import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {FocusLayer} from 'app/client/lib/FocusLayer'; import {createObsArray} from 'app/client/lib/koArrayWrap'; import {localStorageBoolObs} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs'; import {CellRec, ColumnRec, ViewSectionRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {RowSource, RowWatcher} from 'app/client/models/rowset'; import {createUserImage} from 'app/client/ui/UserImage'; import {basicButton, primaryButton, textButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {labeledSquareCheckbox} from 'app/client/ui2018/checkbox'; import {colors, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {menu, menuItem} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {CellInfoType} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {FullUser} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import { bundleChanges, Computed, Disposable, dom, DomArg, DomContents, DomElementArg, IDomComponent, makeTestId, MultiHolder, ObsArray, Observable, styled } from 'grainjs'; import {createPopper, Options as PopperOptions} from '@popperjs/core'; import * as ko from 'knockout'; import moment from 'moment'; import maxSize from 'popper-max-size-modifier'; import flatMap = require('lodash/flatMap'); const testId = makeTestId('test-discussion-'); const COMMENTS_LIMIT = 200; interface DiscussionPopupProps { domEl: Element, topic: ICellView, discussionId?: number, gristDoc: GristDoc, closeClicked: () => void; } interface ICellView { comments: Observable<CellRec[]>, comment(text: string): Promise<void>; reply(discussion: CellRec, text: string): Promise<void>; resolve(discussion: CellRec): Promise<void>; update(comment: CellRec, text: string): Promise<void>; open(discussion: CellRec): Promise<void>; remove(comment: CellRec): Promise<void>; } export class CellWithComments extends Disposable implements ICellView { public comments: Observable<CellRec[]>; constructor(protected gristDoc: GristDoc) { super(); } public async comment(text: string): Promise<void> { // To override } public async reply(comment: CellRec, text: string): Promise<void> { const author = commentAuthor(this.gristDoc); await this.gristDoc.docData.bundleActions("Reply to a comment", () => Promise.all([ this.gristDoc.docModel.cells.sendTableAction([ "AddRecord", null, { parentId:, root: false, type: CellInfoType.COMMENT, userRef: author?.ref ?? '', content: JSON.stringify({ userName: author?.name ?? '', timeCreated:, timeUpdated: null, text }), tableRef: comment.tableRef.peek(), colRef: comment.colRef.peek(), rowId: comment.rowId.peek(), } ]) ])); } public resolve(comment: CellRec): Promise<void> { const author = commentAuthor(this.gristDoc); comment.resolved(true); comment.resolvedBy(author?.email ?? ''); return comment.timeUpdated.setAndSave((; } public async update(comment: CellRec, text: string): Promise<void> { const timeUpdated =; comment.text(text.trim()); return comment.timeUpdated.setAndSave(timeUpdated); } public async open(comment: CellRec): Promise<void> { comment.resolved(false); comment.resolvedBy(''); return comment.timeUpdated.setAndSave((; } public async remove(comment: CellRec): Promise<void> { await comment._table.sendTableAction(["RemoveRecord",]); } } export class EmptyCell extends CellWithComments implements ICellView { constructor(public props: { gristDoc: GristDoc, column: ColumnRec, rowId: number, tableRef: number, }) { super(props.gristDoc); const {column, rowId} = props; this.comments = Computed.create(this, use => { const fromColumn = use(use(column.cells).getObservable()); const forRow = fromColumn.filter(d => use(d.rowId) === rowId && use(d.root) && !use(d.hidden)); return forRow; }); } public async comment(text: string): Promise<void> { const props = this.props; const author = commentAuthor(props.gristDoc); const now =; const addComment = [ "AddRecord", "_grist_Cells", null, { tableRef: props.tableRef, colRef:, rowId: props.rowId, type: CellInfoType.COMMENT, root: true, userRef: author?.ref ?? '', content: JSON.stringify({ timeCreated: now, text: text, userName: author?.name ?? '', }) } ]; await props.gristDoc.docData.sendActions([addComment], 'Started discussion'); } } /** * Discussion popup that is attached to a cell. */ export class CellDiscussionPopup extends Disposable { private _isEmpty: Computed<boolean>; constructor(public props: