import {AuditEvent, AuditEventName, AuditEventSource, AuditEventUser} from 'app/common/AuditEvent'; import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/homedb/HomeDBManager'; import {AuditEventProperties, IAuditLogger, LogAuditEventError} from 'app/server/lib/AuditLogger'; import {LogMethods} from 'app/server/lib/LogMethods'; import {getOriginIpAddress} from 'app/server/lib/requestUtils'; import { getAltSessionId, getFullUser, getLogMeta, getOrg, getRequest, RequestOrSession, } from 'app/server/lib/sessionUtils'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import {inspect} from 'util'; interface HTTPAuditLoggerOptions { /** * The HTTP endpoint to send audit events to. */ endpoint: string; /** * If set, the value to include in the `Authorization` header of each * request to `endpoint`. */ authorizationHeader?: string; } const MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS = 25; /** * Base class for an audit event logger that logs events by sending them to an JSON-based HTTP * endpoint. * * Subclasses are expected to provide a suitable `toJSON` implementation to handle serialization * of audit events to JSON. * * See `GristAuditLogger` for an example. */ export abstract class HTTPAuditLogger implements IAuditLogger { private _numPendingRequests = 0; private readonly _endpoint = this._options.endpoint; private readonly _authorizationHeader = this._options.authorizationHeader; private readonly _logger = new LogMethods('AuditLogger ', (requestOrSession) => getLogMeta(requestOrSession)); constructor(private _db: HomeDBManager, private _options: HTTPAuditLoggerOptions) {} /** * Logs an audit event. */ public logEvent( requestOrSession: RequestOrSession, properties: AuditEventProperties ): void { this._logEventOrThrow(requestOrSession, properties) .catch((e) => { this._logger.error(requestOrSession, `failed to log audit event`, e); this._logger.warn(requestOrSession, 'skipping audit event ', inspect(e.auditEvent, { depth: Infinity, })); }); } /** * Logs an audit event. * * Throws a LogAuditEventError on failure. */ public async logEventAsync( requestOrSession: RequestOrSession, properties: AuditEventProperties ): Promise { await this._logEventOrThrow(requestOrSession, properties); } /** * Serializes an audit event to JSON. */ protected abstract toJSON(event: AuditEvent): string; private async _logEventOrThrow( requestOrSession: RequestOrSession, properties: AuditEventProperties ) { const event: AuditEvent = this._buildAuditEvent(requestOrSession, properties); if (this._numPendingRequests === MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS) { throw new LogAuditEventError( event, `exceeded the maximum number of pending audit event calls (${MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS})` ); } try { this._numPendingRequests += 1; const resp = await fetch(this._endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { ...(this._authorizationHeader ? {'Authorization': this._authorizationHeader} : undefined), 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: this.toJSON(event), }); if (!resp.ok) { throw new Error(`received a non-200 response from ${resp.url}: ${resp.status} ${await resp.text()}`); } } catch (e) { throw new LogAuditEventError( event, e?.message ?? `failed to POST audit event to ${this._endpoint}`, {cause: e} ); } finally { this._numPendingRequests -= 1; } } private _buildAuditEvent( requestOrSession: RequestOrSession, properties: AuditEventProperties ): AuditEvent { const {event: {name, details = {}, context = {}}, timestamp = moment().toISOString()} = properties; return { event: { name, user: this._getAuditEventUser(requestOrSession), details, context, source: getAuditEventSource(requestOrSession), }, timestamp, }; } private _getAuditEventUser(requestOrSession: RequestOrSession): AuditEventUser { const user = getFullUser(requestOrSession); if (!user) { return {type: 'unknown'}; } else if ( === this._db.getAnonymousUserId()) { return {type: 'anonymous'}; } else { const {id, email, name} = user; return {type: 'user', id, email, name}; } } } function getAuditEventSource(requestOrSession: RequestOrSession): AuditEventSource { const request = getRequest(requestOrSession); return { org: getOrg(requestOrSession) || undefined, ipAddress: request ? getOriginIpAddress(request) : undefined, userAgent: request?.headers['user-agent'] || undefined, sessionId: getAltSessionId(requestOrSession) || undefined, }; }