspace const verifyResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId2}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Curiosity', 'Apathy', 'Boredom']); // Try a complex case - give a user special access to the doc then move it back // Make Kiwi a doc editor for Jupiter const delta1 = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'editors'} }; const accessResp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/access`, {delta: delta1}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp1.status, 200); // Check that Kiwi is a guest of the workspace/org const kiwiResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId2}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp1.status, 200); const kiwiResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${orgId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp2.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[orgId as number], undefined); // Move the doc back to Horizon const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace: wsId1}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[orgId as number], undefined); // Check that the doc is removed from the source workspace const verifyResp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId2}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Curiosity', 'Apathy', 'Boredom']); // Check that the doc is added to the dest workspace const verifyResp4 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId1}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Pluto', 'Beyond']); // Check that Kiwi is NO LONGER a guest of the source workspace const kiwiResp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId2}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp3.status, 403); // Check that Kiwi is a guest of the destination workspace const kiwiResp5 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${wsId1}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp5.status, 200); // Finish by revoking Kiwi's access const delta2 = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: null} }; const accessResp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/access`, {delta: delta2}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp2.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[orgId as number], undefined); // Test adding a doc and moving it to a workspace with less access const fishOrg = await dbManager.testGetId('Fish'); const bigWs = await dbManager.testGetId('Big'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${bigWs}/docs`, { name: 'Magic' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful and contains the doc id. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); const magicDocId =; // Remove chimpy's direct owner permission on this document. Chimpy is added directly as an owner. // We need to do it as a different user. assert.equal((await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta: { users: {[charonEmail]: 'owners'} }}, chimpy)).status, 200); assert.equal((await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta: { users: {[chimpyEmail]: null} }}, charon)).status, 200); // Create a workspace and limit Chimpy's access to that workspace. const addMediumWsResp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${fishOrg}/workspaces`, { name: 'Medium' }, chimpy); assert.equal(addMediumWsResp.status, 200); const mediumWs =; // Limit all access to it expect for Kiwi. const delta3 = { maxInheritedRole: null, users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'owners'} }; const accessResp3 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${mediumWs}/access`, {delta: delta3}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp3.status, 200); // Chimpy's access must be removed by Kiwi, since Chimpy would have been granted access // by being unable to limit his own access. const delta4 = { users: {[chimpyEmail]: 'editors'} }; const accessResp4 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${mediumWs}/access`, {delta: delta4}, kiwi); assert.equal(accessResp4.status, 200); // Move the doc to the new 'Medium' workspace. const moveMagicResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/move`, {workspace: mediumWs}, chimpy); assert.equal(moveMagicResp.status, 200); // Check that doc access on magic can no longer be edited by chimpy const delta = { users: { [kiwiEmail]: 'editors' } }; const accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp.status, 403); // Finish by removing the added workspace const removeResp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${mediumWs}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful. assert.equal(removeResp.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did}/move is operational between orgs', async function() { const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const srcWsId = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon'); const srcOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const dstWsId = await dbManager.testGetId('Private'); const dstOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'); // Check that move returns 200 const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace: dstWsId}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); // Check that the doc is removed from the source workspace const verifyResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${srcWsId}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Pluto', 'Beyond']); // Check that the doc is added to the dest workspace const verifyResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${dstWsId}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Timesheets', 'Appointments']); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the org is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[srcOrgId as number], undefined); assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[dstOrgId as number], undefined); // Try a complex case - give a user special access to the doc then move it back // Make Kiwi a doc editor for Jupiter const delta1 = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: 'editors'} }; const accessResp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/access`, {delta: delta1}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp1.status, 200); // Check that Kiwi is a guest of the workspace/org const kiwiResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${dstWsId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp1.status, 200); const kiwiResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${dstOrgId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp2.