/** * Creates a UI for column filter menu given a columnFilter model, a mapping of cell values to counts, and an onClose * callback that's triggered on Apply or on Cancel. Changes to the UI result in changes to the underlying model, * but on Cancel the model is reset to its initial state prior to menu closing. */ import {allInclusive, ColumnFilter} from 'app/client/models/ColumnFilter'; import {ColumnFilterMenuModel, IFilterCount} from 'app/client/models/ColumnFilterMenuModel'; import {ColumnRec, ViewFieldRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {FilterInfo} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewSectionRec'; import {RowId, RowSource} from 'app/client/models/rowset'; import {ColumnFilterFunc, SectionFilter} from 'app/client/models/SectionFilter'; import {TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData'; import {basicButton, primaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {cssLabel as cssCheckboxLabel, cssCheckboxSquare, cssLabelText, Indeterminate, labeledTriStateSquareCheckbox } from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox'; import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menuCssClass, menuDivider} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {isEquivalentFilter} from "app/common/FilterState"; import {Computed, dom, DomElementArg, DomElementMethod, IDisposableOwner, input, makeTestId, styled} from 'grainjs'; import concat = require('lodash/concat'); import identity = require('lodash/identity'); import noop = require('lodash/noop'); import partition = require('lodash/partition'); import some = require('lodash/some'); import tail = require('lodash/tail'); import {IOpenController, IPopupOptions, setPopupToCreateDom} from 'popweasel'; import {decodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes'; import {isList, isRefListType} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {choiceToken} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceToken'; import {ChoiceOptions} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceTextBox'; import {cssInvalidToken} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceListCell'; interface IFilterMenuOptions { model: ColumnFilterMenuModel; valueCounts: Map; doSave: (reset: boolean) => void; onClose: () => void; renderValue: (key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) => DomElementArg; } const testId = makeTestId('test-filter-menu-'); export function columnFilterMenu(owner: IDisposableOwner, opts: IFilterMenuOptions): HTMLElement { const { model, doSave, onClose, renderValue } = opts; const { columnFilter } = model; // Save the initial state to allow reverting back to it on Cancel const initialStateJson = columnFilter.makeFilterJson(); // Map to keep track of displayed checkboxes const checkboxMap: Map = new Map(); // Listen for changes to filterFunc, and update checkboxes accordingly const filterListener = columnFilter.filterFunc.addListener(func => { for (const [value, elem] of checkboxMap) { elem.checked = func(value); } }); const {searchValue: searchValueObs, filteredValues, filteredKeys, isSortedByCount} = model; const isAboveLimitObs = Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(model.valuesBeyondLimit).length > 0); const isSearchingObs = Computed.create(owner, (use) => Boolean(use(searchValueObs))); let searchInput: HTMLInputElement; let reset = false; // Gives focus to the searchInput on open setTimeout(() => searchInput.focus(), 0); const filterMenu: HTMLElement = cssMenu( { tabindex: '-1' }, // Allow menu to be focused testId('wrapper'), dom.cls(menuCssClass), dom.autoDispose(filterListener), dom.onDispose(() => doSave(reset)), // Save on disposal, which should always happen as part of closing. dom.onKeyDown({ Enter: () => onClose(), Escape: () => onClose() }), cssMenuHeader( cssSearchIcon('Search'), searchInput = cssSearch( searchValueObs, { onInput: true }, testId('search-input'), { type: 'search', placeholder: 'Search values' }, dom.onKeyDown({ Enter: () => { if (searchValueObs.get()) { columnFilter.setState({included: filteredKeys.get()}); } }, Escape$: (ev) => { if (searchValueObs.get()) { searchValueObs.set(''); searchInput.focus(); ev.stopPropagation(); } } }) ), dom.maybe(searchValueObs, () => cssSearchIcon( 'CrossSmall', testId('search-close'), dom.on('click', () => { searchValueObs.set(''); searchInput.focus(); }), )), ), cssMenuDivider(), cssMenuItem( dom.domComputed((use) => { const searchValue = use(searchValueObs); // This is necessary to avoid a known bug in grainjs where filteredKeys does not get // recalculated. use(filteredKeys); const allSpec = searchValue ? {included: use(filteredKeys)} : {excluded: []}; const noneSpec = searchValue ? {excluded: use(filteredKeys)} : {included: []}; const state = use(columnFilter.state); return [ cssSelectAll( dom.text(searchValue ? 