import { ColumnFilter } from "app/client/models/ColumnFilter"; import { CellValue } from "app/plugin/GristData"; import { Computed, Disposable, Observable } from "grainjs"; import escapeRegExp = require("lodash/escapeRegExp"); import isNull = require("lodash/isNull"); const MAXIMUM_SHOWN_FILTER_ITEMS = 500; export interface IFilterCount { // label is the formatted value label: string; // number of occurences in the table count: number; // displayValue is the underlying value (from the display column, if any), useful to perform // comparison displayValue: any; } type ICompare = (a: T, b: T) => number const localeCompare = new Intl.Collator('en-US', {numeric: true}).compare; export class ColumnFilterMenuModel extends Disposable { public readonly searchValue = Observable.create(this, ''); public readonly isSortedByCount = Observable.create(this, false); // computes a set of all keys that matches the search text. public readonly filterSet = Computed.create(this, this.searchValue, (_use, searchValue) => { const searchRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(searchValue), 'i'); const showAllOptions = ['Bool', 'Choice', 'ChoiceList'].includes(this.columnFilter.columnType); return new Set( this._valueCount .filter(([_, {label, count}]) => (showAllOptions ? true : count) && searchRegex.test(label)) .map(([key]) => key) ); }); // computes the sorted array of all values (ie: pair of key and IFilterCount) that matches the search text. public readonly filteredValues = Computed.create( this, this.filterSet, this.isSortedByCount, (_use, filter, isSortedByCount) => { const prop: keyof IFilterCount = isSortedByCount ? 'count' : 'displayValue'; let isShownFirst: (val: any) => boolean = isNull; if (['Date', 'DateTime', 'Numeric', 'Int'].includes(this.columnFilter.visibleColumnType)) { isShownFirst = (val) => isNull(val) || isNaN(val); } const comparator: ICompare = (a, b) => { if (isShownFirst(a)) { return -1; } if (isShownFirst(b)) { return 1; } return localeCompare(a, b); }; return this._valueCount .filter(([key]) => filter.has(key)) .sort((a, b) => comparator(a[1][prop], b[1][prop])); } ); // computes the array of all values that does NOT matches the search text public readonly otherValues = Computed.create(this, this.filterSet, (_use, filter) => { return this._valueCount.filter(([key]) => !filter.has(key)); }); // computes the array of keys that matches the search text public readonly filteredKeys = Computed.create(this, this.filterSet, (_use, filter) => { return this._valueCount .filter(([key]) => filter.has(key)) .map(([key]) => key); }); public readonly valuesBeyondLimit = Computed.create(this, this.filteredValues, (_use, filteredValues) => { return filteredValues.slice(this.limitShown); }); constructor(public columnFilter: ColumnFilter, private _valueCount: Array<[CellValue, IFilterCount]>, public limitShown: number = MAXIMUM_SHOWN_FILTER_ITEMS) { super(); } }