const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { loadPyodide } = require('./_build/worker/node_modules/pyodide'); const { listLibs } = require('./packages'); const INCOMING_FD = 4; const OUTGOING_FD = 5; class GristPipe { constructor() { this.pyodide = null; this.incomingBuffer = Buffer.alloc(65536); this.addedBlob = false; this.adminMode = false; } async init() { const self = this; this.setAdminMode(true); this.pyodide = await loadPyodide({ jsglobals: { Object: {}, setTimeout: function(code, delay) { if (self.adminMode) { setTimeout(code, delay); // Seems to be OK not to return anything, so we don't. } else { throw new Error('setTimeout not available'); } }, sendFromSandbox: (data) => { return fs.writeSync(OUTGOING_FD, Buffer.from(data.toJs())); } }, }); this.setAdminMode(false); this.pyodide.setStdin({ stdin: () => { const result = fs.readSync(INCOMING_FD, this.incomingBuffer, 0, this.incomingBuffer.byteLength); if (result > 0) { const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(result, 0, 0, result); this.incomingBuffer.copy(buf); return buf; } return null; }, }); this.pyodide.setStderr({ batched: (data) => { this.log("[py]", data); } }); } async loadCode() { // Load python packages. const src = path.join(__dirname, '_build', 'packages'); const lsty = (await listLibs(src)) => item.fullName); await this.pyodide.loadPackage(lsty, { messageCallback: (msg) => this.log('[package]', msg), }); // Load Grist data engine code. // We mount it as /grist_src, copy to /grist, then unmount. // Note that path to source must be a realpath. const root = fs.realpathSync(path.join(__dirname, '../grist')); await this.pyodide.FS.mkdir("/grist_src"); // careful, needs to be a realpath await this.pyodide.FS.mount(this.pyodide.FS.filesystems.NODEFS, { root }, "/grist_src"); // Now want to copy /grist_src to /grist. // For some reason shutil.copytree doesn't work on Windows in this situation, so // we reimplement it crudely. await this.pyodide.runPython(` import os, shutil def copytree(src, dst): os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True) for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) if os.path.isdir(s): copytree(s, d) else: shutil.copy2(s, d) copytree('/grist_src', '/grist')`); await this.pyodide.FS.unmount("/grist_src"); await this.pyodide.FS.rmdir("/grist_src"); } async mountImportDirIfNeeded() { if (process.env.IMPORTDIR) { this.log("Setting up import from", process.env.IMPORTDIR); // Ideally would be read-only; don't see a way to do that, // other than copying like for Grist code. await this.pyodide.FS.mkdir("/import"); await this.pyodide.FS.mount(this.pyodide.FS.filesystems.NODEFS, { root: process.env.IMPORTDIR, }, "/import"); } } async runCode() { await this.pyodide.runPython(` import sys sys.path.append('/') sys.path.append('/grist') import grist import main import os os.environ['PIPE_MODE'] = 'pyodide' os.environ['IMPORTDIR'] = '/import' main.main() `); } setAdminMode(active) { this.adminMode = active; // Lack of Blob may result in a message on console.log that hurts us. if (active && !globalThis.Blob) { globalThis.Blob = String; this.addedBlob = true; } if (!active && this.addedBlob) { delete globalThis.Blob; this.addedBlob = false; } } log(...args) { console.error("[pyodide sandbox]", ...args); } } async function main() { try { const pipe = new GristPipe(); await pipe.init(); await pipe.loadCode(); await pipe.mountImportDirIfNeeded(); await pipe.runCode(); } finally { process.stdin.removeAllListeners(); } } main().catch(err => console.error("[pyodide error]", err));