import { assert } from 'mocha-webdriver'; import { $, gu, test } from 'test/nbrowser/gristUtil-nbrowser'; describe('SavePosition.ntest', function() { const cleanup = test.setupTestSuite(this); before(async function() { this.timeout(Math.max(this.timeout(), 20000)); // Long-running test, unfortunately await gu.supportOldTimeyTestCode(); await gu.useFixtureDoc(cleanup, "World.grist", true); }); afterEach(function() { return gu.checkForErrors(); }); it('should maintain cursor and scroll positions when switching between views', async function() { var recordSection = await gu.actions.viewSection('City'); var cardSection = await gu.actions.viewSection('City Card List'); var cardScrollPane = $('.detailview_scroll_pane'); // Set up scroll linking between the two sections. await gu.openSidePane('view'); await $('.test-config-data').click(); // Connect CITY -> CITY Card List await gu.getSection('CITY Card List').click(); await $('.test-right-select-by').click(); await $('.test-select-row:contains(CITY)').click(); await gu.waitForServer(); await gu.closeSidePane(); await recordSection.selectSection(); // Click on the District cell with row number 8. await gu.clickCellRC(7, 2); // Scroll to the Population cell with row number 22. await gu.getCellRC(21, 3).scrollIntoView(); // Switch to card section, make a cursor selection and scroll selection. await cardSection.selectSection(); var desiredCard = await cardScrollPane.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail .detail_row_num:contains(3150)').parent().elem(); var desiredField = await desiredCard.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail_label:contains(Country)').parent().parent(); await; await cardScrollPane.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail .detail_row_num:contains(3142)').scrollIntoView(); // Switch tabs back and forth. await gu.actions.selectTabView('Country'); await gu.actions.selectTabView('City'); // Assert that the cursor position in the card section is the same. desiredCard = await cardScrollPane.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail .detail_row_num:contains(3150)').parent().elem(); desiredField = await desiredCard.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail_label:contains(Country)').parent().parent(); await assert.hasClass(desiredField.find('.selected_cursor'), 'active_cursor'); // Assert that the element that was scrolled into view is still displayed. await assert.isDisplayed(cardScrollPane.findOldTimey('.g_record_detail .detail_row_num:contains(3142)')); await recordSection.selectSection(); // Assert that the scroll position in the grid section is unchanged. await assert.isDisplayed(gu.getCellRC(21, 3)); // Assert that the cursor position in the grid section is the same. await gu.scrollActiveViewTop(); await gu.getCellRC(0, 0).wait(assert.isDisplayed); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition(), { rowNum: 8, col: 2 }); }); it('should maintain cursor with linked sections', async function() { // Switch to view 'Country' (which has several linked sections). await gu.actions.selectTabView('Country'); // Select a position to the cursor in each section. await gu.getCell({col: 1, rowNum: 9, section: 'Country'}).click(); await gu.getCell({col: 0, rowNum: 6, section: 'City'}).click(); await gu.getCell({col: 2, rowNum: 2, section: 'CountryLanguage'}).click(); await gu.getDetailCell({col: 'IndepYear', rowNum: 1, section: 'Country Card List'}).click(); // Switch tabs back and forth. await gu.actions.selectTabView('City'); await gu.actions.selectTabView('Country'); // Verify the cursor positions. assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition('Country'), {rowNum: 9, col: 1}); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition('City'), {rowNum: 6, col: 0}); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition('CountryLanguage'), {rowNum: 2, col: 2}); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getCursorPosition('Country Card List'), {rowNum: 1, col: 'IndepYear'}); }); it('should paste into saved position', async function() { await gu.getCell({col: 1, rowNum: 9, section: 'Country'}).click(); await gu.actions.selectTabView('City'); await gu.sendKeys($.COPY); await gu.actions.selectTabView('Country'); await gu.sendKeys($.PASTE); await gu.waitForServer(); assert.deepEqual(await gu.getVisibleGridCells(1, [8, 9, 10]), ['United Arab Emirates', 'ParĂ¡', 'Armenia']); }); });