import {createGroup} from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {ACIndexImpl, ACItem, ACResults} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex'; import {IAutocompleteOptions} from 'app/client/lib/autocomplete'; import {IToken, TokenField, tokenFieldStyles} from 'app/client/lib/TokenField'; import {colors, testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {menuCssClass} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {cssInvalidToken} from 'app/client/widgets/ChoiceListCell'; import {createMobileButtons, getButtonMargins} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorButtons'; import {EditorPlacement} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorPlacement'; import {NewBaseEditor, Options} from 'app/client/widgets/NewBaseEditor'; import {cssRefList, renderACItem} from 'app/client/widgets/ReferenceEditor'; import {csvEncodeRow} from 'app/common/csvFormat'; import {CellValue} from "app/common/DocActions"; import {decodeObject, encodeObject} from 'app/plugin/objtypes'; import {dom, styled} from 'grainjs'; class ChoiceItem implements ACItem, IToken { public cleanText: string = this.label.toLowerCase().trim(); constructor( public label: string, public isInvalid: boolean, // If set, this token is not one of the valid choices. public isNew?: boolean, // If set, this is a choice to be added to the config. ) {} } export class ChoiceListEditor extends NewBaseEditor { protected cellEditorDiv: HTMLElement; protected commandGroup: any; private _tokenField: TokenField; private _textInput: HTMLInputElement; private _dom: HTMLElement; private _editorPlacement: EditorPlacement; private _contentSizer: HTMLElement; // Invisible element to size the editor with all the tokens private _inputSizer: HTMLElement; // Part of _contentSizer to size the text input private _alignment: string; // Whether to include a button to show a new choice. (It would make sense to disable it when // user cannot change the column configuration.) private _enableAddNew: boolean = true; private _showAddNew: boolean = false; constructor(options: Options) { super(options); const choices: string[] = options.field.widgetOptionsJson.peek().choices || []; const acItems = => new ChoiceItem(c, false)); const choiceSet = new Set(choices); const acIndex = new ACIndexImpl(acItems); const acOptions: IAutocompleteOptions = { menuCssClass: menuCssClass + ' ' + cssRefList.className + ' ' + cssChoiceList.className + ' test-autocomplete', search: async (term: string) => this._maybeShowAddNew(, term), renderItem: (item: ChoiceItem, highlightFunc) => renderACItem(item.label, highlightFunc, item.isNew || false, this._showAddNew), getItemText: (item) => item.label, }; this.commandGroup = this.autoDispose(createGroup(options.commands, null, true)); this._alignment = options.field.widgetOptionsJson.peek().alignment || 'left'; // If starting to edit by typing in a string, ignore previous tokens. const cellValue = decodeObject(options.cellValue); const startLabels: unknown[] = options.editValue || !Array.isArray(cellValue) ? [] : cellValue; const startTokens = => new ChoiceItem(String(label), !choiceSet.has(String(label)))); this._tokenField = TokenField.create(this, { initialValue: startTokens, renderToken: item => [item.label, cssInvalidToken.cls('-invalid', (item as ChoiceItem).isInvalid)], createToken: label => new ChoiceItem(label, !choiceSet.has(label)), acOptions, openAutocompleteOnFocus: true, readonly : options.readonly, styles: {cssTokenField, cssToken, cssDeleteButton, cssDeleteIcon}, }); this._dom = dom('div.default_editor', dom.cls("readonly_editor", options.readonly), dom.cls(cssReadonlyStyle.className, options.readonly), this.cellEditorDiv = cssCellEditor(testId('widget-text-editor'), this._contentSizer = cssContentSizer(), elem => this._tokenField.attach(elem), ), createMobileButtons(options.commands), ); this._textInput = this._tokenField.getTextInput(); dom.update(this._tokenField.getRootElem(),'justify-content', this._alignment), ); dom.update(this._tokenField.getHiddenInput(), this.commandGroup.attach(), ); dom.update(this._textInput, // Resize the editor whenever user types into the textbox. dom.on('input', () => this.resizeInput(true)), dom.prop('value', options.editValue || ''), this.commandGroup.attach(), ); } public attach(cellElem: Element): void { // Attach the editor dom to page DOM. this._editorPlacement = EditorPlacement.create(this, this._dom, cellElem, {margins: getButtonMargins()}); // Reposition the editor if needed for external reasons (in practice, window resize). this.autoDispose(this._editorPlacement.onReposition.addListener(() => this.resizeInput())); // Update the sizing whenever the tokens change. Delay it till next tick to give a chance for // DOM updates that happen around tokenObs changes, to complete. this.autoDispose(this._tokenField.tokensObs.addListener(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => this.resizeInput()))); this.setSizerLimits(); // Once the editor is attached to DOM, resize it to content, focus, and set cursor. this.resizeInput(); this._textInput.focus(); const pos = Math.min(this.options.cursorPos, this._textInput.value.length); this._textInput.