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in 'Chimpyland' is unchanged. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[srcOrgId as number], undefined); assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[dstOrgId as number], undefined); // Move the doc back to Horizon const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace: srcWsId}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); // Check that the doc is removed from the source workspace const verifyResp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${dstWsId}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Timesheets', 'Appointments']); // Check that the doc is added to the dest workspace const verifyResp4 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${srcWsId}`, chimpy); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['Jupiter', 'Pluto', 'Beyond']); // Check that Kiwi is NO LONGER a guest of the workspace/org const kiwiResp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${dstWsId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp3.status, 403); const kiwiResp4 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${dstOrgId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp4.status, 403); // Check that Kiwi is a guest of the new workspace/org const kiwiResp5 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${srcWsId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp5.status, 200); const kiwiResp6 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${srcOrgId}`, kiwi); assert.equal(kiwiResp6.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the orgs have not changed. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[srcOrgId as number], undefined); assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[dstOrgId as number], undefined); // Finish by revoking Kiwi's access const delta2 = { users: {[kiwiEmail]: null} }; const accessResp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/access`, {delta: delta2}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp2.status, 200); // Assert that the number of non-guest users in the orgs have not changed. assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[srcOrgId as number], undefined); assert.deepEqual(userCountUpdates[dstOrgId as number], undefined); // Add a doc and move it to a workspace with less access const publicWs = await dbManager.testGetId('Public'); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${publicWs}/docs`, { name: 'Magic' }, chimpy); // Assert that the response is successful and contains the doc id. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); const magicDocId =; // Remove chimpy's direct owner permission on this document. Chimpy is added directly as an owner. // We need to do it as a different user. assert.equal((await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta: { users: {[charonEmail]: 'owners'} }}, chimpy)).status, 200); assert.equal((await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta: { users: {[chimpyEmail]: null} }}, charon)).status, 200); // Move the doc to Vacuum const vacuum = await dbManager.testGetId('Vacuum'); const moveMagicResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/move`, {workspace: vacuum}, chimpy); assert.equal(moveMagicResp.status, 200); // Check that doc access on magic can no longer be edited by chimpy const delta = { users: { [kiwiEmail]: 'editors' } }; const accessResp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}/access`, {delta}, chimpy); assert.equal(accessResp.status, 403); // Finish by removing the added doc let removeResp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}`, chimpy); // Assert that the response is a failure - we are only editors. assert.equal(removeResp.status, 403); const store = server.getWorkStore().getPermitStore('internal'); const goodDocPermit = await store.setPermit({docId: magicDocId}); removeResp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${magicDocId}`, configWithPermit(chimpy, goodDocPermit)); assert.equal(removeResp.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did}/move returns 404 appropriately', async function() { const workspace = await dbManager.testGetId('Private'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/9999/move`, {workspace}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did}/move returns 403 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt moving a doc that the caller does not own, assert that it fails. const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Bananas'); const workspace = await dbManager.testGetId('Private'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); // Attempt moving a doc that the caller owns to a workspace to which they do not // have ADD access. Assert that it fails. const did2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Timesheets'); const workspace2 = await dbManager.testGetId('Fruit'); const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did2}/move`, {workspace: workspace2}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 403); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/{did}/move returns 400 appropriately', async function() { // Assert that attempting to move