import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import isString = require('lodash/isString'); // tslint:disable:object-literal-key-quotes export type GristType = 'Any' | 'Attachments' | 'Blob' | 'Bool' | 'Choice' | 'Date' | 'DateTime' | 'Id' | 'Int' | 'ManualSortPos' | 'Numeric' | 'PositionNumber' | 'Ref' | 'RefList' | 'Text'; // Letter codes for CellValue types encoded as [code, args...] tuples. export type GristObjType = 'L' | 'D' | 'd' | 'R' | 'E' | 'P'; export const MANUALSORT = 'manualSort'; // This mapping includes both the default value, and its representation for SQLite. const _defaultValues: {[key in GristType]: [CellValue, string]} = { 'Any': [ null, "NULL" ], 'Attachments': [ null, "NULL" ], 'Blob': [ null, "NULL" ], // Bool is only supported by SQLite as 0 and 1 values. 'Bool': [ false, "0" ], 'Choice': [ '', "''" ], 'Date': [ null, "NULL" ], 'DateTime': [ null, "NULL" ], 'Id': [ 0, "0" ], 'Int': [ 0, "0" ], // Note that "1e999" is a way to store Infinity into SQLite. This is verified by "Defaults" // tests in DocStorage.js. See also 'ManualSortPos': [ Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, "1e999" ], 'Numeric': [ 0, "0" ], 'PositionNumber': [ Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, "1e999" ], 'Ref': [ 0, "0" ], 'RefList': [ null, "NULL" ], 'Text': [ '', "''" ], }; /** * Given a grist column type (e.g Text, Numeric, ...) returns the default value for that type. * If options.sqlFormatted is true, returns the representation of the value for SQLite. */ export function getDefaultForType(colType: string, options: {sqlFormatted?: boolean} = {}) { const type = extractTypeFromColType(colType); return (_defaultValues[type as GristType] || _defaultValues.Any)[options.sqlFormatted ? 1 : 0]; } /** * Returns whether a value (as received in a DocAction) represents a custom object. */ export function isObject(value: CellValue): value is [string, any?] { return Array.isArray(value); } /** * Returns whether a value (as received in a DocAction) represents a raised exception. */ export function isRaisedException(value: CellValue): boolean { return Array.isArray(value) && value[0] === 'E'; } /** * Returns whether a value (as received in a DocAction) represents a list or is null, * which is a valid value for list types in grist. */ export function isListOrNull(value: CellValue): boolean { return value === null || (Array.isArray(value) && value[0] === 'L'); } /** * Returns whether a value (as received in a DocAction) represents an empty list. */ export function isEmptyList(value: CellValue): boolean { return Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 1 && value[0] === 'L'; } /** * Returns whether a value (as received in a DocAction) represents a "Pending" value. */ export function isPending(value: CellValue): boolean { return Array.isArray(value) && value[0] === 'P'; } /** * Formats a raised exception (a value for which isRaisedException is true) for display in a cell. * This is designed to look somewhat similar to Excel, e.g. #VALUE or #DIV/0!" */ export function formatError(value: [string, ...any[]]): string { const errName = value[1]; switch (errName) { case 'ZeroDivisionError': return '#DIV/0!'; case 'UnmarshallableError': return value[3] || ('#' + errName); case 'InvalidTypedValue': return `#Invalid ${value[2]}: ${value[3]}`; } return '#' + errName; } function isNumber(v: CellValue) { return typeof v === 'number' || typeof v === 'boolean'; } function isNumberOrNull(v: CellValue) { return isNumber(v) || v === null; } function isBoolean(v: CellValue) { return typeof v === 'boolean' || v === 1 || v === 0; } function isNormalValue(value: CellValue) { return !