'All Shown' : 'All'), cssSelectAll.cls('-disabled', isEquivalentFilter(state, allSpec)), dom.on('click', () => columnFilter.setState(allSpec)), testId('bulk-action'), ), cssDotSeparator('•'), cssSelectAll( searchValue ? 'All Except' : 'None', cssSelectAll.cls('-disabled', isEquivalentFilter(state, noneSpec)), dom.on('click', () => columnFilter.setState(noneSpec)), testId('bulk-action'), ) ]; }), cssSortIcon( 'Sort', cssSortIcon.cls('-active', isSortedByCount), dom.on('click', () => isSortedByCount.set(!isSortedByCount.get())), ) ), cssItemList( testId('list'), dom.maybe(use => use(filteredValues).length === 0, () => cssNoResults('No matching values')), dom.domComputed(filteredValues, (values) => values.slice(0, model.limitShown).map(([key, value]) => ( cssMenuItem( cssLabel( cssCheckboxSquare( {type: 'checkbox'}, dom.on('change', (_ev, elem) => elem.checked ? columnFilter.add(key) : columnFilter.delete(key)), (elem) => { elem.checked = columnFilter.includes(key); checkboxMap.set(key, elem); }, dom.style('position', 'relative'), ), renderValue(key, value), ), cssItemCount(value.count.toLocaleString(), testId('count'))) ))) // Include comma separator ), cssMenuDivider(), cssMenuFooter( dom.domComputed((use) => { const isAboveLimit = use(isAboveLimitObs); const searchValue = use(isSearchingObs); const otherValues = use(model.otherValues); const anyOtherValues = Boolean(otherValues.length); const valuesBeyondLimit = use(model.valuesBeyondLimit); if (isAboveLimit) { return searchValue ? [ buildSummary('Other Matching', valuesBeyondLimit, false, model), buildSummary('Other Non-Matching', otherValues, true, model), ] : [ buildSummary('Other Values', concat(otherValues, valuesBeyondLimit), false, model), buildSummary('Future Values', [], true, model), ]; } else { return anyOtherValues ? [ buildSummary('Others', otherValues, true, model) ] : [ buildSummary('Future Values', [], true, model) ]; } }), cssMenuItem( cssApplyButton('Apply', testId('apply-btn'), dom.on('click', () => { reset = true; onClose(); })), basicButton('Cancel', testId('cancel-btn'), dom.on('click', () => { columnFilter.setState(initialStateJson); onClose(); } )) ) ) ); return filterMenu; } /** * Builds a tri-state checkbox that summaries the state of all the `values`. The special value * `Future Values` which turns the filter into an inclusion filter or exclusion filter, can be * added to the summary using `switchFilterType`. Uses `label` as label and also expects * `model` as the column filter menu model. * * The checkbox appears checked if all values of the summary are included, unchecked if none, and in * the indeterminate state if values are in mixed state. * * On user clicks, if checkbox is checked, it does uncheck all the values, and if the * `switchFilterType` is true it also converts the filter into an inclusion filter. But if the * checkbox is unchecked, or in the Indeterminate state, it does check all the values, and if the * `switchFilterType` is true it also converts the filter into an exlusion filter. */ function buildSummary(label: string|Computed, values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>, switchFilterType: boolean, model: ColumnFilterMenuModel) { const columnFilter = model.columnFilter; const checkboxState = Computed.create( null, columnFilter.isInclusionFilter, columnFilter.filterFunc, (_use, isInclusionFilter) => { // let's gather all sub options. const subOptions = values.map((val) => ({getState: () => columnFilter.includes(val[0])})); if (switchFilterType) { subOptions.push({getState: () => !isInclusionFilter}); } // At this point if sub options is still empty let's just return false (unchecked). if (!subOptions.length) { return false; } // let's compare the state for first sub options against all the others. If there is one // different, then state should be `Indeterminate`, otherwise, the state will the the same as // the one of the first sub option. const first = subOptions[0].getState(); if (some(tail(subOptions), (val) => val.getState() !== first)) { return Indeterminate; } return first; }).onWrite((val) => { if (switchFilterType) { // Note that if `includeFutureValues` is true, we only needs to toggle the filter type // between exclusive and inclusive. Doing this will automatically excludes/includes all // other values, so no need for extra steps. const state = val ? {excluded: model.filteredKeys.get().filter((key) => !columnFilter.includes(key))} : {included: model.filteredKeys.get().filter((key) => columnFilter.includes(key))}; columnFilter.setState(state); } else { const keys = values.map(([key]) => key); if (val) { columnFilter.addMany(keys); } else { columnFilter.deleteMany(keys); } } }); return cssMenuItem( dom.autoDispose(checkboxState), testId('summary'), labeledTriStateSquareCheckbox( checkboxState, `${label} ${formatUniqueCount(values)}`.trim() ), cssItemCount(formatCount(values), testId('count')), ); } function formatCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) { const count = getCount(values); return count ? count.toLocaleString() : ''; } function formatUniqueCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) { const count = values.length; return count ? '(' + count.toLocaleString() + ')' : ''; } /** * Returns content for the newly created columnFilterMenu; for use with setPopupToCreateDom(). */ export function createFilterMenu(openCtl: IOpenController, sectionFilter: SectionFilter, filterInfo: FilterInfo, rowSource: RowSource, tableData: TableData, onClose: () => void = noop) { // Go through all of our shown and hidden rows, and count them up by the values in this column. const fieldOrColumn = filterInfo.fieldOrColumn; const columnType = fieldOrColumn.origCol.peek().type.peek(); const {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc} = getMapFuncs(columnType, tableData, filterInfo.fieldOrColumn); const activeFilterBar = sectionFilter.viewSection.activeFilterBar; function getFilterFunc(col: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec, colFilter: ColumnFilterFunc|null) { return col.getRowId() === fieldOrColumn.getRowId() ? null : colFilter; } const filterFunc = Computed.create(null, use => sectionFilter.buildFilterFunc(getFilterFunc, use)); openCtl.autoDispose(filterFunc); const columnFilter = ColumnFilter.create(openCtl, filterInfo.filter.peek(), columnType); sectionFilter.setFilterOverride(fieldOrColumn.getRowId(), columnFilter); // Will be removed on menu disposal const [allRows, hiddenRows] = partition(Array.from(rowSource.getAllRows()), filterFunc.get()); const valueCounts: Map = new Map(); addCountsToMap(valueCounts, allRows, {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, columnType}); addCountsToMap(valueCounts, hiddenRows, {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc, columnType, areHiddenRows: true}); const model = ColumnFilterMenuModel.create(openCtl, columnFilter, Array.from(valueCounts)); return columnFilterMenu(openCtl, { model, valueCounts, onClose: () => { openCtl.close(); onClose(); }, doSave: (reset: boolean = false) => { const spec = columnFilter.makeFilterJson(); // If filter is moot and filter bar is hidden, let's remove the filter. sectionFilter.viewSection.setFilter( fieldOrColumn.origCol().origColRef(), spec === allInclusive && !activeFilterBar.peek() ? '' : spec ); if (reset) { sectionFilter.resetTemporaryRows(); } }, renderValue: getRenderFunc(columnType, fieldOrColumn), }); } /** * Returns two callback functions, `keyMapFunc` and `labelMapFunc`, * which map row ids to cell values and labels respectively. * * The functions vary based on the `columnType`. For example, * Reference Lists have a unique `labelMapFunc` that returns a list * of all labels in a given cell, rather than a single label. * * Used by ColumnFilterMenu to compute counts of unique cell * values and display them with an appropriate label. */ function getMapFuncs(columnType: string, tableData: TableData, fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec) { const keyMapFunc = tableData.getRowPropFunc(fieldOrColumn.colId())!; const labelGetter = tableData.getRowPropFunc(fieldOrColumn.displayColModel().colId())!; const formatter = fieldOrColumn.createVisibleColFormatter(); let labelMapFunc: (rowId: number) => string | string[]; if (isRefListType(columnType)) { labelMapFunc = (rowId: number) => { const maybeLabels = labelGetter(rowId); if (!maybeLabels) { return ''; } const labels = isList(maybeLabels) ? maybeLabels.slice(1) : [maybeLabels]; return labels.map(l => formatter.formatAny(l)); }; } else { labelMapFunc = (rowId: number) => formatter.formatAny(labelGetter(rowId)); } return {keyMapFunc, labelMapFunc}; } /** * Returns a callback function for rendering values in a filter menu. * * For example, Choice and Choice List columns will differ from other * column types by rendering their values as colored tokens instead of * text. */ function getRenderFunc(columnType: string, fieldOrColumn: ViewFieldRec|ColumnRec) { if (['Choice', 'ChoiceList'].includes(columnType)) { const options = fieldOrColumn.widgetOptionsJson.peek(); const choiceSet: Set = new Set(options.choices || []); const choiceOptions: ChoiceOptions = options.choiceOptions || {}; return (_key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) => { if (value.label === '') { return cssItemValue(value.label); } return choiceToken( value.label, { fillColor: choiceOptions[value.label]?.fillColor, textColor: choiceOptions[value.label]?.textColor, }, dom.cls(cssToken.className), cssInvalidToken.cls('-invalid', !choiceSet.has(value.label)), testId('choice-token') ); }; } return (key: CellValue, value: IFilterCount) => cssItemValue(value.label === undefined ? String(key) : value.label); } interface ICountOptions { columnType: string; keyMapFunc?: (v: any) => any; labelMapFunc?: (v: any) => any; areHiddenRows?: boolean; } /** * For each row id in Iterable, adds a key mapped with `keyMapFunc` and a value object