DiscussionPopupProps) { super(); this._isEmpty = Computed.create(this, use => { const discussions = use(props.topic.comments); const notResolved = discussions.filter(d => !use(d.resolved)); const visible = notResolved.filter(d => !use(d.hidden)); return visible.length === 0; }); const content = dom('div', testId('popup'), dom.domComputed(use => use(this._isEmpty), empty => { if (!empty) { return dom.create(CellWithCommentsView, { topic: props.topic, readonly: props.gristDoc.isReadonly, gristDoc: props.gristDoc, panel: false, closeClicked: props.closeClicked, }); } else { return dom.create(EmptyCellView, { closeClicked: props.closeClicked, onSave: (text) => this.props.topic.comment(text), }); } }) ); buildPopup(this, props.domEl, content, cellPopperOptions, this.props.closeClicked); } } /** * Component for starting discussion on a cell. Displays simple textbox and a button to start discussion. */ class EmptyCellView extends Disposable { private _newText = Observable.create(this, ''); constructor(public props: { closeClicked: () => void, onSave: (text: string) => any }) { super(); } public buildDom() { return cssTopic( testId('topic-empty'), testId('topic'), this._createCommentEntry(), dom.onKeyDown({ Escape: () => this.props.closeClicked?.(), }) ); } private _createCommentEntry() { return cssCommonPadding(dom.create(CommentEntry, { mode: 'start', text: this._newText, onSave: () => this.props.onSave(this._newText.get()), onCancel: () => this.props.closeClicked?.(), editorArgs: [{placeholder: 'Write a comment'}], mainButton: 'Comment', buttons: ['Cancel'], args: [testId('editor-start')] })); } } /** * Main component for displaying discussion on a popup. */ class CellWithCommentsView extends Disposable implements IDomComponent { // Holder for a new comment text. private _newText = Observable.create(this, ''); // CommentList dom - used for scrolling. private _discussionList!: HTMLDivElement; // Currently edited comment. private _commentInEdit = Observable.create<CommentView | null>(this, null); // Helper variable to mitigate some flickering when closing editor. // We hide the editor before resolving discussion or clearing discussion, as // actions that create discussions and comments are asynchronous, so user can see // that comments elements are removed. private _closing = Observable.create(this, false); private _comments: Observable<CellRec[]>; private _commentsToRender: Observable<CellRec[]>; private _truncated: Observable<boolean>; constructor(public props: { topic: ICellView, readonly: Observable<boolean>, gristDoc: GristDoc, panel?: boolean, closeClicked?: () => void }) { super(); if (props.panel) { this._comments = Computed.create(this, use => use(props.topic.comments).filter(ds => !use(ds.hidden) && use(ds.root))); } else { // Don't show resolved comments on a popup. this._comments = Computed.create(this, use => use(props.topic.comments).filter(ds => !use(ds.resolved) && !use(ds.hidden) && use(ds.root))); } this._commentsToRender = Computed.create(this, use => { const sorted = use(this._comments).sort((a, b) => (use(a.timeCreated) ?? 0) - (use(b.timeCreated) ?? 0)); const start = Math.max(0, sorted.length - COMMENTS_LIMIT); return sorted.slice(start); }); this._truncated = Computed.create(this, use => use(this._comments).length > COMMENTS_LIMIT); } public buildDom() { return cssTopic( dom.maybe(this._truncated, () => cssTruncate(`Showing last ${COMMENTS_LIMIT} comments`)), cssTopic.cls('-panel', this.props.panel), domOnCustom(CommentView.EDIT, (s: CommentView) => this._onEditComment(s)), domOnCustom(CommentView.CANCEL, (s: CommentView) => this._onCancelEdit()), dom.hide(this._closing), testId('topic'), testId('topic-filled'), dom.maybe(!this.props.panel, () => cssHeaderBox( testId('topic-header'), // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET // cssHoverButton(cssRotate('Expand'), dom.on('click', () => this._remove()), {title: 'Previous discussion'}), // cssHoverButton(icon('Expand'), dom.on('click', () => this._remove()), {title: 'Next discussion'}), dom('div','align-self', 'center'), "Comments"), cssSpacer(), // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET // cssIconButton( // icon('Dots'), // menu(() => [], {placement: 'bottom-start'}), // dom.on('click', stopPropagation) // ), cssHoverButton( icon('Popup'), testId('topic-button-panel'), dom.on('click', () => this.props.gristDoc.showTool('discussion')), {title: 'Open panel'} ), cssHeaderBox.cls("-border") )), this._discussionList = cssCommentList( testId('topic-comments'), dom.forEach(this._commentsToRender, comment => { return cssDiscussionWrapper( cssDiscussion( cssDiscussion.cls("-resolved", use => Boolean(use(comment.resolved))), dom.create(CommentView, { ...this.props, comment }) ) ); } ) ), !this.props.panel ? this._createCommentEntry() : null, dom.onKeyDown({ Escape: () => this.props.closeClicked?.