import {buildHomeBanners} from 'app/client/components/Banners'; import {beaconOpenMessage} from 'app/client/lib/helpScout'; import {AppModel, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {BillingModel, BillingModelImpl, ISubscriptionModel} from 'app/client/models/BillingModel'; import {urlState} from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import {AppHeader} from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader'; import {BillingForm, IFormData} from 'app/client/ui/BillingForm'; import * as css from 'app/client/ui/BillingPageCss'; import { BillingPlanManagers } from 'app/client/ui/BillingPlanManagers'; import { createForbiddenPage } from 'app/client/ui/errorPages'; import { leftPanelBasic } from 'app/client/ui/LeftPanelCommon'; import { pagePanels } from 'app/client/ui/PagePanels'; import { createTopBarHome } from 'app/client/ui/TopBar'; import { cssBreadcrumbs, cssBreadcrumbsLink, separator } from 'app/client/ui2018/breadcrumbs'; import { bigBasicButton, bigBasicButtonLink, bigPrimaryButton } from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import { loadingSpinner } from 'app/client/ui2018/loaders'; import { NEW_DEAL, showTeamUpgradeConfirmation } from 'app/client/ui/ProductUpgrades'; import { IconName } from 'app/client/ui2018/IconList'; import { BillingTask, IBillingCoupon } from 'app/common/BillingAPI'; import { capitalize } from 'app/common/gutil'; import { Organization } from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import { Disposable, dom, DomArg, IAttrObj, makeTestId, Observable } from 'grainjs'; const testId = makeTestId('test-bp-'); const billingTasksNames = { signUp: 'Sign Up', // task for payment page signUpLite: 'Complete Sign Up', // task for payment page updateDomain: 'Update Name', // task for summary page cancelPlan: 'Cancel plan', // this is not a task, but a sub page upgraded: 'Account', }; /** * Creates the billing page where users can manage their subscription and payment card. */ export class BillingPage extends Disposable { private _model: BillingModel = new BillingModelImpl(this._appModel); private _form: BillingForm | undefined = undefined; private _formData: IFormData = {}; private _showConfirmPage: Observable = Observable.create(this, false); private _isSubmitting: Observable = Observable.create(this, false); constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) { super(); // TODO: remove once NEW_DEAL is there. Execute for side effect void NEW_DEAL(); this._appModel.refreshOrgUsage().catch(reportError); } // Exposed for tests. public testBuildPaymentPage() { return this._buildPaymentPage(); } public buildDom() { return dom.domComputed(this._model.isUnauthorized, (isUnauthorized) => { if (isUnauthorized) { return createForbiddenPage(this._appModel, 'Only billing plan managers may view billing account information. Plan managers may ' + 'be added in the billing summary by existing plan managers.'); } else { const panelOpen = Observable.create(this, false); return pagePanels({ leftPanel: { panelWidth: Observable.create(this, 240), panelOpen, hideOpener: true, header: dom.create(AppHeader, this._appModel.currentOrgName, this._appModel), content: leftPanelBasic(this._appModel, panelOpen), }, headerMain: this._createTopBarBilling(), contentTop: buildHomeBanners(this._appModel), contentMain: this._buildCurrentPageDom() }); } }); } /** * Builds the contentMain dom for the current billing page. */ private _buildCurrentPageDom() { const page = css.billingWrapper( dom.domComputed(this._model.currentSubpage, (subpage) => { if (!subpage) { return this._buildSummaryPage(); } else if (subpage === 'payment') { return this._buildPaymentPage(); } }) ); if (this._model.currentTask.get() === 'upgraded') { urlState().pushUrl({params: {}}, { replace: true }).catch(() => {}); showTeamUpgradeConfirmation(this); } return page; } private _buildSummaryPage() { const org = this._appModel.currentOrg; // Fetch plan and card data. this._model.fetchData(true).catch(reportError); return css.billingPage( dom.domComputed(this._model.currentTask, (task) => { const pageText = task ? billingTasksNames[task] : 'Account'; return [ css.cardBlock( css.billingHeader(pageText), task !