const _ = require('underscore'); const gutil = require('./gutil'); const metricConfig = require('./metricConfig'); // TODO: Create a metric test class and write tests for each metric tool. /** * Base class for tools to gather metrics. Should not be instantiated. */ function MetricTool(name) { = name; } // Should be implemented by extending classes MetricTool.prototype._getSuffix = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }; // Should be overridden by extending classes depending on desired reset behavior MetricTool.prototype.reset = _.noop; // Returns the name of the metric with its suffix appended to the end. // NOTE: Should return names in the same order as getValues. MetricTool.prototype.getName = function() { return + '.' + this._getSuffix(); }; // Should be implemented by extending classes. Returns the value of the tool for a bucket. // @param {Number} bucketEndTime - The desired bucket's end time in milliseconds MetricTool.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }; // Returns a list of all primitive metrics this tool is made up of. // Only requires overridding by non-primitive metrics. MetricTool.prototype.getPrimitiveMetrics = function() { return [this]; }; /** * Counts the number of times an event has occurred in the current bucket. */ function Counter(name) {, name); this.val = 0; } _.extend(Counter.prototype, MetricTool.prototype); = function() { this.val += 1; }; Counter.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'count'; }; Counter.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { // If the bucket is more recent than the last one where counting occurred, return 0 return this.val; }; Counter.prototype.reset = function(bucketEndTime) { this.val = 0; }; exports.Counter = Counter; /** * Keeps track of a count that persists across buckets. */ function Gauge(name) {, name); this.val = null; } _.extend(Gauge.prototype, MetricTool.prototype); Gauge.prototype.set = function(num) { this.val = num; }; = function() { this.val = (this.val ? this.val + 1 : 1); }; Gauge.prototype.dec = function() { this.val -= 1; }; Gauge.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'total'; }; Gauge.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { return this.val; }; exports.Gauge = Gauge; /** * A gauge that pulls samples using a callback function */ function SamplingGauge(name) {, name); this.callback = _.constant(null); } _.extend(SamplingGauge.prototype, MetricTool.prototype); SamplingGauge.prototype.assignCallback = function(callback) { this.callback = callback; }; SamplingGauge.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'total'; }; SamplingGauge.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { return this.callback(); }; exports.SamplingGauge = SamplingGauge; /** * Keeps track of whether or not a certain condition is met. Useful for statistics * which measure the number of users who meet a certain criteria. Persists across buckets. */ function Switch(name) {, name); this.val = null; } _.extend(Switch.prototype, Gauge.prototype); Switch.prototype.set = function(bool) { this.val = bool ? 1 : 0; }; Switch.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'instances'; }; Switch.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { return this.val; }; exports.Switch = Switch; /** * Keeps track of the amount of time in each bucket that an event is occurring (ms). */ function Timer(name) {, name); this.val = 0; // The sum of all runtimes in the last updated bucket this.startTime = 0; // The time (in ms since the bucket started) when the timer was started this.running = false; } _.extend(Timer.prototype, MetricTool.prototype); Timer.prototype.setRunning = function(bool) { return bool ? this.start() : this.stop(); }; Timer.prototype.start = function() { if (this.running) { return; } // Record start time and set to running this.startTime =; this.running = true; }; Timer.prototype.stop = function() { if (!this.running) { return; } // Add time since start to value and set running to false var stopTime =; this.val += stopTime - this.startTime; this.running = false; }; Timer.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'time'; }; Timer.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { // Add the value and the time to the end of the bucket if the timer is running return this.val + (this.running ? Math.max(0, bucketEndTime - this.startTime) : 0); }; Timer.prototype.reset = function(bucketEndTime) { this.val = 0; this.startTime = Math.max(bucketEndTime, this.startTime); }; exports.Timer = Timer; /** * Keeps track of the amount of time in an event takes, and the number of times that event occurs (ms). */ function ExecutionTimer(name) {, name); this.startTime = 0; // The last time (in ms) the timer was started this.val = 0; this.running = false; // Counter keeps track of the total number of executions in the current bucket. // An execution is in a bucket if it ended in that bucket. this.counter = new Counter(name); } _.extend(ExecutionTimer.prototype, MetricTool.prototype); ExecutionTimer.prototype.setRunning = function(bool) { return bool ? this.start() : this.stop(); }; ExecutionTimer.prototype.start = function() { if (this.running) { return; } this.startTime =; this.running = true; }; ExecutionTimer.prototype.stop = function() { if (!this.running) { return; } var stopTime =; this.val += stopTime - this.startTime;; this.running = false; }; ExecutionTimer.prototype._getSuffix = function() { return 'execution_time'; }; ExecutionTimer.prototype.getValue = function(bucketEndTime) { return this.val; }; ExecutionTimer.prototype.reset = function(bucketEndTime) { this.val = 0; this.counter.reset(); }; ExecutionTimer.prototype.getPrimitiveMetrics = function() { return [this, this.counter]; }; exports.ExecutionTimer = ExecutionTimer; // Returns the time rounded down to the start of the current bucket's time window (in ms). function getBucketStartTime(now) { return gutil.roundDownToMultiple(now, metricConfig.BUCKET_SIZE); } exports.getBucketStartTime = getBucketStartTime; // Returns the time until the start of the next bucket (in ms). function getDeltaMs(now) { return getBucketStartTime(now) + metricConfig.BUCKET_SIZE - now; } exports.getDeltaMs = getDeltaMs;