import { DocAction } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import { FlexServer } from 'app/server/lib/FlexServer'; import axios from 'axios'; import pick = require('lodash/pick'); import WebSocket from 'ws'; interface GristRequest { reqId: number; method: string; args: any[]; } interface GristResponse { reqId: number; error?: string; errorCode?: string; data?: any; } interface GristMessage { type: 'clientConnect' | 'docUserAction'; docFD: number; data: any; } export class GristClient { public messages: GristMessage[] = []; private _requestId: number = 0; private _pending: Array<GristResponse|GristMessage> = []; private _consumer: () => void; private _ignoreTrivialActions: boolean = false; constructor(public ws: any) { ws.onmessage = (data: any) => { const msg = pick(JSON.parse(, ['reqId', 'error', 'errorCode', 'data', 'type', 'docFD']); if (this._ignoreTrivialActions && msg.type === 'docUserAction' && === true && === 0) { return; } this._pending.push(msg); if (this._consumer) { this._consumer(); } }; } // After a document is opened, the sandbox recomputes its formulas and sends any changes. // The client will receive an update even if there are no changes. This may be useful in // the future to know that the document is up to date. But for testing, this asynchronous // message can be awkward. Call this method to ignore it. public ignoreTrivialActions() { this._ignoreTrivialActions = true; } public flush() { this._pending = []; } public shift() { return this._pending.shift(); } public count() { return this._pending.length; } public async read(): Promise<any> { for (;;) { if (this._pending.length) { return this._pending.shift(); } await new Promise<void>(resolve => this._consumer = resolve); } } public async readMessage(): Promise<GristMessage> { const result = await; if (!result.type) { throw new Error(`message looks wrong: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`); } return result; } public async readResponse(): Promise<GristResponse> { this.messages = []; for (;;) { const result = await; if (result.reqId === undefined) { this.messages.push(result); continue; } if (result.reqId !== this._requestId) { throw new Error("unexpected request id"); } return result; } } // Helper to read the next docUserAction ignoring anything else (e.g. a duplicate clientConnect). public async readDocUserAction(): Promise<DocAction[]> { while (true) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition const msg = await this.readMessage(); if (msg.type === 'docUserAction') { return; } } } public async send(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<GristResponse> { const p = this.readResponse(); this._requestId++; const req: GristRequest = { reqId: this._requestId, method, args };; const result = await p; return result; } public async close() {;; } public async openDocOnConnect(docId: string) { const msg = await this.readMessage(); if (msg.type !== 'clientConnect') { throw new Error('expected clientConnect'); } const openDoc = await this.send('openDoc', docId); if (openDoc.error) { throw new Error('error in openDocOnConnect'); } return openDoc; } } export async function openClient(server: FlexServer, email: string, org: string, emailHeader?: string): Promise<GristClient> { const headers: Record<string, string> = {}; if (!emailHeader) { const resp = await axios.get(`${server.getOwnUrl()}/test/session`); const cookie = resp.headers['set-cookie'][0]; if (email !== '') { const cid = decodeURIComponent(cookie.split('=')[1].split(';')[0]); const comm = server.getComm(); const sessionId = comm.getSessionIdFromCookie(cid)!; const scopedSession = comm.getOrCreateSession(sessionId, {org}); const profile = { email, email_verified: true, name: "Someone" }; await scopedSession.updateUserProfile({} as any, profile); } headers.Cookie = cookie; } else { headers[emailHeader] = email; } const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:' + server.getOwnPort() + `/o/${org}`, { headers }); const client = new GristClient(ws); await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ws.on('open', function() { resolve(ws); }); ws.on('error', function(err: any) { reject(err); }); }); return client; }