import {Organization} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import {TestServer} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils'; import {setPlan} from 'test/gen-server/testUtils'; import {createTmpDir} from 'test/server/docTools'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; describe('suspension', function() { let home: TestServer; let nasa: Organization; testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('error'); before(async function() { const tmpDir = await createTmpDir(); home = new TestServer(this); await home.start(["home", "docs"], {dataDir: tmpDir}); const nasaApi = await home.createHomeApi('Chimpy', 'nasa'); nasa = await nasaApi.getOrg('current'); }); after(async function() { await setPlan(home.dbManager, nasa, nasa.billingAccount!; await home.stop(); }); it('limits user to read-only access', async function() { this.timeout(4000); // Open nasa as chimpy (an owner) const nasaApi = await home.createHomeApi('Chimpy', 'nasa'); // Set up Jupiter document to have some content const docId = await home.dbManager.testGetId('Jupiter') as string; await home.copyFixtureDoc('Hello.grist', docId); assert((await nasaApi.getDoc(docId)).access, 'owners'); // Confirm that user can edit docs const docApi = nasaApi.getDocAPI(docId); await assert.isFulfilled(docApi.getRows('Table1')); await assert.isFulfilled(docApi.updateRows('Table1', { id: [1], A: ['v1'] })); await assert.isFulfilled(docApi.addRows('Table1', { A: ['v1'] })); // Now suspend org await setPlan(home.dbManager, nasa, 'suspended'); // User should no longer be able to edit, but can view and download // Note a bit of cheating here: the call to getDoc() invalidates docAuthCache; without it, it // would be a few seconds before the change in access level is visible. assert((await nasaApi.getDoc(docId)).access, 'viewers'); await assert.isFulfilled(docApi.getRows('Table1')); await assert.isRejected(docApi.updateRows('Table1', { id: [1], A: ['v1'] }), /No write access/); await assert.isRejected(docApi.addRows('Table1', { A: ['v1'] }), /No write access/); const worker = await nasaApi.getWorkerAPI(docId); assert(await worker.downloadDoc(docId)); // download still works }); });