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } public getDom(): HTMLElement { return this._dom; } public getCellValue(): CellValue { return encodeObject(this._tokenField.tokensObs.get().map(item => item.label)); } public getTextValue() { const values = this._tokenField.tokensObs.get().map(t => t.label); return csvEncodeRow(values, {prettier: true}); } public getCursorPos(): number { return this._textInput.selectionStart || 0; } public async prepForSave() { const tokens = this._tokenField.tokensObs.get() as ChoiceItem[]; const newChoices = tokens.filter(t => t.isNew).map(t => t.label); if (newChoices.length > 0) { const choices = this.options.field.widgetOptionsJson.prop('choices'); await choices.saveOnly([...choices.peek(), Set(newChoices)]); } } public setSizerLimits() { // Set the max width of the sizer to the max we could possibly grow to, so that it knows to wrap // once we reach it. const rootElem = this._tokenField.getRootElem(); const maxSize = this._editorPlacement.calcSizeWithPadding(rootElem, {width: Infinity, height: Infinity}, {calcOnly: true}); = Math.ceil(maxSize.width) + 'px'; } /** * Helper which resizes the token-field to match its content. */ protected resizeInput(onlyTextInput: boolean = false) { if (this.isDisposed()) { return; } const rootElem = this._tokenField.getRootElem(); // To size the content, we need both the tokens and the text typed into _textInput. We // re-create the tokens using cloneNode(true) copies all styles and properties, but not event // handlers. We can skip this step when we know that only _textInput changed. if (!onlyTextInput || !this._inputSizer) { this._contentSizer.innerHTML = ''; dom.update(this._contentSizer, dom.update(rootElem.cloneNode(true) as HTMLElement,'width', ''),'height', ''), this._inputSizer = cssInputSizer(), // Remove the testId('tokenfield') from the cloned element, to simplify tests (so that // selecting .test-tokenfield only returns the actual visible tokenfield container). dom.cls('test-tokenfield', false), ) ); } // Use a separate sizer to size _textInput to the text inside it. // \u200B is a zero-width space; so the sizer will have height even when empty. this._inputSizer.textContent = this._textInput.value + '\u200B'; const rect = this._contentSizer.getBoundingClientRect(); const size = this._editorPlacement.calcSizeWithPadding(rootElem, rect); = size.width + 'px'; = size.height + 'px'; = this._inputSizer.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'; } private _maybeShowAddNew(result: ACResults, text: string): ACResults { // If the search text does not match anything exactly, add 'new' item for it. See also prepForSave. this._showAddNew = false; if (this._enableAddNew && text) { const addNewItem = new ChoiceItem(text, false, true); if (!result.items.find((item) => item.cleanText === addNewItem.cleanText)) { result.items.push(addNewItem); this._showAddNew = true; } } return result; } } const cssCellEditor = styled('div', ` background-color: white; font-family: var(--grist-font-family-data); font-size: var(--grist-medium-font-size); `); const cssTokenField = styled(tokenFieldStyles.cssTokenField, ` border: none; align-items: start; align-content: start; padding: 0 3px; height: min-content; min-height: 22px; color: black; flex-wrap: wrap; `); const cssToken = styled(tokenFieldStyles.cssToken, ` padding: 1px 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 16px; `); const cssDeleteButton = styled(tokenFieldStyles.cssDeleteButton, ` position: absolute; top: -8px; right: -6px; border-radius: 16px; background-color: ${colors.dark}; width: 14px; height: 14px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; display: none; align-items: center; justify-content: center; .${cssToken.className}:hover & { display: flex; } .${cssTokenField.className}.token-dragactive & { cursor: unset; } `); const cssDeleteIcon = styled(tokenFieldStyles.cssDeleteIcon, ` --icon-color: ${colors.light}; &:hover { --icon-color: ${colors.darkGrey}; } `); const cssContentSizer = styled('div', ` position: absolute; left: 0; top: -100px; border: none; visibility: hidden; overflow: visible; width: max-content; & .${tokenFieldStyles.cssInputWrapper.className} { display: none; } `); const cssInputSizer = styled('div', ` flex: auto; min-width: 24px; margin: 3px 2px; `); // Set z-index to be higher than the 1000 set for .cell_editor. const cssChoiceList = styled('div', ` z-index: 1001; box-shadow: 0 0px 8px 0 rgba(38,38,51,0.6) `); const cssReadonlyStyle = styled('div', ` padding-left: 16px; background: white; `);