import logging import testutil import test_engine from test_engine import Table, Column, View, Section, Field log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestTableActions(test_engine.EngineTestCase): address_table_data = [ ["id", "city", "state", "amount" ], [ 21, "New York", "NY" , 1. ], [ 22, "Albany", "NY" , 2. ], [ 23, "Seattle", "WA" , 3. ], [ 24, "Chicago", "IL" , 4. ], [ 25, "Bedford", "MA" , 5. ], [ 26, "New York", "NY" , 6. ], [ 27, "Buffalo", "NY" , 7. ], [ 28, "Bedford", "NY" , 8. ], [ 29, "Boston", "MA" , 9. ], [ 30, "Yonkers", "NY" , 10. ], [ 31, "New York", "NY" , 11. ], ] people_table_data = [ ["id", "name", "address" ], [ 1, "Alice", 22 ], [ 2, "Bob", 25 ], [ 3, "Carol", 27 ], ] def init_sample_data(self): # Add a couple of tables, including references. self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "Address", [ {"id": "city", "type": "Text"}, {"id": "state", "type": "Text"}, {"id": "amount", "type": "Numeric"}, ]]) self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "People", [ {"id": "name", "type": "Text"}, {"id": "address", "type": "Ref:Address"}, {"id": "city", "type": "Any", "formula": "$" } ]]) # Populate some data. d = testutil.table_data_from_rows("Address", self.address_table_data[0], self.address_table_data[1:]) self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "Address", d.row_ids, d.columns]) d = testutil.table_data_from_rows("People", self.people_table_data[0], self.people_table_data[1:]) self.apply_user_action(["BulkAddRecord", "People", d.row_ids, d.columns]) # Add a view with several sections, including a summary table. self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, 'record', None, None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 3, 'record', [3], None]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 3, 'record', None, None]) # Verify the new structure of tables and views. self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(4, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(7, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), Table(3, "Address_summary_state", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(9, "state", "Text", False, "", summarySourceCol=3), Column(10, "group", "RefList:Address", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(11, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(12, "amount", "Numeric", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]), ]) self.assertViews([ View(1, sections=[ Section(1, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(1, colRef=2), Field(2, colRef=3), Field(3, colRef=4), ]), ]), View(2, sections=[ Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(7, colRef=6), Field(8, colRef=7), Field(9, colRef=8), ]), ]), View(3, sections=[ Section(5, parentKey="record", tableRef=1, fields=[ Field(13, colRef=2), Field(14, colRef=3), Field(15, colRef=4), ]), Section(7, parentKey="record", tableRef=3, fields=[ Field(19, colRef=9), Field(20, colRef=11), Field(21, colRef=12), ]), Section(8, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(22, colRef=6), Field(23, colRef=7), Field(24, colRef=8), ]), ]), ]) # Verify the data we've loaded. self.assertTableData('Address', cols="subset", data=self.address_table_data) self.assertTableData('People', cols="subset", data=self.people_table_data) self.assertTableData("Address_summary_state", cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "NY", 7, 1.+2+6+7+8+10+11 ], [ 2, "WA", 1, 3. ], [ 3, "IL", 1, 4. ], [ 4, "MA", 2, 5.+9 ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @test_engine.test_undo def test_table_updates(self): # Verify table renames triggered by UpdateRecord actions, and related behavior. # Load a sample with a few table and views. self.init_sample_data() # Verify that we can rename tables via UpdatRecord actions, including multiple tables. self.apply_user_action(["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", [1,2], {"tableId": ["Location", "Persons"]}]) # Check that requested tables and summary tables got renamed correctly. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "tableId"], [1, "Location"], [2, "Persons"], [3, "Location_summary_state"], ]) # Check that reference columns to renamed tables get their type modified. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type"], [7, "address", "Ref:Location"], [10, "group", "RefList:Location"], ]) # Do a bulk update to rename A and B to conflicting names. self.apply_user_action(["AddTable", "A", [{"id": "a", "type": "Text"}]]) out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", [1,2], {"tableId": ["A", "A"]}]) # See what doc-actions get generated. self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ["ModifyColumn", "Persons", "address", {"type": "Int"}], ["ModifyColumn", "Location_summary_state", "group", {"type": "Int"}], ["RenameTable", "Location", "A2"], ["RenameTable", "Location_summary_state", "A2_summary_state"], ["RenameTable", "Persons", "A3"], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", [1, 3, 2], {"tableId": ["A2", "A2_summary_state", "A3"]}], ["ModifyColumn", "A3", "address", {"type": "Ref:A2"}], ["ModifyColumn", "A2_summary_state", "group", {"type": "RefList:A2"}], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [7, 10], {"type": ["Ref:A2", "RefList:A2"]}], ] }) # Check that requested tables and summary tables got renamed correctly. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "tableId"], [1, "A2"], [2, "A3"], [3, "A2_summary_state"], [4, "A"], ]) # Check that reference columns to renamed tables get their type modified. self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', rows="subset", cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type"], [7, "address", "Ref:A2"], [10, "group", "RefList:A2"], ]) # Verify the data we've loaded. self.assertTableData('A2', cols="subset", data=self.address_table_data) self.assertTableData('A3', cols="subset", data=self.people_table_data) self.assertTableData("A2_summary_state", cols="subset", data=[ [ "id", "state", "count", "amount" ], [ 1, "NY", 7, 1.+2+6+7+8+10+11 ], [ 2, "WA", 1, 3. ], [ 3, "IL", 1, 4. ], [ 4, "MA", 2, 5.+9 ], ]) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @test_engine.test_undo def test_table_renames_summary_by_ref(self): # Verify table renames when there is a group-by column that's a Reference. # This tests a potential bug since a table rename needs to modify Reference types, but # group-by columns aren't supposed to be modifiable. self.init_sample_data() # Add a table grouped by a reference column (the 'Ref:Address' column named 'address'). self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [7], None]) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula" ], [ 13, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "" ], [ 14, "group", "RefList:People", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)" ], [ 15, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)" ], ], rows=lambda r: ( == 4)) # Now rename the table Address -> Location. out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["RenameTable", "Address", "Location"]) # See what doc-actions get generated. self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "stored": [ ["ModifyColumn", "People", "address", {"type": "Int"}], ["ModifyColumn", "Address_summary_state", "group", {"type": "Int"}], ["ModifyColumn", "People_summary_address", "address", {"type": "Int"}], ["RenameTable", "Address", "Location"], ["RenameTable", "Address_summary_state", "Location_summary_state"], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables", [1, 3], {"tableId": ["Location", "Location_summary_state"]}], ["ModifyColumn", "People", "address", {"type": "Ref:Location"}], ["ModifyColumn", "Location_summary_state", "group", {"type": "RefList:Location"}], ["ModifyColumn", "People_summary_address", "address", {"type": "Ref:Location"}], ["BulkUpdateRecord", "_grist_Tables_column", [7, 10, 13], {"type": ["Ref:Location", "RefList:Location", "Ref:Location"]}], ] }) self.assertTableData('_grist_Tables_column', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "colId", "type", "isFormula", "formula" ], [ 13, "address", "Ref:Location", False, "" ], [ 14, "group", "RefList:People", True, "table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)" ], [ 15, "count", "Int", True, "len($group)" ], ], rows=lambda r: ( == 4)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @test_engine.test_undo def test_table_removes(self): # Verify table removals triggered by UpdateRecord actions, and related behavior. # Same setup as previous test. self.init_sample_data() # Add one more table, and one more view for tables #1 and #4 (those we are about to delete). self.apply_user_action(["AddEmptyTable", None]) out_actions = self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 1, 0, 'detail', None, None]) self.assertEqual(out_actions.retValues[0]["viewRef"], 5) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 4, 5, 'detail', None, None]) # See what's in TabBar table, to verify after we remove a table. self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 5], ]) # Remove two tables, ensure certain views get removed. self.apply_user_action(["BulkRemoveRecord", "_grist_Tables", [1, 4]]) # See that some TabBar entries disappear, or tableRef gets unset. self.assertTableData('_grist_TabBar', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "viewRef"], [2, 2], [3, 3], ]) # Check that reference columns to this table get converted self.assertTables([ Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(7, "address", "Int", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), # Note that the summary table is also gone. ]) self.assertViews([ View(2, sections=[ Section(3, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(7, colRef=6), Field(8, colRef=7), Field(9, colRef=8), ]), ]), View(3, sections=[ Section(8, parentKey="record", tableRef=2, fields=[ Field(22, colRef=6), Field(23, colRef=7), Field(24, colRef=8), ]), ]), ]) @test_engine.test_undo def test_remove_table_referenced_by_formula(self): self.init_sample_data() # Add a simple formula column of reference type. # Its type will be changed to Any. self.add_column( "People", "address2", type="Ref:Address", isFormula=True, formula="$address" ) # Add a similar reflist column, but change it to a data column. # The formula is just an easy way to populate values for the test. # A data column of type reflist should be changed to text. self.add_column( "People", "addresses", type="RefList:Address", isFormula=True, formula="[$address, $address]" ) self.modify_column("People", "addresses", isFormula=False) # Now remove the referenced table and see what happens to the ref columns. self.apply_user_action(["RemoveTable", "Address"]) self.assertTables([ Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), # Original data column of type Ref:Address is changed to Int. Column(7, "address", "Int", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), # Formula column