import BaseView from 'app/client/components/BaseView'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {ViewRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {filterBar} from 'app/client/ui/FilterBar'; import {cssIcon} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanelStyles'; import {makeCollapsedLayoutMenu} from 'app/client/ui/ViewLayoutMenu'; import {cssDotsIconWrapper, cssMenu, viewSectionMenu} from 'app/client/ui/ViewSectionMenu'; import {buildWidgetTitle} from 'app/client/ui/WidgetTitle'; import {getWidgetTypes} from 'app/client/ui/widgetTypes'; import {colors, isNarrowScreenObs, mediaSmall, testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menu} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {Computed, dom, DomElementArg, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import {defaultMenuOptions} from 'popweasel'; const t = makeT('ViewSection'); export function buildCollapsedSectionDom(options: { gristDoc: GristDoc, sectionRowId: number|string, }, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) { const {gristDoc, sectionRowId} = options; if (typeof sectionRowId === 'string') { return cssMiniSection( dom('span.viewsection_title_font', 'Empty' ) ); } const vs: ViewSectionRec = gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel(sectionRowId); const typeComputed = Computed.create(null, use => getWidgetTypes(use(vs.parentKey) as any).icon); return cssMiniSection( testId(`collapsed-section-${sectionRowId}`), testId(`collapsed-section`), cssDragHandle( dom.domComputed(typeComputed, (type) => icon(type)), dom('div', {style: 'margin-right: 16px;'}), dom.maybe((use) => use(use(vs.table).summarySourceTable), () => cssSigmaIcon('Pivot', testId('sigma'))), dom('span.viewsection_title_font', testId('collapsed-section-title'), dom.text(vs.titleDef), ), ), cssMenu( testId('section-menu-viewLayout'), cssDotsIconWrapper(cssIcon('Dots')), menu(_ctl => makeCollapsedLayoutMenu(vs, gristDoc), { ...defaultMenuOptions, placement: 'bottom-end', }) ), ...domArgs ); } export function buildViewSectionDom(options: { gristDoc: GristDoc, sectionRowId: number, isResizing?: Observable<boolean> viewModel?: ViewRec, // Should show drag anchor. draggable?: boolean, /* defaults to true */ // Should show green bar on the left (but preserves active-section class). focusable?: boolean, /* defaults to true */ tableNameHidden?: boolean, widgetNameHidden?: boolean, }) { const isResizing = options.isResizing ?? Observable.create(null, false); const {gristDoc, sectionRowId, viewModel, draggable = true, focusable = true} = options; // Creating normal section dom const vs: ViewSectionRec = gristDoc.docModel.viewSections.getRowModel(sectionRowId); const selectedBySectionTitle = Computed.create(null, (use) => { if (!use(vs.linkSrcSectionRef)) { return null; } return use(use(vs.linkSrcSection).titleDef); }); return dom('div.view_leaf.viewsection_content.flexvbox.flexauto', testId(`viewlayout-section-${sectionRowId}`), dom.autoDispose(selectedBySectionTitle), !options.isResizing ? dom.autoDispose(isResizing) : null, cssViewLeaf.cls(''), cssViewLeafInactive.cls('', (use) => !vs.isDisposed() && !use(vs.hasFocus)), dom.cls('active_section', vs.hasFocus), dom.cls('active_section--no-indicator', !focusable), dom.maybe<BaseView|null>((use) => use(vs.viewInstance), (viewInstance) => dom('div.viewsection_title.flexhbox', cssDragIcon('DragDrop', dom.cls("viewsection_drag_indicator"), // Makes element grabbable only if grist is not readonly. dom.cls('layout_grabbable', (use) => !use(gristDoc.isReadonlyKo)), !draggable ?"visibility", "hidden") : null ), dom.maybe((use) => use(use(viewInstance.viewSection.table).summarySourceTable), () => cssSigmaIcon('Pivot', testId('sigma'))), buildWidgetTitle(vs, options, testId('viewsection-title'), cssTestClick(testId("viewsection-blank"))), viewInstance.buildTitleControls(), dom('div.viewsection_buttons', dom.create(viewSectionMenu, gristDoc, vs) ) )), dom.create(filterBar, gristDoc, vs), dom.maybe<BaseView|null>(vs.viewInstance, (viewInstance) => [ dom('div.view_data_pane_container.flexvbox', cssResizing.cls('', isResizing), dom.maybe(viewInstance.disableEditing, () => dom('div.disable_viewpane.flexvbox', dom.domComputed(selectedBySectionTitle, (title) => title ? t(`No row selected in {{title}}`, {title}) : t('No data')), ) ), dom.maybe(viewInstance.isTruncated, () => dom('div.viewsection_truncated', t('Not all data is shown')) ), dom.cls((use) => 'viewsection_type_' + use(vs.parentKey)), viewInstance.viewPane ), dom.maybe(use => !use(isNarrowScreenObs()), () => viewInstance.selectionSummary?.buildDom()), ]), dom.on('mousedown', () => { viewModel?.activeSectionId(sectionRowId); }), ); } // With new widgetPopup it is hard to click on viewSection without a activating it, hence we // add a little blank space to use in test. const cssTestClick = styled(`div`, ` min-width: 2px; `); const cssSigmaIcon = styled(icon, ` bottom: 1px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: ${theme.lightText} `); const cssViewLeaf = styled('div', ` @media ${mediaSmall} { & { margin: 4px; } } `); const cssViewLeafInactive = styled('div', ` @media screen and ${mediaSmall} { & { overflow: hidden; background: repeating-linear-gradient( -45deg, ${theme.widgetInactiveStripesDark}, ${theme.widgetInactiveStripesDark} 10px, ${theme.widgetInactiveStripesLight} 10px, ${theme.widgetInactiveStripesLight} 20px ); border: 1px solid ${theme.widgetBorder}; border-radius: 4px; padding: 0 2px; } &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } &.layout_vbox { max-width: 32px; } &.layout_hbox { max-height: 32px; } & > .viewsection_title.flexhbox { position: absolute; } & > .view_data_pane_container, & .viewsection_buttons, & .grist-single-record__menu, & > .filter_bar { display: none; } } `); // z-index ensure it's above the resizer line, since it's hard to grab otherwise const cssDragIcon = styled(icon, ` visibility: hidden; --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; top: -1px; z-index: 100; .viewsection_title:hover &.layout_grabbable { visibility: visible; } `); // This class is added while sections are being resized (or otherwise edited), to ensure that the // content of the section (such as an iframe) doesn't interfere with mouse drag-related events. // (It assumes that contained elements do not set pointer-events to another value; if that were // important then we'd need to use an overlay element during dragging.) const cssResizing = styled('div', ` pointer-events: none; `); const cssMiniSection = styled('div.mini_section_container', ` --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; display: flex; align-items: center; padding-right: 8px; `); const cssDragHandle = styled('div.draggable-handle', ` display: flex; padding: 8px; flex: 1; padding-right: 16px; `);