a doc to the workspace it starts in // returns 400 const did = await dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter'); const srcWsId = await dbManager.testGetId('Horizon'); const resp = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${did}/move`, {workspace: srcWsId}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/pin is operational', async function() { const nasaOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); const chimpylandOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'); const plutoDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Pluto'); const timesheetsDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Timesheets'); const appointmentsDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Appointments'); // Pin 3 docs in 2 different orgs. const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${plutoDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${timesheetsDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); const resp3 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${appointmentsDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp3.status, 200); // Assert that the docs are set as pinned when retrieved. const fetchResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${nasaOrgId}/workspaces`, charon); assert.equal(fetchResp1.status, 200); assert.deepEqual([0] any) => omit(doc, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt')), [{ id: await dbManager.testGetId('Pluto'), name: 'Pluto', access: 'viewers', isPinned: true, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }]); const fetchResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${chimpylandOrgId}/workspaces`, charon); assert.equal(fetchResp2.status, 200); const privateWs = any) => === 'Private'); assert.deepEqual( any) => omit(doc, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt')), [{ id: timesheetsDocId, name: 'Timesheets', access: 'viewers', isPinned: true, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }, { id: appointmentsDocId, name: 'Appointments', access: 'viewers', isPinned: true, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }]); // Pin a doc that is already pinned and assert that it returns 200. const resp4 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${appointmentsDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp4.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/pin returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to pin a doc that doesn't exist. const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/9999/pin`, {}, charon); assert.equal(resp1.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/pin returns 403 appropriately', async function() { const antarticDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Antartic'); const sharkDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Shark'); // Attempt to pin a doc with only view access (should fail). const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${antarticDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 403); // Attempt to pin a doc with org edit access but no doc access (should succeed). const delta1 = { maxInheritedRole: 'viewers' }; const setupResp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/access`, {delta: delta1}, chimpy); assert.equal(setupResp1.status, 200); // Check that access to shark is as expected. const setupResp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(setupResp2.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { maxInheritedRole: 'viewers', users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: "owners", // Chimpy's access is explicit since he is the owner who set access. parentAccess: "owners", isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: null, parentAccess: "editors", isMember: true, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: null, parentAccess: "viewers", isMember: true, }] }); // Perform the pin. const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/pin`, {}, kiwi); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); // And unpin and restore access to keep the state consistent. const setupResp3 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/unpin`, {}, kiwi); assert.equal(setupResp3.status, 200); // Attempt to pin a doc with viewer org access but edit doc access (should fail). const delta2 = { maxInheritedRole: 'owners', users: { [charonEmail]: 'editors' } }; const setupResp4 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/access`, {delta: delta2}, chimpy); assert.equal(setupResp4.status, 200); // Check that access to shark is as expected. const setupResp5 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/access`, chimpy); assert.equal(setupResp5.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { maxInheritedRole: 'owners', users: [{ id: 1, name: 'Chimpy', email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, picture: null, access: 'owners', parentAccess: 'owners', isMember: true, }, { id: 2, name: 'Kiwi', email: kiwiEmail, ref: kiwiRef, picture: null, access: null, parentAccess: 'editors', isMember: true, }, { id: 3, name: 'Charon', email: charonEmail, ref: charonRef, picture: null, access: 'editors', parentAccess: 'viewers', isMember: true, }] }); // Attempt the pin. const resp3 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/pin`, {}, charon); assert.equal(resp3.status, 403); // Restore access to keep the state consistent. const delta4 = { users: { [charonEmail]: null } }; const setupResp6 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${sharkDocId}/access`, {delta: delta4}, chimpy); assert.equal(setupResp6.