import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; /** * WorkCoordinator is a helper to do work serially. It takes a doWork() callback which may either * do some work and return a Promise, or report no work to be done by returning null. After work * completes, doWork() will be called again; when idle, ping() should be called to retry doWork(). */ export class WorkCoordinator { private _doWorkCB: () => Promise|null; private _tryNextStepCB: () => void; private _isStepRunning: boolean = false; private _isStepScheduled: boolean = false; /** * The doWork() callback will be called on ping() and whenever previous doWork() promise * succeeds. If doWork() had nothing to do, it should return null, and will not be called again * until the next ping(). * * Note that doWork() should never fail. If it does, exceptions and rejections will be caught * and logged, and WorkCoordinator will not be called again until the next ping(). */ constructor(doWork: () => Promise|null) { this._doWorkCB = doWork; this._tryNextStepCB = () => this._tryNextStep(); // bound version of _tryNextStep. } /** * Attempt doWork() again. If doWork() is currently running, it will be attempted again on * completion even if the current run fails. */ public ping(): void { if (!this._isStepScheduled) { this._isStepScheduled = true; this._maybeSchedule(); } } private async _tryNextStep(): Promise { this._isStepScheduled = false; if (!this._isStepRunning) { this._isStepRunning = true; try { const work = this._doWorkCB(); if (work) { await work; // Only schedule the next step if some work was done. If _doWorkCB() did nothing, or // failed, _doWorkCB() will only be called when an external ping() triggers it. this._isStepScheduled = true; } } catch (err) { // doWork() should NOT fail. If it does, we log the error here, and stop scheduling work // as if there is no more work to be done. log.error("WorkCoordinator: error in doWork()", err); } finally { this._isStepRunning = false; this._maybeSchedule(); } } } private _maybeSchedule() { if (this._isStepScheduled && !this._isStepRunning) { setImmediate(this._tryNextStepCB); } } }