import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {ACIndex, ACResults} from 'app/client/lib/ACIndex'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {ICellItem} from 'app/client/models/ColumnACIndexes'; import {ColumnCache} from 'app/client/models/ColumnCache'; import {ColumnRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ColumnRec'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {TableData} from 'app/client/models/TableData'; import {getReferencedTableId, isRefListType} from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import {EmptyRecordView} from 'app/common/RecordView'; import {BaseFormatter} from 'app/common/ValueFormatter'; import {Disposable, dom, Observable} from 'grainjs'; const t = makeT('ReferenceUtils'); /** * Utilities for common operations involving Ref[List] fields. */ export class ReferenceUtils extends Disposable { public readonly refTableId: string; public readonly tableData: TableData; public readonly visibleColFormatter: BaseFormatter; public readonly visibleColModel: ColumnRec; public readonly visibleColId: string; public readonly isRefList: boolean; public readonly hasDropdownCondition = Boolean(this.field.dropdownCondition.peek()?.text); private readonly _columnCache: ColumnCache<ACIndex<ICellItem>>; private readonly _docData = this._gristDoc.docData; private _dropdownConditionError = Observable.create<string | null>(this, null); constructor(public readonly field: ViewFieldRec, private readonly _gristDoc: GristDoc) { super(); const colType = field.column().type(); const refTableId = getReferencedTableId(colType); if (!refTableId) { throw new Error("Non-Reference column of type " + colType); } this.refTableId = refTableId; const tableData = this._docData.getTable(refTableId); if (!tableData) { throw new Error("Invalid referenced table " + refTableId); } this.tableData = tableData; this.visibleColFormatter = field.visibleColFormatter(); this.visibleColModel = field.visibleColModel(); this.visibleColId = this.visibleColModel.colId() || 'id'; this.isRefList = isRefListType(colType); this._columnCache = new ColumnCache<ACIndex<ICellItem>>(this.tableData); } public idToText(value: unknown) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return this.visibleColFormatter.formatAny(this.tableData.getValue(value, this.visibleColId)); } return String(value || ''); } /** * Searches the autocomplete index for the given `text`, returning * all matching results and related metadata. * * If a dropdown condition is set, results are dependent on the `rowId` * that the autocomplete dropdown is open in. Otherwise, `rowId` has no * effect. */ public autocompleteSearch(text: string, rowId: number): ACResults<ICellItem> { let acIndex: ACIndex<ICellItem>; if (this.hasDropdownCondition) { try { acIndex = this._getDropdownConditionACIndex(rowId); } catch (e) { this._dropdownConditionError?.set(e); return {items: [], extraItems: [], highlightFunc: () => [], selectIndex: -1}; } } else { acIndex = this.tableData.columnACIndexes.getColACIndex( this.visibleColId, this.visibleColFormatter, ); } return; } public buildNoItemsMessage() { return dom.domComputed(use => { const error = use(this._dropdownConditionError); if (error) { return t('Error in dropdown condition'); } return this.hasDropdownCondition ? t('No choices matching condition') : t('No choices to select'); }); } /** * Returns a column index for the visible column, filtering the items in the * index according to the set dropdown condition. * * This method is similar to `this.tableData.columnACIndexes.getColACIndex`, * but whereas that method caches indexes globally, this method does so * locally (as a new instances of this class is created each time a Reference * or Reference List editor is created). * * It's important that this method be used when a dropdown condition is set, * as items in indexes that don't satisfy the dropdown condition need to be * filtered. */ private _getDropdownConditionACIndex(rowId: number) { return this._columnCache.getValue( this.visibleColId, () => this.tableData.columnACIndexes.buildColACIndex( this.visibleColId, this.visibleColFormatter, this._buildDropdownConditionACFilter(rowId) ) ); } private _buildDropdownConditionACFilter(rowId: number) { const dropdownConditionCompiled = this.field.dropdownConditionCompiled.get(); if (dropdownConditionCompiled?.kind !== 'success') { throw new Error('Dropdown condition is not compiled'); } const tableId = this.field.tableId.peek(); const table = this._docData.getTable(tableId); if (!table) { throw new Error(`Table ${tableId} not found`); } const {result: predicate} = dropdownConditionCompiled; const user = this._gristDoc.docPageModel.user.get() ?? undefined; const rec = table.getRecord(rowId) || new EmptyRecordView(); return (item: ICellItem) => { const choice = item.rowId === 'new' ? new EmptyRecordView() : this.tableData.getRecord(item.rowId); if (!choice) { throw new Error(`Reference ${item.rowId} not found`); } return predicate({user, rec, choice}); }; } } export function nocaseEqual(a: string, b: string) { return a.trim().toLowerCase() === b.trim().toLowerCase(); }