import {getGristConfig} from 'app/common/urlUtils'; import i18next from 'i18next'; export async function setupLocale() { const now =; const supportedLngs = getGristConfig().supportedLngs ?? ['en']; let lng = window.navigator.language || 'en'; // If user agent language is not in the list of supported languages, use the default one. if (!supportedLngs.includes(lng)) { // Test if server supports general language. if (lng.includes("-") && supportedLngs.includes(lng.split("-")[0])) { lng = lng.split("-")[0]!; } else { lng = 'en'; } } const ns = getGristConfig().namespaces ?? ['core']; // Initialize localization plugin try { // We don't await this promise, as it is resolved synchronously due to initImmediate: false. i18next.init({ // By default we use english language. fallbackLng: 'en', // Fallback from en-US, en-GB, etc to en. nonExplicitSupportedLngs: true, // We will load resources ourselves. initImmediate: false, // Read language from navigator object. lng, // By default we use core namespace. defaultNS: 'core', // Read namespaces that are supported by the server. // TODO: this can be converted to a dynamic list of namespaces, for async components. // for now just import all what server offers. // We can fallback to core namespace for any addons. fallbackNS: 'core', ns, supportedLngs }).catch((err: any) => { // This should not happen, the promise should be resolved synchronously, without // any errors reported. console.error("i18next failed unexpectedly", err); }); // Detect what is resolved languages to load. const languages = i18next.languages; // Fetch all json files (all of which should be already preloaded); const loadPath = `${document.baseURI}locales/{{lng}}.{{ns}}.json`; const pathsToLoad: Promise[] = []; async function load(lang: string, n: string) { const resourceUrl = loadPath.replace('{{lng}}', lang).replace('{{ns}}', n); const response = await fetch(resourceUrl); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to load ${resourceUrl}`); } i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, n, await response.json()); } for (const lang of languages) { for (const n of ns) { pathsToLoad.push(load(lang, n)); } } await Promise.all(pathsToLoad); console.log("Localization initialized in " + ( - now) + "ms"); } catch (error: any) { reportError(error); } } /** * Resolves the translation of the given key, using the given options. */ export function t(key: string, args?: any): string { if (!i18next.exists(key)) { const error = new Error(`Missing translation for key: ${key} and language: ${i18next.language}`); reportError(error); } return i18next.t(key, args); } /** * Checks if the given key exists in the any supported language. */ export function hasTranslation(key: string) { return i18next.exists(key); }