of type Ref:Address is changed to Any. Column(13, "address2", "Any", True, "$address", 0), # Data column of type RefList:Address is changed to Text. Column(14, "addresses", "Text", False, "[$address, $address]", 0), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('People', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "name", "address", "address2", "addresses"], [ 1, "Alice", 22, 22, "22,22"], [ 2, "Bob", 25, 25, "25,25"], [ 3, "Carol", 27, 27, "27,27"], ]) @test_engine.test_undo def test_remove_table_referenced_by_summary_groupby_col_without_visible_col(self): self.init_sample_data() # Create a summary table of People grouped by address (a reference column). self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [7], None]) self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(4, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(7, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), Table(3, "Address_summary_state", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(9, "state", "Text", False, "", summarySourceCol=3), Column(10, "group", "RefList:Address", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(11, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(12, "amount", "Numeric", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]), Table(4, "People_summary_address", 0, 2, columns=[ Column(13, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "", summarySourceCol=7), Column(14, "group", "RefList:People", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(15, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('People_summary_address', data=[ ["id", "address", "count", "group"], [1, 22, 1, [1]], [2, 25, 1, [2]], [3, 27, 1, [3]], ]) # Now remove the referenced table. self.apply_user_action(["RemoveTable", "Address"]) # In both the People and summary tables, the 'address' reference column # is converted to Int, because it didn't have a visible/display column. self.assertTables([ Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(7, "address", "Int", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), Table(4, "People_summary_address", 0, 2, columns=[ Column(13, "address", "Int", False, "", summarySourceCol=7), Column(14, "group", "RefList:People", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(15, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('People', cols="subset", data=self.people_table_data) self.assertTableData('People_summary_address', data=[ ["id", "address", "count", "group"], [1, 22, 1, [1]], [2, 25, 1, [2]], [3, 27, 1, [3]], ]) @test_engine.test_undo def test_remove_table_referenced_by_summary_groupby_col_with_visible_col(self): # Similar to the test above, but now the reference column has a visible column. self.init_sample_data() self.modify_column("People", "address", visibleCol=2) self.apply_user_action(["SetDisplayFormula", "People", 0, 7, "$"]) self.apply_user_action(["CreateViewSection", 2, 0, 'record', [7], None]) self.assertTables([ Table(1, "Address", primaryViewId=1, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(1, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(2, "city", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(3, "state", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(4, "amount", "Numeric", False, "", 0), ]), Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(7, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), Column(13, "gristHelper_Display", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), Table(3, "Address_summary_state", 0, 1, columns=[ Column(9, "state", "Text", False, "", summarySourceCol=3), Column(10, "group", "RefList:Address", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(11, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(12, "amount", "Numeric", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="SUM($group.amount)"), ]), Table(4, "People_summary_address", 0, 2, columns=[ Column(14, "address", "Ref:Address", False, "", summarySourceCol=7), Column(15, "group", "RefList:People", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(16, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), Column(17, "gristHelper_Display", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('People_summary_address', data=[ ["id", "address", "count", "group", "gristHelper_Display"], [1, 22, 1, [1], "Albany"], [2, 25, 1, [2], "Bedford"], [3, 27, 1, [3], "Buffalo"], ]) self.apply_user_action(["RemoveTable", "Address"]) self.assertTables([ Table(2, "People", primaryViewId=2, summarySourceTable=0, columns=[ Column(5, "manualSort", "ManualSortPos", False, "", 0), Column(6, "name", "Text", False, "", 0), # Reference column is converted to the visible column type, i.e. Text. Column(7, "address", "Text", False, "", 0), Column(8, "city", "Any", True, "$", 0), ]), Table(4, "People_summary_address", 0, 2, columns=[ # Reference column is converted to the visible column type, i.e. Text. Column(14, "address", "Text", False, "", summarySourceCol=7), Column(15, "group", "RefList:People", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="table.getSummarySourceGroup(rec)"), Column(16, "count", "Int", True, summarySourceCol=0, formula="len($group)"), ]), ]) self.assertTableData('People', cols="subset", data=[ ["id", "name", "address" ], [ 1, "Alice", "Albany"], [ 2, "Bob", "Bedford"], [ 3, "Carol", "Buffalo"], ]) self.assertTableData('People_summary_address', data=[ ["id", "address", "count", "group"], [ 4, "Albany", 1, [1]], [ 5, "Bedford", 1, [2]], [ 6, "Buffalo", 1, [3]], ])