# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest import codebuilder import six unicode_prefix = 'u' if six.PY2 else '' def make_body(formula, default=None): return codebuilder.make_formula_body(formula, default).get_text() class TestCodeBuilder(unittest.TestCase): def test_make_formula_body(self): # Test simple usage. self.assertEqual(make_body(""), "return None") self.assertEqual(make_body("", 0.0), "return 0.0") self.assertEqual(make_body("", ""), "return ''") self.assertEqual(make_body(" "), "return None") self.assertEqual(make_body(" ", "-"), "return '-'") self.assertEqual(make_body("\n\t"), "return None") self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo"), "return rec.foo") self.assertEqual(make_body("rec.foo"), "return rec.foo") self.assertEqual(make_body("return $foo"), "return rec.foo") self.assertEqual(make_body("return $f123"), "return rec.f123") self.assertEqual(make_body("return rec.foo"), "return rec.foo") self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo if $bar else max($foo.bar.baz)"), "return rec.foo if rec.bar else max(rec.foo.bar.baz)") # Check that we don't mistake our temporary representation of "$" for the real thing. self.assertEqual(make_body("return DOLLARfoo"), "return DOLLARfoo") # Test that we don't translate $foo inside string literals or comments. self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo or '$foo'"), "return rec.foo or '$foo'") self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo * 2 # $foo"), "return rec.foo * 2 # $foo") self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo * 2 # $foo\n$bar"), "rec.foo * 2 # $foo\nreturn rec.bar") self.assertEqual(make_body("$foo or '\\'$foo\\''"), "return rec.foo or '\\'$foo\\''") self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo or """$foo"""'), 'return rec.foo or """$foo"""') self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo or """Some "$foos" stay"""'), 'return rec.foo or """Some "$foos" stay"""') # Check that we only insert a return appropriately. self.assertEqual(make_body('if $foo:\n return 1\nelse:\n return 2\n'), 'if rec.foo:\n return 1\nelse:\n return 2\n') self.assertEqual(make_body('a = $foo\nmax(a, a*2)'), 'a = rec.foo\nreturn max(a, a*2)') # Check that return gets inserted correctly when there is a multi-line expression. self.assertEqual(make_body('($foo or\n $bar)'), 'return (rec.foo or\n rec.bar)') self.assertEqual(make_body('return ($foo or\n $bar)'), 'return (rec.foo or\n rec.bar)') self.assertEqual(make_body('if $foo: return 17'), 'if rec.foo: return 17') self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo\n# return $bar'), 'return rec.foo\n# return $bar') # Test that formulas with a single string literal work, including multi-line string literals. self.assertEqual(make_body('"test"'), 'return "test"') self.assertEqual(make_body('("""test1\ntest2\ntest3""")'), 'return ("""test1\ntest2\ntest3""")') self.assertEqual(make_body('"""test1\ntest2\ntest3"""'), 'return """test1\ntest2\ntest3"""') self.assertEqual(make_body('"""test1\\ntest2\\ntest3"""'), 'return """test1\\ntest2\\ntest3"""') # Same, with single quotes. self.assertEqual(make_body("'test'"), "return 'test'") self.assertEqual(make_body("('''test1\ntest2\ntest3''')"), "return ('''test1\ntest2\ntest3''')") self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1\ntest2\ntest3'''"), "return '''test1\ntest2\ntest3'''") self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1\\ntest2\\ntest3'''"), "return '''test1\\ntest2\\ntest3'''") # And with mixing quotes self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1\"\"\" +\\\n \"\"\"test2'''"), "return '''test1\"\"\" +\\\n \"\"\"test2'''") self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1''' +\\\n \"\"\"test2\"\"\""), "return '''test1''' +\\\n \"\"\"test2\"\"\"") self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1\"\"\"\n\"\"\"test2'''"), "return '''test1\"\"\"\n\"\"\"test2'''") self.assertEqual(make_body("'''test1'''\n\"\"\"test2\"\"\""), "'''test1'''\nreturn \"\"\"test2\"\"\"") # Test that we produce valid code when "$foo" occurs in invalid places. if six.PY2: raise_code = "raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', ('usercode', 1, 5, u'foo($bar=1)'))" else: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax\\n\\n" "A `SyntaxError` occurs when Python cannot understand your code.\\n\\n', " "('usercode', 1, 5, 'foo($bar=1)'))") self.assertEqual(make_body('foo($bar=1)'), "# foo($bar=1)\n" + raise_code) if six.PY2: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', " "('usercode', 1, 5, u'def $bar(): return 3'))") else: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax\\n\\n" "A `SyntaxError` occurs when Python cannot understand your code.\\n\\n', " "('usercode', 1, 5, 'def $bar(): return 3'))") self.assertEqual(make_body('def $bar(): return 3'), "# def $bar(): return 3\n" + raise_code) # If $ is a syntax error, we don't want to turn it into a different syntax error. if six.PY2: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', " "('usercode', 1, 17, u'$foo + (\"$%.2f\" $ ($17.5))'))") else: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax\\n\\n" "A `SyntaxError` occurs when Python cannot understand your code.