/** * This mirrors action definitions from sandbox/grist/actions.py */ // Some definitions have moved to be part of plugin API. import { BulkColValues, CellValue, RowRecord } from 'app/plugin/GristData'; export type { BulkColValues, CellValue, RowRecord }; // Part of a special CellValue used for comparisons, embedding several versions of a CellValue. export interface AllCellVersions { parent: CellValue; remote: CellValue; local: CellValue; } export type CellVersions = Partial<AllCellVersions>; export type AddRecord = ['AddRecord', string, number, ColValues]; export type BulkAddRecord = ['BulkAddRecord', string, number[], BulkColValues]; export type RemoveRecord = ['RemoveRecord', string, number]; export type BulkRemoveRecord = ['BulkRemoveRecord', string, number[]]; export type UpdateRecord = ['UpdateRecord', string, number, ColValues]; export type BulkUpdateRecord = ['BulkUpdateRecord', string, number[], BulkColValues]; export type ReplaceTableData = ['ReplaceTableData', string, number[], BulkColValues]; // This is the format in which data comes when we fetch a table from the sandbox. export type TableDataAction = ['TableData', string, number[], BulkColValues]; export type AddColumn = ['AddColumn', string, string, ColInfo]; export type RemoveColumn = ['RemoveColumn', string, string]; export type RenameColumn = ['RenameColumn', string, string, string]; export type ModifyColumn = ['ModifyColumn', string, string, Partial<ColInfo>]; export type AddTable = ['AddTable', string, ColInfoWithId[]]; export type RemoveTable = ['RemoveTable', string]; export type RenameTable = ['RenameTable', string, string]; export type DocAction = ( AddRecord | BulkAddRecord | RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction | AddColumn | RemoveColumn | RenameColumn | ModifyColumn | AddTable | RemoveTable | RenameTable ); // type guards for convenience - see: // https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#user-defined-type-guards export function isAddRecord(act: DocAction): act is AddRecord { return act[0] === 'AddRecord'; } export function isBulkAddRecord(act: DocAction): act is BulkAddRecord { return act[0] === 'BulkAddRecord'; } export function isRemoveRecord(act: DocAction): act is RemoveRecord { return act[0] === 'RemoveRecord'; } export function isBulkRemoveRecord(act: DocAction): act is BulkRemoveRecord { return act[0] === 'BulkRemoveRecord'; } export function isUpdateRecord(act: DocAction): act is UpdateRecord { return act[0] === 'UpdateRecord'; } export function isBulkUpdateRecord(act: DocAction): act is BulkUpdateRecord { return act[0] === 'BulkUpdateRecord'; } export function isReplaceTableData(act: DocAction): act is ReplaceTableData { return act[0] === 'ReplaceTableData'; } export function isAddColumn(act: DocAction): act is AddColumn { return act[0] === 'AddColumn'; } export function isRemoveColumn(act: DocAction): act is RemoveColumn { return act[0] === 'RemoveColumn'; } export function isRenameColumn(act: DocAction): act is RenameColumn { return act[0] === 'RenameColumn'; } export function isModifyColumn(act: DocAction): act is ModifyColumn { return act[0] === 'ModifyColumn'; } export function isAddTable(act: DocAction): act is AddTable { return act[0] === 'AddTable'; } export function isRemoveTable(act: DocAction): act is RemoveTable { return act[0] === 'RemoveTable'; } export function isRenameTable(act: DocAction): act is RenameTable { return act[0] === 'RenameTable'; } const SCHEMA_ACTIONS = new Set(['AddTable', 'RemoveTable', 'RenameTable', 'AddColumn', 'RemoveColumn', 'RenameColumn', 'ModifyColumn']); const DATA_ACTIONS = new Set(['AddRecord', 'RemoveRecord', 'UpdateRecord', 'BulkAddRecord', 'BulkRemoveRecord', 'BulkUpdateRecord', 'ReplaceTableData', 'TableData']); /** * Determines whether a given action is a schema action or not. */ export function isSchemaAction(action: DocAction): action is AddTable | RemoveTable | RenameTable | AddColumn | RemoveColumn | RenameColumn | ModifyColumn { return SCHEMA_ACTIONS.has(action[0]); } export function isDataAction(action: DocAction|UserAction): action is AddRecord | RemoveRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkAddRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction { return DATA_ACTIONS.has(String(action[0])); } /** * Returns the tableId from the action. */ export function getTableId(action: DocAction): string { return action[1]; // It happens to always be in the same position in the action tuple. } export interface TableDataActionSet { [tableId: string]: TableDataAction; } // Helper types used in the definitions above. export interface ColValues { [colId: string]: CellValue; } export interface ColInfoMap { [colId: string]: ColInfo; } export interface ColInfo { type: string; isFormula: boolean; formula: string; } export interface ColInfoWithId extends ColInfo { id: string; } // Multiple records in column-oriented format, i.e. same as BulkColValues but with a mandatory // 'id' column. This is preferred over TableDataAction in external APIs. export interface TableColValues { id: number[]; [colId: string]: CellValue[]; } // Multiple records in record-oriented format export interface TableRecordValues { records: TableRecordValue[]; } export interface TableRecordValuesWithoutIds { records: TableRecordValueWithoutId[]; } export interface TableRecordValue extends TableRecordValueWithoutId { id: number | string; } export interface TableRecordValueWithoutId { fields: { [colId: string]: CellValue }; } // Both UserActions and DocActions are represented as [ActionName, ...actionArgs]. // TODO I think it's better to represent DocAction as a Buffer containing the marshalled action. export type UserAction = Array<string|number|object|boolean|null|undefined>; // Actions that are performed automatically by the server // for things like regular maintenance or triggering formula calculations in the data engine. // Typically applied using `makeExceptionalDocSession("system")`. // They're also 'non-essential' in the sense that we don't need to worry about storing them // in action/undo history if they don't change anything (which they often won't) // and we can dismiss their result if the document is shutting down. export const SYSTEM_ACTIONS = new Set([ // Initial dummy action performed when the document laods. 'Calculate', // Called automatically at regular intervals, again to trigger formula calculations. 'UpdateCurrentTime', // Part of the formula calculation process for formulas that use the `REQUEST` function. 'RespondToRequests', // Performed at shutdown to clean up temporary helper columns. 'RemoveTransformColumns' ]); export function getNumRows(action: DocAction): number { return !isDataAction(action) ? 0 : Array.isArray(action[2]) ? action[2].length : 1; } // Convert from TableColValues (used by DocStorage and external APIs) to TableDataAction (used // mainly by the sandbox). export function toTableDataAction(tableId: string, colValues: TableColValues): TableDataAction { const colData = {...colValues}; // Make a copy to avoid changing passed-in arguments. const rowIds: number[] = colData.id; delete (colData as BulkColValues).id; return ['TableData', tableId, rowIds, colData]; } // Convert from TableDataAction (used mainly by the sandbox) to TableColValues (used by DocStorage // and external APIs). // Also accepts a TableDataAction nested as a tableData member of a larger structure, // for convenience in dealing with the result of fetches. export function fromTableDataAction(tableData: TableDataAction|{tableData: TableDataAction}): TableColValues { const data = ('tableData' in tableData) ? tableData.tableData : tableData; const rowIds: number[] = data[2]; const colValues: BulkColValues = data[3]; return {id: rowIds, ...colValues}; } /** * Convert a list of rows into an object with columns of values, used for * BulkAddRecord/BulkUpdateRecord actions. */ export function getColValues(records: Partial<RowRecord>[]): BulkColValues { const colIdSet = new Set<string>(); for (const r of records) { for (const c of Object.keys(r)) { if (c !== 'id') { colIdSet.add(c); } } } const result: BulkColValues = {}; for (const colId of colIdSet) { result[colId] = records.map(r => r[colId]!); } return result; } /** * Extract the col ids mentioned in a record-related DocAction as a list * (even if the action is not a bulk action). Returns undefined if no col ids * mentioned. */ export function getColIdsFromDocAction(docActions: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord | BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction): string[] | undefined { if (docActions[3]) { return Object.keys(docActions[3]); } return undefined; } /** * Extract column values for a particular column as CellValue[] from a * record-related DocAction. Undefined if absent. */ export function getColValuesFromDocAction(docAction: RemoveRecord | BulkRemoveRecord | AddRecord | BulkAddRecord | UpdateRecord | BulkUpdateRecord | ReplaceTableData | TableDataAction, colId: string): CellValue[]|undefined { const colValues = docAction[3]; if (!colValues) { return undefined; } const cellValues = colValues[colId]; if (!cellValues) { return undefined; } if (Array.isArray(docAction[2])) { return cellValues as CellValue[]; } else { return [cellValues as CellValue]; } }