import { Disposable, dom, domComputed, DomContents, MultiHolder, Observable, styled } from "grainjs"; import { handleSubmit, submitForm } from "app/client/lib/formUtils"; import { AppModel } from "app/client/models/AppModel"; import { getLoginUrl, getSignupUrl, urlState } from "app/client/models/gristUrlState"; import { AccountWidget } from "app/client/ui/AccountWidget"; import { AppHeader } from 'app/client/ui/AppHeader'; import { textInput } from 'app/client/ui/inputs'; import { pagePanels } from "app/client/ui/PagePanels"; import { createUserImage } from 'app/client/ui/UserImage'; import { cssMemberImage, cssMemberListItem, cssMemberPrimary, cssMemberSecondary, cssMemberText } from 'app/client/ui/UserItem'; import { buildWelcomeSitePicker } from 'app/client/ui/WelcomeSitePicker'; import { basicButtonLink, bigBasicButtonLink, bigPrimaryButton } from "app/client/ui2018/buttons"; import { mediaSmall, testId, theme, vars } from "app/client/ui2018/cssVars"; import { cssLink } from "app/client/ui2018/links"; import { WelcomePage as WelcomePageEnum } from 'app/common/gristUrls'; // Redirect from ..../welcome/thing to .../welcome/${name} function _redirectToSiblingPage(name: string) { const url = new URL(location.href); const parts = url.pathname.split('/'); parts.pop(); parts.push(name); url.pathname = parts.join('/'); window.location.assign(url.href); } function handleSubmitForm( pending: Observable<boolean>, onSuccess: (v: any) => void, onError?: (e: unknown) => void ): (elem: HTMLFormElement) => void { return handleSubmit(pending, submitForm, onSuccess, onError); } export class WelcomePage extends Disposable { constructor(private _appModel: AppModel) { super(); } public buildDom() { return domComputed(urlState().state, state => this._buildDomInPagePanels(state.welcome)); } private _buildDomInPagePanels(page?: WelcomePageEnum) { return pagePanels({ leftPanel: { panelWidth: Observable.create(this, 240), panelOpen: Observable.create(this, false), hideOpener: true, header: dom.create(AppHeader, '', this._appModel), content: null, }, headerMain: [cssFlexSpace(), dom.create(AccountWidget, this._appModel)], contentMain: ( page === 'teams' ? dom.create(buildWelcomeSitePicker, this._appModel) : this._buildPageContent(page) ), }); } private _buildPageContent(page?: WelcomePageEnum): Element { return cssScrollContainer(cssContainer( cssTitle('Welcome to Grist'), testId('welcome-page'), page === 'signup' ? dom.create(this._buildSignupForm.bind(this)) : page === 'verify' ? dom.create(this._buildVerifyForm.bind(this)) : page === 'select-account' ? dom.create(this._buildAccountPicker.bind(this)) : null )); } private _buildSignupForm(owner: MultiHolder) { let inputEl: HTMLInputElement; const pending = Observable.create(owner, false); // delayed focus setTimeout(() => inputEl.focus(), 10); // We expect to have an email query parameter on welcome/signup. // TODO: make form work without email parameter - except the real todo is: // TODO: replace this form with Amplify. const url = new URL(location.href); const email = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('email') || ''); const password = Observable.create(owner, ''); const action = new URL(window.location.href); action.pathname = '/signup/register'; return dom( 'form', { method: "post", action: action.href }, handleSubmitForm(pending, () => _redirectToSiblingPage('verify')), cssParagraph( `Welcome Sumo-ling! ` + // This flow currently only used with AppSumo. `Your Grist site is almost ready. Let's get your account set up and verified. ` + `If you already have a Grist account as `, dom('b', email.get()), ` you can just `, cssLink({href: getLoginUrl('')}, 'log in'), ` now. Otherwise, please pick a password.