(), }) ); } private _onCancelEdit() { if (this._commentInEdit.get()) { this._commentInEdit.get()?.isEditing.set(false); } this._commentInEdit.set(null); } private _onEditComment(el: CommentView) { if (this._commentInEdit.get()) { this._commentInEdit.get()?.isEditing.set(false); } el.isEditing.set(true); this._commentInEdit.set(el); } private async _save() { try { return await this.props.topic.comment(this._newText.get().trim()); } catch (err) { return reportError(err); } finally { this._newText.set(''); this._discussionList.scrollTo(0, 10000); } } private _createCommentEntry() { return cssReplyBox(dom.create(CommentEntry, { mode: 'comment', text: this._newText, onSave: () => this._save(), onCancel: () => this.props.closeClicked?.(), mainButton: 'Send', editorArgs: [{placeholder: 'Comment'}], args: [testId('editor-add')] })); } } interface CommentProps { comment: CellRec, topic: ICellView, gristDoc: GristDoc, isReply?: boolean, panel?: boolean, args?: DomArg<HTMLDivElement>[] } /** * Component for displaying a single comment, either in popup or discussion panel. */ class CommentView extends Disposable { // Public custom events. Those are propagated to the parent component (TopicView) to make // sure only one comment is in edit mode at a time. public static EDIT = 'comment-edit'; // comment is in edit mode public static CANCEL = 'comment-cancel'; // edit mode was cancelled or turned off public static SELECT = 'comment-select'; // comment was clicked // Public modes that are modified by topic view. public isEditing = Observable.create(this, false); public replying = Observable.create(this, false); private _replies: ObsArray<CellRec>; private _hasReplies: Computed<boolean>; private _expanded = Observable.create(this, false); private _resolved: Computed<boolean>; private _showReplies: Computed<boolean>; private _bodyDom: Element; constructor( public props: CommentProps) { super(); this._replies = createObsArray(this, props.comment.children()); this._hasReplies = Computed.create(this, use => use(this._replies).length > 0); this._resolved = Computed.create(this, use => Boolean(use(props.comment.resolved))); this._showReplies = Computed.create(this, use => { return !this.props.isReply && use(this._replies).length > 0 && (use(this._expanded) || !use(this.props.comment.resolved)); }); } public buildDom() { const comment = this.props.comment; const topic = this.props.topic; const user = (c: CellRec) => comment.hidden() ? null : commentAuthor(this.props.gristDoc, c.userRef(), c.userName()); this._bodyDom = cssComment( ...(this.props.args ?? []), this.props.isReply ? testId('reply') : testId('comment'), dom.on('click', () => { if (this.props.isReply) { return; } trigger(this._bodyDom, CommentView.SELECT, comment); if (!this._resolved.get()) { return; } this._expanded.set(!this._expanded.get()); }), dom.maybe(use => !use(comment.hidden), () => [ cssColumns( // 1. Column with avatar only buildAvatar(user(comment), testId('comment-avatar')), // 2. Column with nickname/date, menu and text cssCommentHeader( // User name date and buttons cssCommentBodyHeader( dom('div', buildNick(user(comment), testId('comment-nick')), dom.domComputed(use => cssTime( formatTime(use(comment.timeUpdated) ?? use(comment.timeCreated) ?? 