import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import {AccessOptionWithRole} from 'app/gen-server/entity/Organization'; import axios from 'axios'; import {AxiosRequestConfig} from 'axios'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import omit = require('lodash/omit'); import {TestServer} from 'test/gen-server/apiUtils'; import * as testUtils from 'test/server/testUtils'; const nobody: AxiosRequestConfig = { responseType: 'json', validateStatus: (status: number) => true }; describe('ApiSession', function() { let server: TestServer; let serverUrl: string; testUtils.setTmpLogLevel('error'); const regular = ''; beforeEach(async function() { this.timeout(5000); server = new TestServer(this); serverUrl = await server.start(); }); afterEach(async function() { await server.stop(); }); it('GET /api/session/access/active returns user and org (with access)', async function() { const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: regular, name: 'Chimpy'}); const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/nasa/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.sameMembers(['user', 'org'], Object.keys(; assert.deepEqual(omit(, ['helpScoutSignature', 'ref']), { id: await server.dbManager.testGetId("Chimpy"), email: "", name: "Chimpy", picture: null, }); assert.deepEqual(omit(, ['billingAccount', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']), { id: await server.dbManager.testGetId("NASA"), name: "NASA", access: "owners", domain: "nasa", host: null, owner: null }); }); it('GET /api/session/access/active returns org with billing account information', async function() { const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: regular, name: 'Chimpy'}); // Make Chimpy a billing account manager for NASA. await server.addBillingManager('Chimpy', 'nasa'); const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/nasa/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.hasAllKeys(, ['id', 'name', 'access', 'domain', 'owner', 'billingAccount', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'host']); assert.deepEqual(, { id: 1, individual: false, inGoodStanding: true, status: null, externalId: null, externalOptions: null, paymentLink: null, isManager: true, paid: false, features: null, stripePlanId: null, product: { id: 1, name: 'Free', features: {workspaces: true, vanityDomain: true} } }); // Check that internally we have access to stripe ids. const userId = await server.dbManager.testGetId('Chimpy') as number; const org2 = await server.dbManager.getOrg({userId}, 'nasa'); assert.hasAllKeys(!.billingAccount, ['id', 'individual', 'inGoodStanding', 'status', 'stripeCustomerId', 'stripeSubscriptionId', 'stripePlanId', 'product', 'paid', 'isManager', 'externalId', 'externalOptions', 'features', 'paymentLink']); }); it('GET /api/session/access/active returns orgErr when org is forbidden', async function() { const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: '', name: 'Kiwi'}); const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/nasa/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.sameMembers(['user', 'org', 'orgError'], Object.keys(; assert.deepEqual(omit(, ['helpScoutSignature', 'ref']), { id: await server.dbManager.testGetId("Kiwi"), email: "", name: "Kiwi", picture: null, }); assert.equal(, null); assert.deepEqual(, { status: 403, error: 'access denied' }); }); it('GET /api/session/access/active returns orgErr when org is non-existent', async function() { const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: '', name: 'Kiwi'}); const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/boing/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.sameMembers(['user', 'org', 'orgError'], Object.keys(; assert.deepEqual(omit(, ['helpScoutSignature', 'ref']), { id: await server.dbManager.testGetId("Kiwi"), email: "", name: "Kiwi", picture: null, }); assert.equal(, null); assert.deepEqual(, { status: 404, error: 'organization not found' }); }); it('POST /api/session/access/active can change user', async function() { // add two profiles const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: '', name: 'Charon'}); await server.getCookieLogin('pr', {email: '', name: 'Kiwi'}); // pick kiwi profile for fish org let resp = await`${serverUrl}/o/fish/api/session/access/active`, { email: '' }, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // check kiwi profile stuck resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/fish/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(, ''); // ... and that it didn't affect other org resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/nasa/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(, ''); // pick charon profile for fish org resp = await`${serverUrl}/o/fish/api/session/access/active`, { email: '' }, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // check charon profile stuck resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/fish/api/session/access/active`, cookie); assert.equal(, ''); // make sure bogus profile for fish org fails resp = await`${serverUrl}/o/fish/api/session/access/active`, { email: '' }, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 403); }); it('GET /api/session/access/all returns users and orgs', async function() { const cookie = await server.getCookieLogin('nasa', {email: '', name: 'Charon'}); await server.getCookieLogin('pr', {email: '', name: 'Kiwi'}); const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/pr/api/session/access/all`, cookie); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); assert.sameMembers(['users', 'orgs'], Object.keys(; assert.sameMembers( UserProfile) =>, ['Charon', 'Kiwi']); // In following list, 'Kiwiland' is the the merged personal org, and Chimpyland is not // listed explicitly. assert.sameMembers( any) =>, ['Abyss', 'Fish', 'Flightless', 'Kiwiland', 'NASA', 'Primately']); const fish = any) => === 'Fish'); const accessOptions: AccessOptionWithRole[] = fish.accessOptions; assert.lengthOf(accessOptions, 2); assert.equal('editors', accessOptions.find(opt => === 'Kiwi')!.access); assert.equal('viewers', accessOptions.find(opt => === 'Charon')!.access); }); it('GET /api/session/access/all functions with anonymous access', async function() { const resp = await axios.get(`${serverUrl}/o/pr/api/session/access/all`, nobody); assert.equal(resp.status, 200); // No orgs listed without access assert.lengthOf(, 0); // A single anonymous user assert.lengthOf(, 1); assert.equal([0].anonymous, true); }); });