` ), cssSeparatedLabel('The email address you activated Grist with:'), cssInput( email, { onInput: true, }, { name: "emailShow" }, dom.boolAttr('disabled', true), dom.attr('type', 'email'), ), // Duplicate email as a hidden form since disabled input won't get submitted // for some reason. cssInput( email, { onInput: true, }, { name: "email", style: 'visibility: hidden;' }, dom.boolAttr('hidden', true), dom.attr('type', 'email'), ), cssSeparatedLabel('A password to use with Grist:'), inputEl = cssInput( password, { onInput: true, }, { name: "password" }, dom.attr('type', 'password'), ), cssButtonGroup( bigPrimaryButton( 'Continue', testId('continue-button') ), bigBasicButtonLink('Did this already', dom.on('click', () => { _redirectToSiblingPage('verify'); })) ), ); } private _buildVerifyForm(owner: MultiHolder) { let inputEl: HTMLInputElement; const pending = Observable.create(owner, false); // delayed focus setTimeout(() => inputEl.focus(), 10); const action = new URL(window.location.href); action.pathname = '/signup/verify'; const url = new URL(location.href); const email = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('email') || ''); const code = Observable.create(owner, url.searchParams.get('code') || ''); return dom( 'form', { method: "post", action: action.href }, handleSubmitForm(pending, (result) => { if (result.status === 'confirmed') { const verified = new URL(window.location.href); verified.pathname = '/verified'; window.location.assign(verified.href); } else if (result.status === 'resent') { // just to give a sense that something happened... window.location.reload(); } }), cssParagraph( `Please check your email for a 6-digit verification code, and enter it here.`), cssParagraph( `If you've any trouble, try our full set of sign-up options. Do take care to use ` + `the email address you activated with: `, dom('b', email.get())), cssSeparatedLabel('Confirmation code'), inputEl = cssInput( code, { onInput: true, }, { name: "code" }, dom.attr('type', 'number'), ), cssInput( email, { onInput: true, }, { name: "email" }, dom.boolAttr('hidden', true), ), cssButtonGroup( bigPrimaryButton( dom.domComputed(code, c => c ? 'Apply verification code' : 'Resend verification email') ), bigBasicButtonLink('More sign-up options', {href: getSignupUrl('')}) ) ); } private _buildAccountPicker(): DomContents { function addUserToLink(email: string): string { const next = new URLSearchParams('next') || ''; const url = new URL(next, location.href); url.searchParams.set('user', email); return url.toString(); } return [ cssParagraph( "Select an account to continue with.", ), dom.maybe(this._appModel.topAppModel.users, users => => basicButtonLink( cssUserItem.cls(''), cssMemberListItem( cssMemberImage( createUserImage(user, 'large') ), cssMemberText( cssMemberPrimary( || dom('span',, testId('select-email'))), ? cssMemberSecondary(, testId('select-email')) : null ), ), {href: addUserToLink(}, testId('select-user'), )), ), ]; } } const cssUserItem = styled('div', ` margin: 0 0 8px; align-items: center; &:first-of-type { margin-top: 16px; } &:hover { background-color: ${theme.lightHover}; } `); const cssScrollContainer = styled('div', ` display: flex; overflow-y: auto; flex-direction: column; `); const cssContainer = styled('div', ` max-width: 450px; align-self: center; margin: 60px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; &:after { content: ""; height: 8px; } @media ${mediaSmall} { & { margin: 24px; } } `); const cssFlexSpace = styled('div', ` flex: 1 1 0px; `); const cssTitle = styled('div', ` height: 32px; line-height: 32px; margin: 0 0 28px 0; color: ${theme.text}; font-size: ${vars.xxxlargeFontSize}; font-weight: ${vars.headerControlTextWeight}; `); const textStyle = ` font-weight: normal; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; color: ${theme.text}; `; // TODO: there's probably a much better way to style labels with a bit of // space between them and things they are not the label for? const cssSeparatedLabel = styled('label', textStyle + ' margin-top: 20px;'); const cssParagraph = styled('p', textStyle); const cssButtonGroup = styled('div', ` margin-top: 24px; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; &-right { justify-content: flex-end; } `); const cssInput = styled(textInput, ` display: inline; height: 42px; line-height: 16px; padding: 13px; border-radius: 3px; `);