0), testId('comment-time'), )), ), cssSpacer(), cssIconButton( icon('Dots'), testId('comment-menu'),'margin-left', `3px`), menu(() => this._menuItems(), {placement: 'bottom-start'}), dom.on('click', stopPropagation) ) ), ), ), // Comment text dom.maybe(use => !use(this.isEditing), () => dom.domComputed(comment.hidden, (hidden) => { if (hidden) { return dom('div', "CENSORED", {style: 'margin-top: 4px'}, testId('comment-text'), ); } return cssCommentPre( dom.text(use => use(comment.text) ?? ''), {style: 'margin-top: 4px'}, testId('comment-text'), ); }) ), // Comment editor dom.maybeOwned(this.isEditing, (owner) => { const text = Observable.create(owner, comment.text.peek() ?? ''); return dom.create(CommentEntry, { text, mainButton: 'Save', buttons: ['Cancel'], onSave: async () => { const value = text.get(); text.set(""); await topic.update(comment, value); trigger(this._bodyDom, CommentView.CANCEL, this); this.isEditing.set(false); }, onCancel: () => { trigger(this._bodyDom, CommentView.CANCEL, this); this.isEditing.set(false); }, mode: 'start', args: [testId('editor-edit')] }); } ), dom.maybe(this._showReplies, () => cssCommentReplyWrapper( testId('replies'), cssReplyList( dom.forEach(this._replies, (commentReply) => { return dom('div', dom.create(CommentView, { ...this.props, comment: commentReply, isReply: true, args: ['padding-left', '0px'),'padding-right', '0px')], }) ); }), ) ) ), // Reply editor or button dom.maybe(use => !use(this.isEditing) && !this.props.isReply && !use(comment.resolved), () => dom.domComputed(use => { if (!use(this.replying)) { return cssReplyButton(icon('Message'), 'Reply', testId('comment-reply-button'), dom.on('click', withStop(() => this.replying.set(true))),'margin-left', use2 => use2(this._hasReplies) ? '16px' : '0px'), ); } else { const text = Observable.create(null, ''); return dom.create(CommentEntry, { text, args: ['margin-top', '8px'), testId('editor-reply')], mainButton: 'Reply', buttons: ['Cancel'], onSave: async () => { const value = text.get(); this.replying.set(false); await topic.reply(comment, value); }, onCancel: () => this.replying.set(false), onClick: (button) => { if (button === 'Cancel') { this.replying.set(false); } }, mode: 'reply' }); } }) ), // Resolved marker dom.domComputed((use) => { if (!use(comment.resolved) || this.props.isReply) { return null; } return cssResolvedBlock( testId('comment-resolved'), icon('FieldChoice'), cssResolvedText(dom.text( `Marked as resolved` ))); }), ]), ); return this._bodyDom; } private _menuItems() { const currentUser =; const canResolve = !this.props.comment.resolved() && !this.props.isReply; const comment = this.props.comment; return [ !canResolve ? null : menuItem( () => this.props.topic.resolve(this.props.comment), 'Resolve' ), !comment.resolved() ? null : menuItem( () =>, 'Open' ), menuItem( () => this.props.topic.remove(comment), 'Remove', dom.cls('disabled', use => { return currentUser !== use(comment.userRef); }) ), menuItem( () => this._edit(), 'Edit', dom.cls('disabled', use => { return currentUser !== use(comment.userRef); }) ), ]; } private _edit() { trigger(this._bodyDom, CommentView.EDIT, this); this.isEditing.set(true); } } /** * Component for displaying input element for a comment (either for replying or starting a new discussion). */ class CommentEntry extends Disposable { constructor(public props: { text: Observable<string>, mode?: 'comment' | 'start' | 'reply', // inline for reply, full for new discussion onClick?: (button: string) => void, onSave?: () => Promise<void>|void, onCancel?: () => void, // On Escape mainButton?: string, // Text for the main button (defaults to Send) buttons?: string[], // Additional buttons to show. editorArgs?: DomArg<HTMLTextAreaElement>[] args?: DomArg<HTMLDivElement>[] }) { super(); } public buildDom() { const text = this.props.text; const clickBuilder = (button: string) => dom.on('click', () => { if (button === "Cancel") { this.props.onCancel?.(); } else { this.props.onClick?.(button); } }); const onSave = async () => text.get() ? await this.props.onSave?.() : {}; let textArea!: HTMLElement; return cssCommentEntry( ...(this.props.args ?? []), cssCommentEntry.cls(`-${this.props.mode ?? 'comment'}`), testId('comment-input'), dom.on('click', stopPropagation), textArea = buildTextEditor( text, cssCommentEntryText.cls(""), cssTextArea.cls(`-${this.props.mode}`), dom.onKeyDown({ Enter$: async (e) => { // Save on ctrl+enter if (e.ctrlKey && text.get().trim()) { await onSave?.(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return; } }, Escape: (e) => { this.props.onCancel?.(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }, }), ...(this.props.editorArgs || []), testId('textarea'), ), elem => { FocusLayer.create(this, { defaultFocusElem: textArea, allowFocus: (e) => (e !== document.body), pauseMousetrap: true }); }, cssCommentEntryButtons( primaryButton( this.props.mainButton ?? 