import {BillingModel} from 'app/client/models/BillingModel'; import * as css from 'app/client/ui/BillingPageCss'; import {IBillingOrgSettings} from 'app/common/BillingAPI'; import {checkSubdomainValidity} from 'app/common/orgNameUtils'; import * as roles from 'app/common/roles'; import {Organization} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {Disposable, dom, DomArg, IDisposableOwnerT, makeTestId, Observable} from 'grainjs'; const testId = makeTestId('test-bp-'); export interface IFormData { settings?: IBillingOrgSettings; } // Optional autofill vales to pass in to the BillingForm constructor. interface IAutofill { settings?: Partial; } // An object containing a function to check the validity of its observable value. // The get function should return the observable value or throw an error if it is invalid. interface IValidated { value: Observable; checkValidity: (value: T) => void|Promise; // Should throw with message on invalid values. isInvalid: Observable; get: () => T|Promise; } export class BillingForm extends Disposable { private readonly _settings: BillingSettingsForm|null; constructor( org: Organization|null, billingModel: BillingModel, options: {settings: boolean, domain: boolean}, autofill: IAutofill = {} ) { super(); // Org settings form. this._settings = options.settings ? new BillingSettingsForm(billingModel, org, { showHeader: true, showDomain: options.domain, autofill: autofill.settings }) : null; } public buildDom() { return [ this._settings ? this._settings.buildDom() : null, ]; } // Note that this will throw if any values are invalid. public async getFormData(): Promise { const settings = this._settings ? await this._settings.getSettings() : undefined; return { settings, }; } // Make a best-effort attempt to focus the element with the error. public focusOnError() { // We don't have a good way to do it, we just try to do better than nothing. Also we don't // have access to the form container, so look at css.inputError element in the full document. const elem = document.querySelector(`.${css.paymentBlock.className} .${css.inputError.className}:not(:empty)`); const parent = elem?.closest(`.${css.paymentBlock.className}`); if (parent) { const input: HTMLInputElement|null = parent.querySelector(`.${css.billingInput.className}-invalid`) || parent.querySelector('input'); if (input) { input.focus();; } } } } // Abstract class which includes helper functions for creating a form whose values are verified. abstract class BillingSubForm extends Disposable { protected readonly formError: Observable = Observable.create(this, ''); protected shouldAutoFocus = false; constructor() { super(); } // Creates an input whose value is validated on blur. Input text turns red and the validation // error is shown on negative validation. protected billingInput(validated: IValidated, ...args: Array>) { return css.billingInput(validated.value, {onInput: true}, css.billingInput.cls('-invalid', validated.isInvalid), dom.on('blur', () => this._onBlur(validated)), ...args ); } protected async _onBlur(validated: IValidated): Promise { // Do not show empty input errors on blur. if (validated.value.get().length === 0) { return; } try { await validated.get(); this.formError.set(''); } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); } } protected maybeAutoFocus() { if (this.shouldAutoFocus) { this.shouldAutoFocus = false; return (elem: HTMLElement) => { setTimeout(() => elem.focus(), 0); }; } } } /** * Creates the billing settings form, including the org name and the org subdomain values. */ class BillingSettingsForm extends BillingSubForm { private readonly _name: IValidated = createValidated(this, checkRequired('Company name')); // Only verify the domain if it is shown. private readonly _domain: IValidated = createValidated(this, this._options.showDomain ? d => this._verifyDomain(d) : () => undefined); constructor( private readonly _billingModel: BillingModel, private readonly _org: Organization|null, private readonly _options: { showHeader: boolean; showDomain: boolean; autofill?: Partial; } ) { super(); const autofill = this._options.autofill; if (autofill) { this._name.value.set( || ''); this._domain.value.set(autofill.domain || ''); } } public buildDom() { const noEditAccess = Boolean(this._org && !roles.canEdit(this._org.access)); const initDomain = this._options.autofill?.domain; return css.paymentBlock( this._options.showHeader ? css.paymentLabel('Team name') : null, css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( this.billingInput(this._name, dom.boolAttr('disabled', () => noEditAccess), testId('settings-name') ), noEditAccess ? css.paymentFieldInfo('Organization edit access is required', testId('settings-name-info') ) : null ) ), this._options.showDomain ? css.paymentRow( css.paymentField( css.paymentLabel('Team subdomain'), this.billingInput(this._domain, dom.boolAttr('disabled', () => noEditAccess), testId('settings-domain') ), noEditAccess ? css.paymentFieldInfo('Organization edit access is required', testId('settings-domain-info') ) : null, dom.maybe((use) => initDomain && use(this._domain.value) !== initDomain, () => css.paymentFieldDanger('Any saved links will need updating if the URL changes') ), ), css.paymentField({style: 'flex: 0 1 0;'}, css.inputHintLabel('') ) ) : null, css.inputError( dom.text(this.formError), testId('settings-form-error') ) ); } // Throws if any value is invalid. public async getSettings(): Promise { try { return { name: await this._name.get(), domain: await this._domain.get() }; } catch (e) { this.formError.set(e.message); throw e; } } // Throws if the entered domain contains any invalid characters or is already taken. private async _verifyDomain(domain: string): Promise { // OK to retain current domain. if (domain === this._options.autofill?.domain) { return; } checkSubdomainValidity(domain); const isAvailable = await this._billingModel.isDomainAvailable(domain); if (!isAvailable) { throw new Error('Domain is already taken.'); } } } function checkFunc(func: (val: string) => boolean, message: string) { return (val: string) => { if (!func(val)) { throw new Error(message); } }; } function checkRequired(propertyName: string) { return checkFunc(Boolean, `${propertyName} is required.`); } // Creates a validated object, which includes an observable and a function to check // if the current observable value is valid. function createValidated( owner: IDisposableOwnerT, checkValidity: (value: string) => void|Promise, ): IValidated { const value = Observable.create(owner, ''); const isInvalid = Observable.create(owner, false); owner.autoDispose(value.addListener(() => { isInvalid.set(false); })); return { value, isInvalid, checkValidity, get: async () => { const _value = value.get(); try { await checkValidity(_value); } catch (e) { isInvalid.set(true); throw e; } isInvalid.set(false); return _value; } }; }