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/unpin is operational', async function() { const chimpylandOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('Chimpyland'); const plutoDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Pluto'); const timesheetsDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Timesheets'); const appointmentsDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Appointments'); // Unpin 3 previously pinned docs. const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${plutoDocId}/unpin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 200); const resp2 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${timesheetsDocId}/unpin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); const resp3 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${appointmentsDocId}/unpin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp3.status, 200); // Fetch pinned docs to ensure the docs are no longer pinned. const fetchResp1 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${chimpylandOrgId}/workspaces`, charon); assert.equal(fetchResp1.status, 200); const privateWs = any) => === 'Private'); assert.deepEqual( any) => omit(doc, 'createdAt', 'updatedAt')), [{ id: timesheetsDocId, name: 'Timesheets', access: 'viewers', isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }, { id: appointmentsDocId, name: 'Appointments', access: 'viewers', isPinned: false, urlId: null, trunkId: null, type: null, forks: [], }]); // Unpin doc that is already not pinned and assert that it returns 200. const resp4 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${plutoDocId}/unpin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp4.status, 200); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/unpin returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // Attempt to unpin a doc that doesn't exist. const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/9999/unpin`, {}, charon); assert.equal(resp1.status, 404); }); it('PATCH /api/docs/:did/unpin returns 403 appropriately', async function() { const antarticDocId = await dbManager.testGetId('Antartic'); // Attempt to pin a doc with only view access (should fail). const resp1 = await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${antarticDocId}/pin`, {}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp1.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/profile/user returns user info', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user`, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, { id: 1, email: chimpyEmail, ref: chimpyRef, name: "Chimpy", picture: null, allowGoogleLogin: true, }); }); it('GET /api/profile/user can return anonymous user', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(, ""); assert.equal(, true); }); it('POST /api/profile/user/name updates user\' name', async function() { let resp: AxiosResponse; async function getName(config: AxiosRequestConfig = chimpy) { return (await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user`, config)); } // name should 'Chimpy' initially assert.equal(await getName(), 'Chimpy'); // let's change it resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user/name`, {name: 'babaganoush'}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // check assert.equal(await getName(), "babaganoush"); // revert to 'Chimpy' resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user/name`, {name: 'Chimpy'}, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(await getName(), "Chimpy"); // requests treated as bad unless it has name provided resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user/name`, null, chimpy); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); assert.match(, /name expected/i); // anonymous user not allowed to set name resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user/name`, {name: 'Testy'}, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 401); assert.match(, /not authorized/i); assert.equal(await getName(nobody), "Anonymous"); }); it('POST /api/profile/allowGoogleLogin updates Google login preference', async function() { let loginCookie: AxiosRequestConfig = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', { email: '', name: 'Chimpy', loginMethod: 'Email + Password', }); async function isGoogleLoginAllowed() { return (await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/profile/user`, loginCookie)).data.allowGoogleLogin; } // Should be set to true by default. assert(await isGoogleLoginAllowed()); // Setting it via an email/password session should work. let resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/allowGoogleLogin`, {allowGoogleLogin: false}, loginCookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.equal(await isGoogleLoginAllowed(), false); // Setting it without the body param should fail. resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/allowGoogleLogin`, null, loginCookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); assert.equal(, 'Missing body param: allowGoogleLogin'); // Setting it via API or a Google login session should fail. loginCookie = chimpy; resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/allowGoogleLogin`, {allowGoogleLogin: false}, loginCookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 401); assert.equal(, 'Only users signed in via email can enable/disable Google login'); assert.equal(await isGoogleLoginAllowed(), false); loginCookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', { email: '', name: 'Chimpy', loginMethod: 'Google', }); resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/allowGoogleLogin`, {allowGoogleLogin: false}, loginCookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 401); assert.equal(, 'Only users signed in via email can enable/disable Google login'); assert.equal(await isGoogleLoginAllowed(), false); // Setting it as an anonymous user should fail. resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/profile/allowGoogleLogin`, {allowGoogleLogin: false}, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 401); assert.match(, /not authorized/i); }); it('DELETE /api/user/:uid can delete a user', async