import { ActionRouter } from 'app/common/ActionRouter'; import { LocalPlugin } from 'app/common/plugin'; import { BaseComponent, createRpcLogger, warnIfNotReady } from 'app/common/PluginInstance'; import { GristAPI, RPC_GRISTAPI_INTERFACE } from 'app/plugin/GristAPI'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import { getAppPathTo } from 'app/server/lib/places'; import { makeLinePrefixer } from 'app/server/lib/sandboxUtil'; import { exitPromise, timeoutReached } from 'app/server/lib/serverUtils'; import { ChildProcess, fork, ForkOptions } from 'child_process'; import * as fse from 'fs-extra'; import { IMessage, IMsgCustom, IMsgRpcCall, Rpc } from 'grain-rpc'; import * as path from 'path'; // Error for not yet implemented api. class NotImplemented extends Error { constructor(name: string) { super(`calling ${name} from UnsafeNode is not yet implemented`); } } /** * The unsafeNode component used by a PluginInstance. * */ export class UnsafeNodeComponent extends BaseComponent { private _child?: ChildProcess; /* plugin node code will run as separate process */ private _exited: Promise<void>; /* fulfulled when process has completed */ private _rpc: Rpc; private _pluginPath: string; private _pluginId: string; private _actionRouter: ActionRouter; private _gristAPI: GristAPI = { render() { throw new NotImplemented('render'); }, dispose() { throw new NotImplemented('dispose'); }, subscribe: (tableId: string) => this._actionRouter.subscribeTable(tableId), unsubscribe: (tableId: string) => this._actionRouter.unsubscribeTable(tableId), }; /** * * @arg parent: the plugin instance this component is part of * @arg _mainPath: main script file to run * @arg appRoot: root path for application (important for setting a good NODE_PATH) * @arg _gristDocPath: path to the current Grist doc (to which this plugin applies). * */ constructor(plugin: LocalPlugin, pluginRpc: Rpc, private _mainPath: string, public appRoot: string, private _gristDocPath: string, rpcLogger = createRpcLogger(log, `PLUGIN ${}/${_mainPath} UnsafeNode:`)) { super(plugin.manifest, rpcLogger); this._pluginPath = plugin.path; this._pluginId =; this._rpc = new Rpc({ sendMessage: (msg) => this.sendMessage(msg), logger: rpcLogger, }); this._rpc.registerForwarder('*', pluginRpc); this._rpc.registerImpl<GristAPI>(RPC_GRISTAPI_INTERFACE, this._gristAPI); this._actionRouter = new ActionRouter(this._rpc); } public async sendMessage(data: IMessage): Promise<void> { if (!this._child) { await this.activateImplementation(); } this._child!.send(data); return Promise.resolve(); } public receiveAction(action: any[]) { this._actionRouter.process(action) .catch((err: any) => log.warn('unsafeNode[%s] receiveAction failed with %s', this._child ? : "NULL", err)); } /** * * Create the child node process needed for this component. * */ protected async activateImplementation(): Promise<void> {`unsafeNode operating in ${this._pluginPath}`); const base = this._pluginPath; const script = path.resolve(base, this._mainPath); await fse.access(script, fse.constants.R_OK); // Time to set up the node search path the client will see. // We take our own, via Module.globalPaths, a poorly documented // method listing the search path for the active node program // const paths = require('module').globalPaths.slice().concat([ // add the path to the plugin itself path.resolve(base), // add the path to grist's public api getAppPathTo(this.appRoot, 'public-api'), // add the path to the node_modules packaged with grist, in electron form getAppPathTo(this.appRoot, 'node_modules') ]); const env = Object.assign({}, process.env, { NODE_PATH: paths.join(path.delimiter), GRIST_PLUGIN_PATH: `${this._pluginId}/${this._mainPath}`, GRIST_DOC_PATH: this._gristDocPath, }); const electronVersion: string = (process.versions as any).electron; if (electronVersion) { // Pass along the fact that we are running under an electron-ified node, for the purposes of // finding binaries (sqlite3 in particular). env.ELECTRON_VERSION = electronVersion; } const child = this._child = fork(script, [], { env, stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc'], } as ForkOptions); // Explicit cast only because node-6 typings mistakenly omit stdio property"unsafeNode[%s] started %s",, script); // Important to use exitPromise() before events from child may be received, so don't call // yield or await between fork and here. this._exited = exitPromise(child) .then(code =>"unsafeNode[%s] exited with %s",, code)) .catch(err => log.warn("unsafeNode[%s] failed with %s",, err)) .then(() => { this._child = undefined; }); child.stdout.on('data', makeLinePrefixer('PLUGIN stdout: ')); child.stderr.on('data', makeLinePrefixer('PLUGIN stderr: ')); warnIfNotReady(this._rpc, 3000, "Plugin isn't ready; be sure to call grist.ready() from plugin"); child.on('message', this._rpc.receiveMessage.bind(this._rpc)); } /** * * Remove the child node process needed for this component. * */ protected async deactivateImplementation(): Promise<void> { if (!this._child) {'unsafeNode deactivating: no child process'); } else {'unsafeNode[%s] deactivate: disconnecting child',; this._child.disconnect(); if (await timeoutReached(2000, this._exited)) {"unsafeNode[%s] deactivate: sending SIGTERM",; this._child.kill('SIGTERM'); } if (await timeoutReached(5000, this._exited)) { log.warn("unsafeNode[%s] deactivate: child still has not exited",; } else {"unsafeNode deactivate: child exited"); } } } protected doForwardCall(c: IMsgRpcCall): Promise<any> { return this._rpc.forwardCall({...c, mdest: ''}); } protected async doForwardMessage(c: IMsgCustom): Promise<any> { return this._rpc.forwardMessage({...c, mdest: ''}); } }