(Array.isArray(value) && (value[0] === 'E' || value[0] === 'P')); } /** * Map of Grist type to an "isRightType" checker function, which determines if a given values type * matches the declared type of the column. */ const rightType: {[key in GristType]: (value: CellValue) => boolean} = { Any: isNormalValue, Attachments: isListOrNull, Text: isString, Blob: isString, Int: isNumberOrNull, Bool: isBoolean, Date: isNumberOrNull, DateTime: isNumberOrNull, Numeric: isNumberOrNull, Id: isNumber, PositionNumber: isNumber, ManualSortPos: isNumber, Ref: isNumber, RefList: isListOrNull, Choice: (v: CellValue, options?: any) => { // TODO widgets options should not be used outside of the client. They are an instance of // modelUtil.jsonObservable, passed in by FieldBuilder. if (v === '') { // Accept empty-string values as valid return true; } else if (options) { const choices = options().choices; return Array.isArray(choices) && choices.includes(v); } else { return false; } } }; export function isRightType(type: string): undefined | ((value: CellValue) => boolean) { return rightType[type as GristType]; } export function extractTypeFromColType(type: string): string { if (!type) { return type; } const colon = type.indexOf(':'); return (colon === -1 ? type : type.slice(0, colon)); } /** * Convert pureType to Grist python type name, e.g. 'Ref' to 'Reference'. */ export function getGristType(pureType: string): string { switch (pureType) { case 'Ref': return 'Reference'; case 'RefList': return 'ReferenceList'; default: return pureType; } } /** * Converts SQL type strings produced by the Sequelize library into its corresponding * Grist type. The list of types is based on an analysis of SQL type string outputs * produced by the Sequelize library (mostly covered in lib/data-types.js). Some * additional engine/dialect specific types are detailed in dialect directories. * * TODO: A handful of exotic SQL types (mostly from PostgreSQL) will currently throw an * Error, rather than returning a type. Further testing is required to determine * whether Grist can manage those data types. * * @param {String} sqlType A string produced by Sequelize's describeTable query * @return {String} The corresponding Grist type string * @throws {Error} If the sqlType is unrecognized or unsupported */ export function sequelizeToGristType(sqlType: string): GristType { // Sequelize type strings can include parens (e.g., `CHAR(10)`). This function // ignores those additional details when determining the Grist type. let endMarker = sqlType.length; const parensMarker = sqlType.indexOf('('); endMarker = parensMarker > 0 ? parensMarker : endMarker; // Type strings might also include a space after the basic type description. // The type `DOUBLE PRECISION` is one such example, but modifiers or attributes // relevant to the type might also appear after the type itself (e.g., UNSIGNED, // NONZERO). These are ignored when determining the Grist type. const spaceMarker = sqlType.indexOf(' '); endMarker = spaceMarker > 0 && spaceMarker < endMarker ? spaceMarker : endMarker; switch (sqlType.substring(0, endMarker)) { case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': case 'SMALLINT': case 'INT': return 'Int'; case 'NUMBER': case 'FLOAT': case 'DECIMAL': case 'NUMERIC': case 'REAL': case 'DOUBLE': case 'DOUBLE PRECISION': return 'Numeric'; case 'BOOLEAN': case 'TINYINT': return 'Bool'; case 'STRING': case 'CHAR': case 'TEXT': case 'UUID': case 'UUIDV1': case 'UUIDV4': case 'VARCHAR': case 'NVARCHAR': case 'TINYTEXT': case 'MEDIUMTEXT': case 'LONGTEXT': case 'ENUM': return 'Text'; case 'TIME': case 'DATE': case 'DATEONLY': case 'DATETIME': case 'NOW': return 'Text'; case 'BLOB': case 'TINYBLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': case 'LONGBLOB': // TODO: Passing binary data to the Sandbox is throwing Errors. Proper support // for these Blob data types requires some more investigation. throw new Error('SQL type: `' + sqlType + '` is currently unsupported'); case 'NONE': case 'HSTORE': case 'JSON': case 'JSONB': case 'VIRTUAL': case 'ARRAY': case 'RANGE': case 'GEOMETRY': throw new Error('SQL type: `' + sqlType + '` is currently untested'); default: throw new Error('Unrecognized datatype: `' + sqlType + '`'); } }