'Send', dom.prop('disabled', use => !use(text).trim()), dom.on('click', withStop(onSave)), testId('button-send'), ), dom.forEach(this.props.buttons || [], button => basicButton( button, clickBuilder(button), testId(`button-${button}`) )), ) ); } } /** * Component that is rendered on the right drawer. It shows all discussions in the document or on the * current page. By current page, we mean comments in all currently visible rows (that are not filtered out). */ export class DiscussionPanel extends Disposable implements IDomComponent { // View mode - current page or whole document. private _currentPage: Observable<boolean>; private _currentPageKo: ko.Observable<boolean>; private _onlyMine: Observable<boolean>; // Toggle to switch whether to show active discussions or all discussions (including resolved ones). private _resolved: Observable<boolean>; private _length = Observable.create<number>(this, 0); constructor(private _grist: GristDoc) { super(); const userId = || 0; // We store options in session storage, so that they are preserved across page reloads. this._resolved = this.autoDispose(localStorageBoolObs(`u:${userId};showResolvedDiscussions`, false)); this._onlyMine = this.autoDispose(localStorageBoolObs(`u:${userId};showMyDiscussions`, false)); this._currentPage = this.autoDispose(localStorageBoolObs(`u:${userId};showCurrentPage`, true)); this._currentPageKo = ko.observable(this._currentPage.get()); this._currentPage.addListener(val => this._currentPageKo(val)); } public buildDom(): DomContents { const owner = new MultiHolder(); // Computed for all sections visible on the page. const viewSections = Computed.create(owner, use => { return use(use(this._grist.viewModel.viewSections).getObservable()); }); // Based on the view, we get all tables or only visible ones. const tables = Computed.create(owner, use => { // Filter out those tables that are not available by ACL. if (use(this._currentPageKo)) { return [ Set(use(viewSections).map(vs => use(vs.table)).filter(t => use(t.tableId)))]; } else { return use(this._grist.docModel.visibleTables.getObservable()).filter(t => use(t.tableId)); } }); // Column filter - only show discussions in this column (depending on the mode). const columnFilter = Computed.create(owner, use => { if (use(this._currentPageKo)) { const fieldSet = new Set<number>(); use(viewSections).forEach(vs => { use(use(vs.viewFields).getObservable()).forEach(vf => fieldSet.add(use(vf.colRef))); }); return (ds: CellRec) => { return fieldSet.has(use(ds.colRef)); }; } else { return () => true; } }); // Create a row filter based on user filters (rows that user actually see). const watcher = RowWatcher.create(owner); watcher.rowFilter.set(() => true); // Now watch for viewSections (when they are changed, and then update watcher instance). // Unfortunately, we can't use _viewSections here because GrainJS has a different // behavior than ko when one observable changes during the evaluation. Here viewInstance // will probably be set during computations. To fix this we need a ko.observable here. const sources = owner.autoDispose(ko.computed(() => { if (this._currentPageKo()) { const list: RowSource[] = []; for (const vs of this._grist.viewModel.viewSections().all()) { const viewInstance = vs.viewInstance(); if (viewInstance) { list.push(viewInstance.rowSource); } } return list; } return null; })); sources.peek()?.forEach(source => watcher.subscribeTo(source)); owner.autoDispose(sources.subscribe(list => { bundleChanges(() => { watcher.clear(); if (list) { list.forEach(source => watcher.subscribeTo(source)); } else { // Page watcher.rowFilter.set(() => true); } }); })); const rowFilter = watcher.rowFilter; const discussionFilter = Computed.create(owner, use => { const filterRow = use(rowFilter); const filterCol = use(columnFilter); const showAll = use(this._resolved); const showAnyone = !use(this._onlyMine); const currentUser = use( ?? ''; const userFilter = (d: CellRec) => { const replies = use(use(d.children).getObservable()); return use(d.userRef) === currentUser || replies.some(c => use(c.userRef) === currentUser); }; return (ds: CellRec) => !use(ds.hidden) // filter by ACL && filterRow(use(ds.rowId)) && filterCol(ds) && (showAnyone || userFilter(ds)) && (showAll || !use(ds.resolved)) ; }); const allDiscussions = Computed.create(owner, use => { const list = flatMap(flatMap(use(tables).map(t => { const columns = use(use(t.columns).getObservable()); const dList = => use(use(col.cells).getObservable()) .filter(c => use(c.root) && use(c.type) === CellInfoType.COMMENT)); return dList; }))); return list; }); const discussions = Computed.create(owner, use => { const all = use(allDiscussions); const filter = use(discussionFilter); return all.filter(filter); }); const topic = CellWithComments.create(owner, this._grist); topic.comments = discussions; owner.autoDispose(discussions.addListener((d) => this._length.set(d.length))); this._length.set(discussions.get().length); // Selector for page all whole document. return cssDiscussionPanel( dom.autoDispose(owner), testId('panel'), // Discussion list - actually we are showing first comment of each discussion. cssDiscussionPanelList( dom.create(CellWithCommentsView, { readonly: this._grist.isReadonly, gristDoc: this._grist, topic: topic, panel: true }) ), domOnCustom(CommentView.SELECT, (ds: CellRec) => { this._navigate(ds).catch(() => {}); }) ); } public buildMenu(): DomContents { return cssPanelHeader( dom('span', dom.text(use => `${use(this._length)} comments`), testId('comment-count')), cssIconButtonMenu( icon('Dots'), testId('panel-menu'), menu(() => { return [cssDropdownMenu( labeledSquareCheckbox(this._onlyMine, "Only my threads", testId('my-threads')), labeledSquareCheckbox(this._currentPage, "Only current page", testId('only-page')), labeledSquareCheckbox(this._resolved, "Show resolved comments", testId('show-resolved')), )]; }, {placement: 'bottom-start'}), dom.on('click', stopPropagation) ), ); } /** * Navigates to cell on current page or opens discussion next to the panel. */ private async _navigate(discussion: CellRec) { // Try to find the cell on the current page. const rowId = discussion.rowId.peek(); function findSection(viewSections: ViewSectionRec[]) { const section = viewSections .filter(s => s.tableRef.peek() === discussion.tableRef.peek()) .filter(s => s.viewFields.peek().all().find(f => f.colRef.peek() === discussion.colRef.peek()))[0]; const sectionId = section?.getRowId(); const fieldIndex = section?.viewFields.peek().all() .findIndex(f => f.colRef.peek() === discussion.colRef.peek()) ?? -1; if (fieldIndex !== -1) { return {sectionId, fieldIndex}; } return null; } let sectionId = 0; let fieldIndex = -1; const section = findSection(this._grist.viewModel.viewSections.peek().all()); // If we haven't found the cell on the current page, try other pages. if (!section) { for (const pageId of this._grist.docModel.pages.getAllRows()) { const page = this._grist.docModel.pages.getRowModel(pageId); const vss = page.view.peek().viewSections.peek().all(); const result = findSection(vss); if (result) { sectionId = result.sectionId; fieldIndex = result.fieldIndex; break; } } } else { sectionId = section.sectionId; fieldIndex = section.fieldIndex; } if (!sectionId) { return; } const currentPosition = this._grist.cursorPosition.get(); if (currentPosition?.sectionId === sectionId && currentPosition.fieldIndex === fieldIndex && currentPosition.rowId === rowId) { return; } // Navigate cursor to the cell. const ok = await this._grist.recursiveMoveToCursorPos({ rowId, sectionId, fieldIndex }, true); if (!ok) { return; } } } function buildTextEditor(text: Observable<string>, ...args: DomArg<HTMLTextAreaElement>[]) { const textArea = cssTextArea( bindProp(text), autoFocus(), autoGrow(text), ...args ); return textArea; } function buildAvatar(user: FullUser | null, ...args: DomElementArg[]) { return cssAvatar(user, 'small', ...args); } function buildNick(user: {name: string} | null, ...args: DomArg<HTMLElement>[]) { return cssNick(user?.name ?? 'Anonymous', ...args); } function bindProp(text: Observable<string>) { return [ dom.prop('value', text), dom.on('input', (_, el: HTMLTextAreaElement) => text.set(el.value)), ]; } function autoFocus() { return (el: HTMLElement) => void setTimeout(() => el.focus(), 10); } function resize(el: HTMLTextAreaElement) { = '5px'; // hack for triggering style update. const border = getComputedStyle(el, null).borderTopWidth || "0"; = `calc(${el.scrollHeight}px + 2 * ${border})`; } function autoGrow(text: Observable<string>) { return (el: HTMLTextAreaElement) => { el.addEventListener('input', () => resize(el)); setTimeout(() => resize(el), 10); dom.autoDisposeElem(el, text.addListener(val => { // Changes to the text are not reflected by the input event (witch is used by the autoGrow) // So we need to manually update the textarea when the text is