== 'updateDomain' ? [ dom.domComputed(this._model.subscription, () => [ this._buildDomainSummary(org ?? {}), ]), // If this is not a personal org, create the plan manager list dom. org && !org.owner ? dom.frag( css.billingHeader('Plan Managers', { style: 'margin: 32px 0 16px 0;' }), css.billingHintText( 'You may add additional billing contacts (for example, your accounting department). ' + 'All billing-related emails will be sent to this list of contacts.' ), dom.create(BillingPlanManagers, this._model, org, this._appModel.currentValidUser) ) : null ] : dom.domComputed(this._showConfirmPage, (showConfirm) => { if (showConfirm) { return [ this._buildConfirm(this._formData), this._buildButtons(pageText) ]; } else { return this._buildForms(org, task); } }) ), css.summaryBlock( css.billingHeader('Billing Summary'), this._buildSubscriptionSummary(), ) ]; }) ); } // PRIVATE - exposed for tests private _buildPaymentPage() { const org = this._appModel.currentOrg; // Fetch plan and card data if not already present. this._model.fetchData().catch(this._model.reportBlockingError); return css.billingPage( dom.maybe(this._model.currentTask, task => { const pageText = billingTasksNames[task]; return [ css.cardBlock( css.billingHeader(pageText), dom.domComputed((use) => { const err = use(this._model.error); if (err) { return css.errorBox(err, dom('br'), dom('br'), reportLink(this._appModel, "Report problem")); } const sub = use(this._model.subscription); if (!sub) { return css.spinnerBox(loadingSpinner()); } if (task === 'cancelPlan') { // If the selected plan is free, the user is cancelling their subscription. return [ css.paymentBlock( 'On the subscription end date, your team site will remain available in ' + 'read-only mode for one month.', ), css.paymentBlock( 'After the one month grace period, your team site will be removed along ' + 'with all documents inside.' ), css.paymentBlock('Are you sure you would like to cancel the subscription?'), this._buildButtons('Cancel Subscription') ]; } else { // tasks - signUpLite return dom.domComputed(this._showConfirmPage, (showConfirm) => { if (showConfirm) { return [ this._buildConfirm(this._formData), this._buildButtons(pageText) ]; } else { return this._buildForms(org, task); } }); } }) ), css.summaryBlock( css.billingHeader('Summary'), css.summaryFeatures( this._buildPaymentSummary(task), testId('summary') ) ) ]; }) ); } private _buildSubscriptionSummary() { return dom.domComputed(this._model.subscription, sub => { if (!sub) { return css.spinnerBox(loadingSpinner()); } else { const moneyPlan = sub.upcomingPlan || sub.activePlan; const changingPlan = sub.upcomingPlan && sub.upcomingPlan.amount > 0; const cancellingPlan = sub.upcomingPlan && sub.upcomingPlan.amount === 0; const validPlan = sub.isValidPlan; const discountName = &&; const discountEnd = &&; const tier = discountName && discountName.includes(' Tier '); const activePlanName = sub.activePlan?.nickname ?? this._appModel.planName; const planName = tier ? discountName : activePlanName; const appSumoInvoiced = this._appModel.currentOrg?.billingAccount?.externalOptions?.invoiceId; const isPaidPlan = sub.billable; // If subscription is cancelled, we need to create a new one using Stripe Checkout. const canRenew = (sub.status === 'canceled' && isPaidPlan); // We can upgrade only free team plan at this moment. const canUpgrade = !canRenew && !isPaidPlan; // And we can manage team plan that is not cancelled. const canManage = !canRenew && isPaidPlan; return [ css.summaryFeatures( validPlan && planName ? [ makeSummaryFeature(['You are subscribed to the ', planName, ' plan']) ] : [ makeSummaryFeature(['This team site is not in good standing'], { isBad: true }), ], // If the plan is changing, include the date the current plan ends // and the plan that will be in effect afterwards. changingPlan && isPaidPlan ? [ makeSummaryFeature(['Your current plan ends on ', dateFmt(sub.periodEnd)]), makeSummaryFeature(['On this date, you will be subscribed to the ', sub.upcomingPlan?.nickname ?? '-', ' plan']) ] : null, cancellingPlan && isPaidPlan ? [ makeSummaryFeature(['Your subscription ends on ', dateFmt(sub.periodEnd)]), makeSummaryFeature(['On this date, your team site will become ', 'read-only', ' for one month, then removed']) ] : null, moneyPlan?.amount ? [ makeSummaryFeature([`Your team site has `, `${sub.userCount}`, ` member${sub.userCount !