function() { const countsBefore = await getRowCounts(); // create a new user const profile = {email: '', name: 'Meep'}; const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin('', {profile}); assert(user); const userId = user!.id; // set up an api key await dbManager.connection.query("update users set api_key = 'api_key_for_meep' where id = $1", [userId]); // make sure we have at least one extra user, a login, an org, a group_user entry, // a billing account, a billing account manager. const countsWithMeep = await getRowCounts(); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.users, countsBefore.users); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.logins, countsBefore.logins); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.orgs, countsBefore.orgs); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.groupUsers, countsBefore.groupUsers); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.billingAccounts, countsBefore.billingAccounts); assert.isAbove(countsWithMeep.billingAccountManagers, countsBefore.billingAccountManagers); // requests treated as bad unless it has name provided let resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/users/${userId}`, configForUser("meep")); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); assert.match(, /provide their name/); // others cannot delete this user resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/users/${userId}`, {data: {name: "Meep"}, ...configForUser("chimpy")}); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.match(, /not permitted/); // user cannot delete themselves if they get their name wrong resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/users/${userId}`, {data: {name: "Moop"}, ...configForUser("meep")}); assert.equal(resp.status, 400); assert.match(, /user name did not match/); // user can delete themselves if they get the name right resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/users/${userId}`, {data: {name: "Meep"}, ...configForUser("meep")}); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // create a user with a blank name const userBlank = await dbManager.getUserByLogin('', {profile: {email: '', name: ''}}); assert(userBlank); await dbManager.connection.query("update users set api_key = 'api_key_for_blank' where id = $1", [userBlank!.id]); // check that user can delete themselves resp = await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/users/${userBlank!.id}`, {data: {name: ""}, ...configForUser("blank")}); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); const countsAfter = await getRowCounts(); assert.deepEqual(countsAfter, countsBefore); }); describe('GET /api/orgs/{oid}/usage', function() { let freeTeamOrgId: number; let freeTeamWorkspaceId: number; async function assertOrgUsage( orgId: string | number, user: AxiosRequestConfig, expected: OrgUsageSummary | 'denied' ) { const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${orgId}/usage`, user); if (expected === 'denied') { assert.equal(resp.status, 403); assert.deepEqual(, {error: 'access denied'}); } else { assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.deepEqual(, expected); } } before(async () => { // Set up a free team site for testing usage. Avoid using billing endpoints, // which may not be available in all test environments. await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, { name: 'best-friends-squad', domain: 'best-friends-squad', }, chimpy); freeTeamOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('best-friends-squad') as number; const prevAccount = await dbManager.getBillingAccount( {userId: dbManager.getPreviewerUserId()}, 'best-friends-squad', false); await dbManager.connection.query( 'update billing_accounts set product_id = (select id from products where name = $1) where id = $2', [TEAM_FREE_PLAN,] ); const resp = await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${freeTeamOrgId}/workspaces`, { name: 'TestUsage' }, chimpy); freeTeamWorkspaceId =; }); after(async () => { // Remove the free team site. await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${freeTeamOrgId}`, chimpy); }); it('is operational', async function() { await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, chimpy, createEmptyOrgUsageSummary()); const nasaOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); await assertOrgUsage(nasaOrgId, chimpy, createEmptyOrgUsageSummary()); }); it('requires owners access', async function() { await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, kiwi, 'denied'); const kiwilandOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('Kiwiland'); await assertOrgUsage(kiwilandOrgId, kiwi, createEmptyOrgUsageSummary()); }); it('fails if user is anon', async function() { await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, nobody, 'denied'); const primatelyOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('Primately'); await assertOrgUsage(primatelyOrgId, nobody, 'denied'); }); it('reports count of docs approaching/exceeding limits', async function() { // Add a handful of documents to the TestUsage workspace. const promises = []; for (const name of ['GoodStanding', 'ApproachingLimits', 'GracePeriod', 'DeleteOnly']) { promises.push(`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${freeTeamWorkspaceId}/docs`, {name}, chimpy)); } const docIds: string[] = (await Promise.all(promises)).map(resp =>; // Prepare one of each usage type. const goodStanding = {rowCount: {total: 100}, dataSizeBytes: 1024, attachmentsSizeBytes: 4096}; const approachingLimits = {rowCount: {total: 4501}, dataSizeBytes: 4501 * 2 * 1024, attachmentsSizeBytes: 4096}; const gracePeriod = {rowCount: {total: 5001}, dataSizeBytes: 5001 * 2 * 1024, attachmentsSizeBytes: 4096}; const deleteOnly = gracePeriod; // Set usage for each document. (This is normally done by ActiveDoc, but we // facilitate here to keep the tests simple.) const