/* global $, window */

// This is the entry point into loading the whole of Grist frontend application. Some extensions
// attempt to load it more than once (e.g. "Lingvanex"). This leads to duplicated work and errors.
// At least some of such interference can be neutralized by simply ignoring repeated loads.
if (window._gristAppLoaded) {
window._gristAppLoaded = true;

const {setupLocale} = require('./lib/localization');

const {App} = require('./ui/App');

// Disable longStackTraces, which seem to be enabled in the browser by default.
var bluebird = require('bluebird');
bluebird.config({ longStackTraces: false });

// Set up integration between grainjs and knockout disposal.
const {setupKoDisposal} = require('grainjs');
const ko = require('knockout');

$(function() {
  // Manually disable the bfcache. We dispose some components in App.ts on unload, and
  // leaving the cache on causes problems when the browser back/forward buttons are pressed.
  // Some browsers automatically disable it when the 'beforeunload' or 'unload' events
  // have listeners, but not all do (Safari).
  window.onpageshow = function(event) {
    if (event.persisted) { window.location.reload(); }

  const localeSetup = setupLocale();
  // By the time dom ready is fired, resource files should already be loaded, but
  // if that is not the case, we will redirect to an error page by throwing an error.
  localeSetup.then(() => {
    window.gristApp = App.create(null);
  }).catch(error => {
    throw new Error(`Failed to load locale: ${error?.message || 'Unknown error'}`);
  // Set from the login tests to stub and un-stub functions during execution.
  window.loginTestSandbox = null;

  // These modules are exposed for the sake of browser tests.
  window.exposeModulesForTests = function() {
    return (import('./exposeModulesForTests' /* webpackChunkName: "modulesForTests" */));
  window.exposedModules = {
    // Several existing tests use window.exposedModules.loadScript has loaded
    // a file for them.  We now load exposedModules asynchronously, so that it
    // doesn't slow down application startup.  To avoid changing tests
    // unnecessarily, we implement a loadScript wrapper.
    loadScript(name) {
      return window.exposeModulesForTests()
        .then(() => window.exposedModules._loadScript(name));