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`]), tier ? this._makeAppSumoFeature(discountName) : null, // Currently the subtotal is misleading and scary when tiers are in effect. // In this case, for now, just report what will be invoiced. !tier ? makeSummaryFeature([`Your ${moneyPlan.interval}ly subtotal is `, getPriceString(moneyPlan.amount * sub.userCount)]) : null, (discountName && !tier) ? makeSummaryFeature([ `You receive the `, discountName, ...(discountEnd !== null ? [' (until ', dateFmtFull(discountEnd), ')'] : []), ]) : null, // When on a free trial, Stripe reports trialEnd time, but it seems to always // match periodEnd for a trialing subscription, so we just use that. sub.isInTrial ? makeSummaryFeature(['Your free trial ends on ', dateFmtFull(sub.periodEnd)]) : null, makeSummaryFeature([`Your next invoice is `, getPriceString(sub.nextTotal), ' on ', dateFmt(sub.periodEnd)]), ] : null, appSumoInvoiced ? makeAppSumoLink(appSumoInvoiced) : null, getSubscriptionProblem(sub), testId('summary') ), !canManage ? null : makeActionLink('Manage billing', 'Settings', this._model.getCustomerPortalUrl(), testId('portal-link')), !canRenew ? null : makeActionLink('Renew subscription', 'Settings', this._model.renewPlan(), testId('renew-link')), !canUpgrade ? null : makeActionButton('Upgrade subscription', 'Settings', () => this._appModel.showUpgradeModal(), testId('upgrade-link')), !(validPlan && planName && isPaidPlan && !cancellingPlan) ? null : makeActionLink( 'Cancel subscription', 'Settings', urlState().setLinkUrl({ billing: 'payment', params: { billingTask: 'cancelPlan' } }), testId('cancel-subscription') ), (sub.lastInvoiceUrl && sub.activeSubscription ? makeActionLink('View last invoice', 'Page', sub.lastInvoiceUrl, testId('invoice-link')) : null ), ]; } }); } private _makeAppSumoFeature(name: string) { // TODO: move AppSumo plan knowledge elsewhere. let users = 0; switch (name) { case 'AppSumo Tier 1': users = 1; break; case 'AppSumo Tier 2': users = 3; break; case 'AppSumo Tier 3': users = 8; break; } if (users > 0) { return makeSummaryFeature([`Your AppSumo plan covers `, `${users}`, ` member${users > 1 ? 's' : ''}`]); } return null; } private _buildForms(org: Organization | null, task: BillingTask) { const isTeamSite = org && org.billingAccount && !org.billingAccount.individual; const currentSettings = this._formData.settings ?? { name: org!.name, domain: org?.domain?.startsWith('o-') ? undefined : org?.domain || undefined, }; const pageText = billingTasksNames[task]; // If there is an immediate charge required, require re-entering the card info. // Show all forms on sign up. this._form = new BillingForm( org, this._model, { settings: ['signUpLite', 'updateDomain'].includes(task), domain: ['signUpLite', 'updateDomain'].includes(task) }, { settings: currentSettings, } ); return dom('div', dom.onDispose(() => { if (this._form) { this._form.dispose(); this._form = undefined; } }), isTeamSite ? this._buildDomainSummary(currentSettings ?? {}) : null, this._form.buildDom(), this._buildButtons(pageText) ); } private _buildConfirm(formData: IFormData) { const settings = formData.settings || null; return [ this._buildDomainConfirmation(settings ?? {}, false), ]; } private _createTopBarBilling() { const org = this._appModel.currentOrg; return dom.frag( cssBreadcrumbs({ style: 'margin-left: 16px;' }, cssBreadcrumbsLink( urlState().setLinkUrl({}), 'Home', testId('home') ), separator(' / '), dom.domComputed(this._model.currentSubpage, (subpage) => { if (subpage) { return [ // Prevent navigating to the summary page if these pages are not associated with an org. org && !org.owner ? cssBreadcrumbsLink( urlState().setLinkUrl({ billing: 'billing' }), 'Billing', testId('billing') ) : dom('span', 'Billing'), separator(' / '), dom('span', capitalize(subpage)) ]; } else { return dom('span', 'Billing'); } }) ), createTopBarHome(this._appModel), ); } private _buildDomainConfirmation(org: { name?: string | null, domain?: string | null }, showEdit: boolean = true) { return css.summaryItem( css.summaryHeader( css.billingBoldText('Team Info'), ), org?.name ? [ css.summaryRow( { style: 'margin-bottom: 0.6em' }, css.billingText(`Your team name: `, dom('span', { style: 'font-weight: bold' }, org?.name, testId('org-name')), ), ) ] : null, org?.domain ? [ css.summaryRow( css.billingText(`Your team site URL: `, dom('span', { style: 'font-weight: bold' }, org?.domain), ``, testId('org-domain') ), showEdit ? css.billingTextBtn(css.billingIcon('Settings'), 'Change', urlState().setLinkUrl({ billing: 'billing', params: { billingTask: 'updateDomain' } }), testId('update-domain') ) : null ) ] : null ); } private _buildDomainSummary(org: { name?: string | null, domain?: string | null }, showEdit: boolean = true) { const task = this._model.currentTask.get(); if (task === 'signUpLite' || task === 'updateDomain') { return null; } return this._buildDomainConfirmation(org, showEdit); } // Summary panel for payment subpage. private _buildPaymentSummary(task: BillingTask) { if (task === 'signUpLite') { return this._buildSubscriptionSummary(); } else if (task === 'updateDomain') { return makeSummaryFeature('You are updating the site name and domain'); } else if (task === 'cancelPlan') { return dom.domComputed(this._model.subscription, sub => { return [ makeSummaryFeature(['You are cancelling the subscription']), sub ? makeSummaryFeature(['Your subscription will end on ', dateFmt(sub.periodEnd)]) : null ]; }); } else { return null; } } private _buildButtons(submitText: string) { const task = this._model.currentTask.get(); this._isSubmitting.set(false); // Reset status on build. return css.paymentBtnRow( task !== 'signUpLite' ? bigBasicButton('Back', dom.on('click', () => window.history.back()), => !use(this._showConfirmPage)), dom.boolAttr('disabled', this._isSubmitting), testId('back') ) : null, task !== 'cancelPlan' ? bigBasicButtonLink('Edit',, dom.on('click', () => this._showConfirmPage.set(false)), dom.boolAttr('disabled', this._isSubmitting), testId('edit') ) : null, bigPrimaryButton({ style: 'margin-left: 10px;' }, dom.text(submitText), dom.boolAttr('disabled', this._isSubmitting), dom.on('click', () => this._doSubmit(task)), testId('submit') ) ); } // Submit the active form. private async _doSubmit(task?: BillingTask): Promise { if (this._isSubmitting.get()) { return; } this._isSubmitting.set(true); try { if (task === 'cancelPlan') { await this._model.cancelCurrentPlan(); this._showConfirmPage.set(false); this._formData = {}; await urlState().pushUrl({ billing: 'billing', params: undefined }); return; } // If the form is built, fetch the form data. if (this._form) { this._formData = await this._form.getFormData(); } // In general, submit data to the server. if (task === 'updateDomain' || this._showConfirmPage.get()) { await this._model.submitPaymentPage(this._formData); // On submit, reset confirm page and form data. this._showConfirmPage.set(false); this._formData = {}; } else { this._showConfirmPage.set(true); this._isSubmitting.set(false); } } catch (err) { // Note that submitPaymentPage are responsible for reporting errors. // On failure the submit button isSubmitting state should be returned to false. if (!this.isDisposed()) { this._isSubmitting.set(false); this._showConfirmPage.set(false); // Focus the first element with an error. this._form?.focusOnError(); } } } } const statusText: { [key: string]: string } = { incomplete: 'incomplete', incomplete_expired: 'incomplete', past_due: 'past due', canceled: 