This is a collection of scripts for running a pyodide-based "sandbox" for Grist. I put "sandbox" in quotes since pyodide isn't built with sandboxing in mind. It was written to run in a browser, where the browser does sandboxing. I don't know how much of node's API ends up being exposed to the "sandbox" - in previous versions of pyodide it seems the answer is "a lot". See the back-and-forth between dalcde and hoodmane in: See specifically: I looked at hiwire and its treatment of js globals has changed a lot. On the surface it looks like there is good control of what is exposed, but there may be other routes. Still, some wasm-based solution is likely to be helpful, whether from pyodide or elsewhere, and this is good practice for that. *** To run, we need specific versions of the Python packages that Grist uses to be prepared. It should suffice to do: ``` make setup ``` In this directory. See the `Makefile` for other options.