with a `label` mapped * with `labelMapFunc` and a `count` representing the total number of times the key has been encountered. * * The optional column type controls how complex cell values are decomposed into keys (e.g. Choice Lists have * the possible choices as keys). */ function addCountsToMap(valueMap: Map, rowIds: RowId[], { keyMapFunc = identity, labelMapFunc = identity, columnType, areHiddenRows = false }: ICountOptions) { for (const rowId of rowIds) { let key = keyMapFunc(rowId); // If row contains a list and the column is a Choice List, treat each choice as a separate key if (isList(key) && (columnType === 'ChoiceList')) { const list = decodeObject(key) as unknown[]; for (const item of list) { addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, item, () => item, areHiddenRows); } continue; } // If row contains a Reference List, treat each reference as a separate key if (isList(key) && isRefListType(columnType)) { const refIds = decodeObject(key) as unknown[]; const refLabels = labelMapFunc(rowId); refIds.forEach((id, i) => { addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, id, () => refLabels[i], areHiddenRows); }); continue; } // For complex values, serialize the value to allow them to be properly stored if (Array.isArray(key)) { key = JSON.stringify(key); } addSingleCountToMap(valueMap, key, () => labelMapFunc(rowId), areHiddenRows); } } /** * Adds the `value` to `valueMap` using `labelGetter` to get the label and increments `count` unless * isHiddenRow is true. */ function addSingleCountToMap(valueMap: Map, value: any, labelGetter: () => any, isHiddenRow: boolean) { if (!valueMap.has(value)) { valueMap.set(value, { label: labelGetter(), count: 0 }); } if (!isHiddenRow) { valueMap.get(value)!.count++; } } function getCount(values: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>) { return values.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val[1].count, 0); } const defaultPopupOptions: IPopupOptions = { placement: 'bottom-start', boundaries: 'viewport', trigger: ['click'], }; interface IColumnFilterMenuOptions extends IPopupOptions { // callback for when the content of the menu is closed by clicking the apply or revert buttons onCloseContent?: () => void; } // Helper to attach the column filter menu. export function attachColumnFilterMenu(viewSection: ViewSectionRec, filterInfo: FilterInfo, popupOptions: IColumnFilterMenuOptions): DomElementMethod { const options = {...defaultPopupOptions, ...popupOptions}; return (elem) => { const instance = viewSection.viewInstance(); if (instance && instance.createFilterMenu) { // Should be set if using BaseView setPopupToCreateDom(elem, ctl => instance.createFilterMenu(ctl, filterInfo, popupOptions.onCloseContent), options); } }; } const cssMenu = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; min-width: 400px; max-width: 400px; max-height: 90vh; outline: none; background-color: white; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 12px; `); const cssMenuHeader = styled('div', ` height: 40px; flex-shrink: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 0 16px; `); const cssSelectAll = styled('div', ` display: flex; color: ${colors.lightGreen}; cursor: default; user-select: none; &-disabled { color: ${colors.slate}; } `); const cssDotSeparator = styled('span', ` color: ${colors.lightGreen}; margin: 0 4px; user-select: none; `); const cssMenuDivider = styled(menuDivider, ` flex-shrink: 0; margin: 0; `); const cssItemList = styled('div', ` flex-shrink: 1; overflow: auto; min-height: 80px; margin-top: 4px; padding-bottom: 8px; `); const cssMenuItem = styled('div', ` display: flex; padding: 8px 16px; `); export const cssItemValue = styled(cssLabelText, ` margin-right: 12px; color: ${colors.dark}; white-space: pre; `); const cssItemCount = styled('div', ` flex-grow: 1; align-self: normal; text-align: right; color: ${colors.slate}; `); const cssMenuFooter = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-shrink: 0; flex-direction: column; padding-top: 4px; `); const cssApplyButton = styled(primaryButton, ` margin-right: 4px; `); const cssSearch = styled(input, ` flex-grow: 1; min-width: 1px; -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; margin: 0px 16px 0px 8px; padding: 0px; border: none; outline: none; `); const cssSearchIcon = styled(icon, ` flex-shrink: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 4px; `); const cssNoResults = styled(cssMenuItem, ` font-style: italic; color: ${colors.slate}; justify-content: center; `); const cssSortIcon = styled(icon, ` --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; margin-left: auto; &-active { --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen} } `); const cssLabel = styled(cssCheckboxLabel, ` align-items: center; font-weight: initial; /* negate bootstrap */ `); const cssToken = styled('div', ` margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 12px; `);