cleared. if (!val) { = '5px'; // there is a min-height css attribute, so this is only to trigger a style update. } })); }; } function buildPopup( owner: Disposable, cell: Element, content: HTMLElement, options: Partial<PopperOptions>, closeClicked: () => void ) { const popper = createPopper(cell, content, options); owner.onDispose(() => popper.destroy()); document.body.appendChild(content); owner.onDispose(() => { dom.domDispose(content); content.remove(); }); owner.autoDispose(onClickOutside(content, () => closeClicked())); } // Helper binding function to handle click outside an element. Takes into account floating menus. function onClickOutside(content: HTMLElement, click: () => void) { const onClick = (evt: MouseEvent) => { const target: Node | null = as Node; if (target && !content.contains(target)) { // Check if any parent of target has class grist-floating-menu, if so, don't close. if (target.parentElement?.closest(".grist-floating-menu")) { return; } click(); } }; return dom.onElem(document, 'click', onClick, {useCapture: true}); } // Display timestamp as a relative time ago using moment.js function formatTime(timeStamp: number) { const time = moment(timeStamp); const now = moment(); const diff = now.diff(time, 'days'); if (diff < 1) { return time.fromNow(); } return time.format('MMM D, YYYY'); } function commentAuthor(grist: GristDoc, userRef?: string, userName?: string): FullUser | null { if (!userRef) { const loggedInUser =; if (!loggedInUser) { return { name: userName || '', ref: userRef || '', email: '', id: 0 }; } if (!loggedInUser.ref) { throw new Error("User reference is not set"); } return loggedInUser; } else { if (typeof userName !== 'string') { return null; } return { name: userName, ref: userRef || '', email: '', id: 0 }; } } // Options for popper.js const calcMaxSize = { ...maxSize, options: {padding: 4}, }; const applyMaxSize: any = { name: 'applyMaxSize', enabled: true, phase: 'beforeWrite', requires: ['maxSize'], fn({state}: any) { // The `maxSize` modifier provides this data const {height} = state.modifiersData.maxSize; Object.assign(state.styles.popper, { maxHeight: `${Math.min(Math.max(250, height), 600)}px` }); } }; const cellPopperOptions: Partial<PopperOptions> = { placement: 'bottom', strategy: 'fixed', modifiers: [ calcMaxSize, applyMaxSize, { name: 'offset', options: { offset: [0, 4], }, }, {name: "computeStyles", options: {gpuAcceleration: false}}, {name: 'eventListeners', enabled: false} ], }; function stopPropagation(ev: Event) { ev.stopPropagation(); } function withStop(handler: () => any) { return (ev: Event) => { stopPropagation(ev); handler(); }; } const cssAvatar = styled(createUserImage, ` flex: none; margin-top: 2px; `); const cssDiscussionPanel = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 1; overflow: auto; padding: 8px; `); const cssDiscussionPanelList = styled('div', ` margin-bottom: 0px; `); const cssCommonPadding = styled('div', ` padding: 16px; `); const cssPanelHeader = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex: 1; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; `); const cssDropdownMenu = styled('div', ` display: flex; padding: 12px; padding-left: 16px; padding-right: 16px; gap: 10px; flex-direction: column; `); const cssReplyBox = styled(cssCommonPadding, ` border-top: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGrey}; `); const cssCommentEntry = styled('div', ` display: grid; &-comment { grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; grid-template-rows: 1fr; gap: 8px; grid-template-areas: "text buttons"; } &-start, &-reply { grid-template-rows: 1fr auto; grid-template-columns: 1fr; gap: 8px; grid-template-areas: "text" "buttons"; } `); const cssCommentEntryText = styled('div', ` grid-area: text; `); const cssCommentEntryButtons = styled('div', ` grid-area: buttons; display: flex; align-items: flex-start; gap: 8px; `); const cssTextArea = styled('textarea', ` min-height: 5em; border-radius: 3px; padding: 4px 6px; border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; outline: none; width: 100%; resize: none; max-height: 10em; &-comment, &-reply { min-height: 28px; height: 28px; } `); const cssHeaderBox = styled('div', ` background-color: ${colors.lightGrey}; padding: 12px; /* 12px * 2 + 24px (size of the icon) == 48px in height */ padding-right: 16px; display: flex; gap: 8px; &-border { border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGrey}; } `); const cssTopic = styled('div', ` position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; background-color: ${colors.light}; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); z-index: 100; width: 325px; overflow: hidden; outline: none; max-height: inherit; &-disabled { background-color: ${vars.labelActiveBg} } &-panel { width: unset; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0px; background: unset; border: 0px; } `); const cssDiscussionWrapper = styled('div', ` border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; &:last-child { border-bottom: none; } .