\\n\\n', " "('usercode', 1, 17, '$foo + (\"$%.2f\" $ ($17.5))'))") self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo + ("$%.2f" $ ($17.5))'), '# $foo + ("$%.2f" $ ($17.5))\n' + raise_code) if six.PY2: raise_code = "raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax', ('usercode', 4, 10, u' return $ bar'))" else: raise_code = ("raise SyntaxError('invalid syntax\\n\\n" "A `SyntaxError` occurs when Python cannot understand your code.\\n\\n" "I am guessing that you wrote `$` by mistake.\\n" "Removing it and writing `return bar` seems to fix the error.\\n\\n', " "('usercode', 4, 10, ' return $ bar'))") self.assertEqual(make_body('if $foo:\n' + ' return $foo\n' + 'else:\n' + ' return $ bar\n'), '# if $foo:\n' + '# return $foo\n' + '# else:\n' + '# return $ bar\n' + raise_code) # Check for reasonable behaviour with non-empty text and no statements. self.assertEqual(make_body('# comment'), '# comment\npass') self.assertEqual(make_body('rec = 1; rec'), "# rec = 1; rec\n" + "raise SyntaxError('Grist disallows assignment " + "to the special variable \"rec\"', ('usercode', 1, 1, %s'rec = 1; rec'))" % unicode_prefix) self.assertEqual(make_body('for rec in []: return rec'), "# for rec in []: return rec\n" + "raise SyntaxError('Grist disallows assignment " + "to the special variable \"rec\"', " "('usercode', 1, 4, %s'for rec in []: return rec'))" % unicode_prefix) # some legitimates use of rec body = (""" foo = rec [rec for x in rec] for a in rec: t = a [rec for x in rec] return rec """) self.assertEqual(make_body(body), body) # mostly legitimate use of rec but one failing body = (""" foo = rec [1 for rec in []] for a in rec: t = a [rec for x in rec] return rec """) self.assertRegex(make_body(body), r"raise SyntaxError\('Grist disallows assignment" + r" to the special variable \"rec\"', " r"\('usercode', 3, 7, %s'\[1 for rec in \[\]\]'\)\)" % unicode_prefix) self.assertEqual(make_body('rec.foo = 1; rec'), "# rec.foo = 1; rec\n" + "raise SyntaxError(\"You can't assign a value to a column with `=`. " "If you mean to check for equality, use `==` instead.\", " "('usercode', 1, 1, %s'rec.foo = 1; rec'))" % unicode_prefix) self.assertEqual(make_body('$foo = 1; rec'), "# $foo = 1; rec\n" + "raise SyntaxError(\"You can't assign a value to a column with `=`. " "If you mean to check for equality, use `==` instead.\", " "('usercode', 1, 1, %s'$foo = 1; rec'))" % unicode_prefix) self.assertEqual(make_body('assert foo'), "# assert foo\n" + 'raise SyntaxError("No `return` statement, ' "and the last line isn't an expression.\", " "('usercode', 1, 1, %s'assert foo'))" % unicode_prefix) self.assertEqual(make_body('foo = 1'), "# foo = 1\n" + 'raise SyntaxError("No `return` statement, ' "and the last line isn't an expression." " If you want to check for equality, use `==` instead of `=`.\", " "('usercode', 1, 1, %s'foo = 1'))" % unicode_prefix) def test_make_formula_body_unicode(self): # Test that we don't fail when strings include unicode characters self.assertEqual(make_body("'résumé' + $foo"), u"return 'résumé' + rec.foo") # Or when a unicode object is passed in, rather than a byte string self.assertEqual(make_body(u"'résumé' + $foo"), u"return 'résumé' + rec.foo") # Check the return type of make_body() self.assertEqual(type(make_body("foo")), six.text_type) self.assertEqual(type(make_body(u"foo")), six.text_type) def test_wrap_logical(self): self.assertEqual(make_body("IF($foo, $bar, $baz)"), "return IF(rec.foo, lambda: (rec.bar), lambda: (rec.baz))") self.assertEqual(make_body("return IF(FOO(x,y), BAR(x,y) * 2, BAZ(x,y) + 5)"), "return IF(FOO(x,y), lambda: (BAR(x,y) * 2), lambda: (BAZ(x,y) + 5))") self.assertEqual(make_body(""" y = $Test x = IF( FOO(x,y) or 6, BAR($x,y).blahh , Foo.lookupRecords(foo=$foo.bar, bar=True ).baz ) return x or y """), """ y = rec.Test x = IF( FOO(x,y) or 6, lambda: (BAR(rec.x,y).blahh) , lambda: (Foo.lookupRecords(foo=rec.foo.bar, bar=True ).baz) ) return x or y """) self.assertEqual(make_body("IF($A == 0, IF($B > 5, 'Test1'), IF($C < 10, 'Test2', 'Test3'))"), "return IF(rec.A == 0, " + "lambda: (IF(rec.B > 5, lambda: ('Test1'))), " + "lambda: (IF(rec.C < 10, lambda: ('Test2'), lambda: ('Test3'))))" ) def test_wrap_error(self): self.assertEqual(make_body("ISERR($foo.bar)"), "return ISERR(lambda: (rec.foo.bar))") self.assertEqual(make_body("ISERROR(1 / 0)"), "return ISERROR(lambda: (1 / 0))") self.assertEqual(make_body("IFERROR($foo + #\n 1 / 0, 'XX')"), "return IFERROR(lambda: (rec.foo + #\n 1 / 0), 'XX')") # Check that extra parentheses are OK. self.assertEqual(make_body("IFERROR((($foo + 1) / 0))"), "return IFERROR((lambda: ((rec.foo + 1) / 0)))") # Check that missing arguments is OK self.assertEqual(make_body("ISERR()"), "return ISERR()") if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest unittest.main()