import { DocData } from 'app/client/models/DocData'; import {ColumnRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ColumnRec'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {SearchFunc, TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData'; import {getReferencedTableId, isRefListType} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {BaseFormatter} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter'; import isEqual = require('lodash/isEqual'); /** * Utilities for common operations involving Ref[List] fields. */ export class ReferenceUtils { public readonly refTableId: string; public readonly tableData: TableData; public readonly formatter: BaseFormatter; public readonly visibleColModel: ColumnRec; public readonly visibleColId: string; public readonly isRefList: boolean; constructor(public readonly field: ViewFieldRec, docData: DocData) { // Note that this constructor is called inside ViewFieldRec.valueParser, a ko.pureComputed, // and there are several observables here which get used and become dependencies. const colType = field.column().type(); const refTableId = getReferencedTableId(colType); if (!refTableId) { throw new Error("Non-Reference column of type " + colType); } this.refTableId = refTableId; const tableData = docData.getTable(refTableId); if (!tableData) { throw new Error("Invalid referenced table " + refTableId); } this.tableData = tableData; this.formatter = field.createVisibleColFormatter(); this.visibleColModel = field.visibleColModel(); this.visibleColId = this.visibleColModel.colId() || 'id'; this.isRefList = isRefListType(colType); } public parseReference( raw: string, value: unknown ): number | string | ['l', unknown, {raw?: string, column: string}] { if (!value || !raw) { return 0; // default value for a reference column } if (this.visibleColId === 'id') { const n = Number(value); if (Number.isInteger(n)) { value = n; } else { return raw; } } if (!this.tableData.isLoaded) { const options: {column: string, raw?: string} = {column: this.visibleColId}; if (value !== raw) { options.raw = raw; } return ['l', value, options]; } const searchFunc: SearchFunc = (v: any) => isEqual(v, value); const matches = this.tableData.columnSearch(this.visibleColId, searchFunc, 1); if (matches.length > 0) { return matches[0]; } else { // There's no matching value in the visible column, i.e. this is not a valid reference. // We need to return a string which will become AltText. return raw; } } public parseReferenceList( raw: string, values: unknown[] ): ['L', ...number[]] | null | string | ['l', unknown[], {raw?: string, column: string}] { if (!values.length || !raw) { return null; // default value for a reference list column } if (this.visibleColId === 'id') { const numbers =; if (numbers.every(Number.isInteger)) { values = numbers; } else { return raw; } } if (!this.tableData.isLoaded) { const options: {column: string, raw?: string} = {column: this.visibleColId}; if (!(values.length === 1 && values[0] === raw)) { options.raw = raw; } return ['l', values, options]; } const rowIds: number[] = []; for (const value of values) { const searchFunc: SearchFunc = (v: any) => isEqual(v, value); const matches = this.tableData.columnSearch(this.visibleColId, searchFunc, 1); if (matches.length > 0) { rowIds.push(matches[0]); } else { // There's no matching value in the visible column, i.e. this is not a valid reference. // We need to return a string which will become AltText. return raw; } } return ['L', ...rowIds]; } public idToText(value: unknown) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return this.formatter.formatAny(this.tableData.getValue(value, this.visibleColId)); } return String(value || ''); } public autocompleteSearch(text: string) { const acIndex = this.tableData.columnACIndexes.getColACIndex(this.visibleColId, this.formatter); return; } } export function nocaseEqual(a: string, b: string) { return a.trim().toLowerCase() === b.trim().toLowerCase(); }