${cssTopic.className}-panel & { border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; background-color: ${colors.light}; margin-bottom: 4px; } `); const cssDiscussion = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding: 16px; &-resolved { background-color: ${vars.labelActiveBg}; cursor: pointer; } &-resolved * { color: ${colors.slate} !important; } `); const cssCommentPre = styled('pre', ` padding: 0px; font-size: revert; border: 0px; background: inherit; font-family: inherit; margin: 0px; white-space: break-spaces; word-break: break-word; word-wrap: break-word; `); const cssCommentList = styled('div', ` display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: auto; `); const cssColumns = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: flex-start; gap: 8px; `); const cssCommentReplyWrapper = styled('div', ` margin-top: 16px; `); const cssComment = styled('div', ` border-bottom: 1px solid ${colors.mediumGrey}; .${cssCommentList.className} &:last-child { border-bottom: 0px; } `); const cssReplyList = styled('div', ` margin-left: 16px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 20px; `); const cssCommentHeader = styled('div', ` flex: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 2px; overflow: hidden; `); const cssCommentBodyHeader = styled('div', ` display: flex; align-items: baseline; overflow: hidden; `); const cssIconButton = styled('div', ` flex: none; margin: 0 4px 0 auto; height: 24px; width: 24px; padding: 4px; line-height: 0px; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; &:hover, &.weasel-popup-open { background-color: ${colors.darkGrey}; } `); const cssIconButtonMenu = styled('div', ` flex: none; margin: 0 4px 0 auto; height: 24px; width: 24px; padding: 4px; line-height: 0px; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${colors.light}; &:hover, &.weasel-popup-open { background-color: ${colors.darkGreen}; } `); const cssReplyButton = styled(textButton, ` align-self: flex-start; display: flex; gap: 4px; margin-top: 16px; `); const cssTime = styled('div', ` color: ${colors.slate}; font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize}; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing: 0.02em; line-height: 16px; `); const cssNick = styled('div', ` font-weight: 600; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; color: ${colors.darkText}; &-small { font-size: 12px; } `); const cssSpacer = styled('div', ` flex-grow: 1; `); const cssCloseButton = styled('div', ` padding: 4px; border-radius: 4px; line-height: 1px; cursor: pointer; --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; &:hover { background-color: ${colors.mediumGreyOpaque}; } `); const cssHoverButton = styled(cssCloseButton, ` &:hover { --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; } `); // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET // const cssRotate = styled(icon, ` // transform: rotate(180deg); // `); function domOnCustom(name: string, handler: (args: any, event: Event, element: Element) => void) { return (el: Element) => { dom.onElem(el, name, (ev, target) => { const cv = ev as CustomEvent; handler(cv.detail.args ?? {}, ev, target); }); }; } function trigger(element: Element, name: string, args?: any) { element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name, { bubbles: true, detail: {args} })); } const cssResolvedBlock = styled('div', ` margin-top: 5px; --icon-color: ${colors.dark}; `); const cssResolvedText = styled('span', ` color: ${colors.dark}; font-size: ${vars.smallFontSize}; margin-left: 5px; `); const cssTruncate = styled('div', ` position: absolute; background: white; inset: 0; height: 2rem; opacity: 57%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-weight: 600; `);