import { ActionSummary, TableDelta } from 'app/common/ActionSummary'; import { delay } from 'app/common/delay'; import { fromTableDataAction, RowRecord, TableColValues, TableDataAction } from 'app/common/DocActions'; import { StringUnion } from 'app/common/StringUnion'; import { MetaRowRecord } from 'app/common/TableData'; import { CellDelta } from 'app/common/TabularDiff'; import { ActiveDoc } from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import { makeExceptionalDocSession } from 'app/server/lib/DocSession'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import { promisifyAll } from 'bluebird'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as LRUCache from 'lru-cache'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { createClient, RedisClient } from 'redis'; promisifyAll(RedisClient.prototype); // Only owners can manage triggers, but any user's activity can trigger them // and the corresponding actions get the full values const docSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('system'); // Describes the change in existence to a record, which determines the event type interface RecordDelta { existedBefore: boolean; existedAfter: boolean; } type RecordDeltas = Map; // Union discriminated by type type TriggerAction = WebhookAction | PythonAction; export interface WebhookAction { type: "webhook"; id: string; } // Just hypothetical interface PythonAction { type: "python"; code: string; } interface WebHookEvent { payload: RowRecord; id: string; } export const allowedEventTypes = StringUnion("add", "update"); type EventType = typeof allowedEventTypes.type; type Trigger = MetaRowRecord<"_grist_Triggers">; export interface WebHookSecret { url: string; unsubscribeKey: string; } // Work to do after fetching values from the document interface Task { tableId: string; tableDelta: TableDelta; triggers: any; tableDataAction: Promise; recordDeltas: RecordDeltas; } // Processes triggers for records changed as described in ActionSummary objects, // initiating webhooks and automations. export class DocTriggers { // Converts a column ref to colId by looking it up in _grist_Tables_column private _getColId: (rowId: number) => string|undefined; // Events that need to be sent to webhooks in FIFO order. private _webHookEventQueue: WebHookEvent[] = []; // DB cache for webhook secrets private _webhookCache = new LRUCache({max: 1000}); private _shuttingDown: boolean = false; private _sending: boolean = false; private _redisClient: RedisClient | undefined; constructor(private _activeDoc: ActiveDoc) { const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL; if (redisUrl) { this._redisClient = createClient(redisUrl); // TODO check for existing events on redis queue } } public shutdown() { this._shuttingDown = true; if (!this._sending) { this._redisClient?.quitAsync(); } } public async handle(summary: ActionSummary) { const docData = this._activeDoc.docData; if (!docData) { return; } // Happens on doc creation while processing InitNewDoc action. const triggersTable = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Triggers"); const getTableId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables").getMetaRowPropFunc("tableId"); this._getColId = docData.getMetaTable("_grist_Tables_column").getMetaRowPropFunc("colId"); const triggersByTableRef = _.groupBy(triggersTable.getRecords(), "tableRef"); const tasks: Task[] = []; for (const tableRef of Object.keys(triggersByTableRef).sort()) { const triggers = triggersByTableRef[tableRef]; const tableId = getTableId(Number(tableRef))!; // groupBy makes tableRef a string const tableDelta = summary.tableDeltas[tableId]; if (tableDelta) { const recordDeltas = this._getRecordDeltas(tableDelta); const filters = {id: [...recordDeltas.keys()]}; // Fetch the modified records in full so they can be sent in webhooks // They will also be used to check if the record is ready const tableDataAction = this._activeDoc.fetchQuery(docSession, {tableId, filters}); tasks.push({tableId, tableDelta, triggers, tableDataAction, recordDeltas}); } } // Fetch values from document DB in parallel await Promise.all( => t.tableDataAction)); const events: WebHookEvent[] = []; for (const task of tasks) { events.push(...this._handleTask(task, await task.tableDataAction)); } this._webHookEventQueue.push(; if (!this._sending && events.length) { this._sending = true; const startSendLoop = () => { this._sendLoop().catch((e) => { log.error(`_sendLoop failed: ${e}`); startSendLoop(); }); }; startSendLoop(); } // TODO also push to redis queue } private _getRecordDeltas(tableDelta: TableDelta): RecordDeltas { const recordDeltas = new Map(); tableDelta.updateRows.forEach(id => recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: true, existedAfter: true})); // A row ID can appear in both updateRows and addRows, although it probably shouldn't // Added row IDs override updated rows because they didn't exist before tableDelta.addRows.forEach(id => recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: false, existedAfter: true})); // If we allow subscribing to deletion in the future // delta.removeRows.forEach(id => // recordDeltas.set(id, {existedBefore: true, existedAfter: false})); return recordDeltas; } private _handleTask( {tableDelta, tableId, triggers, recordDeltas}: Task, tableDataAction: TableDataAction, ) { const bulkColValues = fromTableDataAction(tableDataAction);`Processing ${triggers.length} triggers for ${} records of ${tableId}`); const makePayload = _.memoize((rowIndex: number) => _.mapValues(bulkColValues, col => col[rowIndex]) as RowRecord ); const result: WebHookEvent[] = []; for (const trigger of triggers) { const actions = JSON.parse(trigger.actions) as TriggerAction[]; const webhookActions = actions.filter(act => act.type === "webhook") as WebhookAction[]; if (!webhookActions.length) { continue; } const rowIndexesToSend: number[] = _.range( => { const rowId =[rowIndex]; return this._shouldTriggerActions( trigger, bulkColValues, rowIndex, rowId, recordDeltas.get(rowId)!, tableDelta, ); } ); for (const action of webhookActions) { for (const rowIndex of rowIndexesToSend) { const event = {id:, payload: makePayload(rowIndex)}; result.push(event); } } } return result; } /** * Determines if actions should be triggered for a single record and trigger. */ private _shouldTriggerActions( trigger: Trigger, bulkColValues: TableColValues, rowIndex: number, rowId: number, recordDelta: RecordDelta, tableDelta: TableDelta, ): boolean { let readyBefore: boolean; if (!trigger.isReadyColRef) { // User hasn't configured a column, so all records are considered ready immediately readyBefore = recordDelta.existedBefore; } else { const isReadyColId = this._getColId(trigger.isReadyColRef)!; // Must be the actual boolean `true`, not just anything truthy const isReady = bulkColValues[isReadyColId][rowIndex] === true; if (!isReady) { return false; } const cellDelta: CellDelta | undefined = tableDelta.columnDeltas[isReadyColId]?.[rowId]; if (!recordDelta.existedBefore) { readyBefore = false; } else if (!cellDelta ) { // Cell wasn't changed, and the record is ready now, so it was ready before. // This assumes that the ActionSummary contains all changes to the isReady column. // TODO ensure ActionSummary actually contains all changes, right now bulk changes are truncated. readyBefore = true; } else { const deltaBefore = cellDelta[0]; if (deltaBefore === null) { // The record didn't exist before, so it definitely wasn't ready // (although we probably shouldn't reach this since we already checked recordDelta.existedBefore) readyBefore = false; } else if (deltaBefore === "?") { // The ActionSummary shouldn't contain this kind of delta at all // since it comes from a single action bundle, not a combination of summaries. log.warn('Unexpected deltaBefore === "?"', {trigger, isReadyColId, rowId, docId: this._activeDoc.docName}); readyBefore = true; } else { // Only remaining case is that deltaBefore is a single-element array containing the previous value. const [valueBefore] = deltaBefore; // Must be the actual boolean `true`, not just anything truthy readyBefore = valueBefore === true; } } } let eventType: EventType; if (readyBefore) { eventType = "update"; // If we allow subscribing to deletion in the future // if (recordDelta.existedAfter) { // eventType = "update"; // } else { // eventType = "remove"; // } } else { eventType = "add"; } return trigger.eventTypes!.includes(eventType); } private async _getWebHookUrl(id: string): Promise { let webhook = this._webhookCache.get(id); if (!webhook) { const secret = await this._activeDoc.getHomeDbManager()?.getSecret(id, this._activeDoc.docName); if (!secret) { return; } webhook = JSON.parse(secret); this._webhookCache.set(id, webhook!); } const url = webhook!.url; if (!isUrlAllowed(url)) { log.warn(`Webhook not sent to forbidden URL: ${url}`); return; } return url; } private async _sendLoop() {"Starting _sendLoop"); // TODO delay/prevent shutting down while queue isn't empty? while (!this._shuttingDown) { if (!this._webHookEventQueue.length) { await delay(1000); continue; } const id = this._webHookEventQueue[0].id; const batch = _.takeWhile(this._webHookEventQueue.slice(0, 100), {id}); const body = JSON.stringify( => e.payload)); const url = await this._getWebHookUrl(id); let success: boolean; if (!url) { success = true; } else { success = await this._sendWebhookWithRetries(url, body); } if (success) { this._webHookEventQueue.splice(0, batch.length); // TODO also remove on redis } else if (!this._shuttingDown) { // TODO reorder queue on failure } }"Ended _sendLoop"); this._redisClient?.quitAsync().catch(e => // Catch error to prevent sendLoop being restarted log.warn("Error quitting redis: " + e) ); } private async _sendWebhookWithRetries(url: string, body: string) { const maxAttempts = 20; const maxWait = 64; let wait = 1; for (let attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++) { if (this._shuttingDown) { return false; } try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); if (response.status === 200) { return true; } log.warn(`Webhook responded with status ${response.status}`); } catch (e) { log.warn(`Webhook error: ${e}`); } // Don't wait any more if this is the last attempt. if (attempt >= maxAttempts - 1) { return false; } // Wait `wait` seconds, checking this._shuttingDown every second. for (let waitIndex = 0; waitIndex < wait; waitIndex++) { if (this._shuttingDown) { return false; } await delay(1000); } if (wait < maxWait) { wait *= 2; } } return false; } } export function isUrlAllowed(urlString: string) { let url: URL; try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch (e) { return false; } // http (no s) is only allowed for localhost for testing. // localhost still needs to be explicitly permitted, and it shouldn't be outside dev if (url.protocol !== "https:" && url.hostname !== "localhost") { return false; } return (process.env.ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS || "").split(",").some(domain => domain && ); }