docUsage = [goodStanding, approachingLimits, gracePeriod, deleteOnly]; const idsAndUsage =, i) => [id, docUsage[i]] as const); for (const [id, usage] of idsAndUsage) { await server.dbManager.setDocsMetadata({[id]: {usage}}); } await server.dbManager.setDocGracePeriodStart(docIds[docIds.length - 1], new Date(2000, 1, 1)); await server.dbManager.setDocGracePeriodStart(docIds[docIds.length - 2], new Date()); // Check that what's reported by /usage is accurate. await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, chimpy, { approachingLimit: 1, gracePeriod: 1, deleteOnly: 1, }); }); it('only counts documents from org in path', async function() { // Check NASA's usage once more, and make sure everything is still 0. This test is mostly // a sanity check that results are in fact scoped by org. const nasaOrgId = await dbManager.testGetId('NASA'); await assertOrgUsage(nasaOrgId, chimpy, createEmptyOrgUsageSummary()); }); it('excludes soft-deleted documents from count', async function() { // Add another document that's exceeding limits. const docId: string = (await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${freeTeamWorkspaceId}/docs`, { name: 'SoftDeleted' }, chimpy)).data; await server.dbManager.setDocsMetadata({[docId]: {usage: { rowCount: {total: 9999}, dataSizeBytes: 999999999, attachmentsSizeBytes: 999999999, }}}); await server.dbManager.setDocGracePeriodStart(docId, new Date()); // Check that /usage includes that document in the count. await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, chimpy, { approachingLimit: 1, gracePeriod: 2, deleteOnly: 1, }); // Now soft-delete the newly added document; make sure /usage no longer counts it. await`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${docId}/remove`, {}, chimpy); await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, chimpy, { approachingLimit: 1, gracePeriod: 1, deleteOnly: 1, }); }); it('excludes soft-deleted workspaces from count', async function() { // Remove the workspace containing all docs. await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${freeTeamWorkspaceId}/remove`, {}, chimpy); // Check that /usage now reports a count of zero for all status types. await assertOrgUsage(freeTeamOrgId, chimpy, createEmptyOrgUsageSummary()); }); }); // Template test moved to the end, since it deletes an org and makes // predicting ids a little trickier. it('GET /api/templates is operational', async function() { let oid; try { // Add a 'Grist Templates' org. await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs`, { name: 'Grist Templates', domain: 'templates', }, support); oid = await dbManager.testGetId('Grist Templates'); // Add some workspaces and templates (documents) to Grist Templates. const crmWsId = (await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, {name: 'CRM'}, support)).data; const invoiceWsId = (await`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}/workspaces`, {name: 'Invoice'}, support)).data; const crmDocId = (await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${crmWsId}/docs`, {name: 'Lightweight CRM', isPinned: true}, support)).data; const reportDocId = (await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${invoiceWsId}/docs`, {name: 'Expense Report'}, support)).data; const timesheetDocId = (await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${invoiceWsId}/docs`, {name: 'Timesheet'}, support)).data; // Make anon@/everyone@ a viewer of the public docs on Grist Templates. for (const id of [crmDocId, reportDocId, timesheetDocId]) { await axios.patch(`${homeUrl}/api/docs/${id}/access`, { delta: {users: {'': 'viewers', '': 'viewers'}} }, support); } // Make a request to retrieve all templates as an anonymous user. const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/templates`, nobody); // Assert that the response contains the right workspaces and template documents. assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['CRM', 'Invoice']); assert.deepEqual([0] any) =>, ['Lightweight CRM']); assert.deepEqual([1] any) =>, ['Expense Report', 'Timesheet']); // Make a request to retrieve only the featured (pinned) templates. const resp2 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/templates/?onlyFeatured=1`, nobody); // Assert that the response includes only pinned documents. assert.equal(resp2.status, 200); assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual( any) =>, ['CRM', 'Invoice']); assert.deepEqual([0] any) =>, ['Lightweight CRM']); assert.deepEqual([1].docs, []); // Add a new document to the CRM workspace, but don't share it with everyone. await`${homeUrl}/api/workspaces/${crmWsId}/docs`, {name: 'Draft CRM Template', isPinned: true}, support); // Make another request to retrieve all templates as an anonymous user. const resp3 = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/templates`, nobody); // Assert that the response does not include the new document. assert.lengthOf(, 2); assert.deepEqual([0] any) =>, ['Lightweight CRM']); } finally { // Remove the 'Grist Templates' org. if (oid) { await axios.delete(`${homeUrl}/api/orgs/${oid}`, support); } } }); it('GET /api/templates returns 404 appropriately', async function() { // The 'Grist Templates' org currently doesn't exist. const resp = await axios.get(`${homeUrl}/api/templates`, nobody); // Assert that the response status is 404 because the templates org doesn't exist. assert.equal(resp.status, 404); }); }); // Predict the next id that will be used for a table. // Only reliable if we haven't been deleting records in that table. // Could make reliable by using sqlite_sequence in sqlite and the equivalent // in postgres. async function getNextId(dbManager: HomeDBManager, table: 'orgs'|'workspaces') { // Check current top org id. const row = await dbManager.connection.query(`select max(id) as id from ${table}`); const id = row[0]['id']; return id + 1; }