'canceled', unpaid: 'unpaid', }; function getSubscriptionProblem(sub: ISubscriptionModel) { const text = sub.status && statusText[sub.status]; if (!text) { return null; } const result = [['Your subscription is ', text]]; if (sub.lastChargeError) { const when = sub.lastChargeTime ? `on ${timeFmt(sub.lastChargeTime)} ` : ''; result.push([`Last charge attempt ${when} failed: ${sub.lastChargeError}`]); } return => makeSummaryFeature(msg, { isBad: true })); } interface PriceOptions { taxRate?: number; coupon?: IBillingCoupon; refund?: number; } const defaultPriceOptions: PriceOptions = { taxRate: 0, coupon: undefined, refund: 0, }; function getPriceString(priceCents: number, options = defaultPriceOptions): string { const { taxRate = 0, coupon, refund } = options; if (coupon) { if (coupon.amount_off) { priceCents -= coupon.amount_off; } else if (coupon.percent_off) { priceCents -= (priceCents * (coupon.percent_off / 100)); } } if (refund) { priceCents -= refund; } // Make sure we never display negative prices. priceCents = Math.max(0, priceCents); // TODO: Add functionality for other currencies. return ((priceCents / 100) * (taxRate + 1)).toLocaleString('en-US', { style: "currency", currency: "USD", minimumFractionDigits: 2 }); } // Include a precise link back to AppSumo for changing plans. function makeAppSumoLink(invoiceId: string) { return dom('div', css.billingTextBtn({ style: 'margin: 10px 0;' }, cssBreadcrumbsLink( css.billingIcon('Plus'), 'Change your AppSumo plan', { href: `${invoiceId}/#change-plan`, target: '_blank' }, testId('appsumo-link') ) )); } /** * Make summary feature to include in: * - Plan cards for describing features of the plan. * - Summary lists describing what is being paid for and how much will be charged. * - Summary lists describing the current subscription. * * Accepts text as an array where strings at every odd numbered index are bolded for emphasis. * If isMissingFeature is set, no text is bolded and the optional attribute object is not applied. * If isBad is set, a cross is used instead of a tick */ function makeSummaryFeature( text: string | string[], options: { isMissingFeature?: boolean, isBad?: boolean, attr?: IAttrObj } = {} ) { const textArray = Array.isArray(text) ? text : [text]; if (options.isMissingFeature) { return css.summaryMissingFeature( textArray, testId('summary-line') ); } else { return css.summaryFeature(options.attr, options.isBad ? css.billingBadIcon('CrossBig') : css.billingIcon('Tick'),, i) => (i % 2) ? css.focusText(str) : css.summaryText(str)), testId('summary-line') ); } } function makeActionLink(text: string, icon: IconName, url: DomArg, ...args: DomArg[]) { return dom('div', css.billingTextBtn( { style: 'margin: 10px 0;' }, cssBreadcrumbsLink( css.billingIcon(icon), text, typeof url === 'string' ? { href: url } : url, ...args, ) ) ); } function makeActionButton(text: string, icon: IconName, handler: () => any, ...args: DomArg[]) { return css.billingTextBtn( { style: 'margin: 10px 0;' }, css.billingIcon(icon), text, dom.on('click', handler), ...args ); } function reportLink(appModel: AppModel, text: string): HTMLElement { return dom('a', { href: '#' }, text, dom.on('click', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); beaconOpenMessage({ appModel }); }) ); } function dateFmt(timestamp: number | null): string { if (!timestamp) { return "unknown"; } const date = new Date(timestamp); if (date.getFullYear() !== new Date().getFullYear()) { return dateFmtFull(timestamp); } return new Date(timestamp).toLocaleDateString('default', { month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }); } function dateFmtFull(timestamp: number | null): string { if (!timestamp) { return "unknown"; } return new Date(timestamp).toLocaleDateString('default', { month: 'short', day: 'numeric', year: 'numeric' }); } function timeFmt(timestamp: number): string { return new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString('default', { month: 'short', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }); }