import * as pidusage from '@gristlabs/pidusage'; import * as bluebird from 'bluebird'; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; import noop = require('lodash/noop'); import * as path from 'path'; import {ApiError} from 'app/common/ApiError'; import {mapSetOrClear} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate'; import {BrowserSettings} from 'app/common/BrowserSettings'; import {DocCreationInfo, DocEntry, DocListAPI, OpenDocMode, OpenLocalDocResult} from 'app/common/DocListAPI'; import {EncActionBundleFromHub} from 'app/common/EncActionBundle'; import {Invite} from 'app/common/sharing'; import {tbind} from 'app/common/tbind'; import {NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE} from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import {HomeDBManager} from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager'; import {assertAccess, Authorizer, DocAuthorizer, DummyAuthorizer, isSingleUserMode} from 'app/server/lib/Authorizer'; import {Client} from 'app/server/lib/Client'; import {makeExceptionalDocSession, makeOptDocSession, OptDocSession} from 'app/server/lib/DocSession'; import * as docUtils from 'app/server/lib/docUtils'; import {GristServer} from 'app/server/lib/GristServer'; import {IDocStorageManager} from 'app/server/lib/IDocStorageManager'; import {makeForkIds, makeId} from 'app/server/lib/idUtils'; import * as log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {ActiveDoc} from './ActiveDoc'; import {PluginManager} from './PluginManager'; import {getFileUploadInfo, globalUploadSet, makeAccessId, UploadInfo} from './uploads'; // A TTL in milliseconds to use for material that can easily be recomputed / refetched // but is a bit of a burden under heavy traffic. export const DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL = 10000; /** * DocManager keeps track of "active" Grist documents, i.e. those loaded * in-memory, with clients connected to them. */ export class DocManager extends EventEmitter { // Maps docName to promise for ActiveDoc object. Most of the time the promise // will be long since resolved, with the resulting document cached. private _activeDocs: Map<string, Promise<ActiveDoc>> = new Map(); constructor( public readonly storageManager: IDocStorageManager, public readonly pluginManager: PluginManager, private _homeDbManager: HomeDBManager|null, public gristServer: GristServer ) { super(); } // attach a home database to the DocManager. During some tests, it // is awkward to have this set up at the point of construction. public testSetHomeDbManager(dbManager: HomeDBManager) { this._homeDbManager = dbManager; } /** * Returns an implementation of the DocListAPI for the given Client object. */ public getDocListAPIImpl(client: Client): DocListAPI { return { getDocList: tbind(this.listDocs, this, client), createNewDoc: tbind(this.createNewDoc, this, client), importSampleDoc: tbind(this.importSampleDoc, this, client), importDoc: tbind(this.importDoc, this, client), deleteDoc: tbind(this.deleteDoc, this, client), renameDoc: tbind(this.renameDoc, this, client), openDoc: tbind(this.openDoc, this, client), }; } /** * Returns the number of currently open docs. */ public numOpenDocs(): number { return this._activeDocs.size; } /** * Returns a Map from docId to number of connected clients for each doc. */ public async getDocClientCounts(): Promise<Map<string, number>> { const values = await Promise.all(Array.from(this._activeDocs.values(), async (adocPromise) => { const adoc = await adocPromise; return [adoc.docName, adoc.docClients.clientCount()] as [string, number]; })); return new Map(values); } /** * Returns a promise for all known Grist documents and document invites to show in the doc list. */ public async listDocs(client: Client): Promise<{docs: DocEntry[], docInvites: DocEntry[]}> { const docs = await this.storageManager.listDocs(); return {docs, docInvites: []}; } /** * Returns a promise for invites to docs which have not been downloaded. */ public async getLocalInvites(client: Client): Promise<Invite[]> { return []; } /** * Creates a new document, fetches it, and adds a table to it. * @returns {Promise:String} The name of the new document. */ public async createNewDoc(client: Client): Promise<string> { log.debug('DocManager.createNewDoc'); const docSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('nascent', {client}); const activeDoc: ActiveDoc = await this.createNewEmptyDoc(docSession, 'Untitled'); await activeDoc.addInitialTable(docSession); return activeDoc.docName; } /** * Download a shared doc by creating a new doc and applying to it the shared doc snapshot actions. * Also marks the invite to the doc as ignored, since it has already been accepted. * @returns {Promise:String} The name of the new document. */ public async downloadSharedDoc(client: Client, docId: string, docName: string): Promise<string> { throw new Error('downloadSharedDoc not implemented'); } /** * Creates a new document, fetches it, and adds a table to it. * @param {String} sampleDocName: Doc name of a sample document. * @returns {Promise:String} The name of the new document. */ public async importSampleDoc(client: Client, sampleDocName: string): Promise<string> { const sourcePath = this.storageManager.getSampleDocPath(sampleDocName); if (!sourcePath) { throw new Error(`no path available to sample ${sampleDocName}`); }'DocManager.importSampleDoc importing', sourcePath); const basenameHint = path.basename(sampleDocName); const targetName = await docUtils.createNumbered(basenameHint, '-', (name: string) => docUtils.createExclusive(this.storageManager.getPath(name))); const targetPath = this.storageManager.getPath(targetName);'DocManager.importSampleDoc saving as', targetPath); await docUtils.copyFile(sourcePath, targetPath); return targetName; } /** * Processes an upload, containing possibly multiple files, to create a single new document, and * returns the new document's name/id. */ public async importDoc(client: Client, uploadId: number): Promise<string> { const userId = this._homeDbManager ? await client.requireUserId(this._homeDbManager) : null; const result = await this._doImportDoc(makeOptDocSession(client), globalUploadSet.getUploadInfo(uploadId, this.makeAccessId(userId)), {naming: 'classic'}); return; } // Import a document, assigning it a unique id distinct from its title. Cleans up uploadId. public importDocWithFreshId(docSession: OptDocSession, userId: number, uploadId: number): Promise<DocCreationInfo> { const accessId = this.makeAccessId(userId); return this._doImportDoc(docSession, globalUploadSet.getUploadInfo(uploadId, accessId), {naming: 'saved'}); } // Do an import targeted at a specific workspace. Cleans up uploadId. // UserId should correspond to the user making the request. // A workspaceId of null results in an import to an unsaved doc, not // associated with a specific workspace. public async importDocToWorkspace( userId: number, uploadId: number, workspaceId: number|null, browserSettings?: BrowserSettings, ): Promise<DocCreationInfo> { if (!this._homeDbManager) { throw new Error("HomeDbManager not available"); } const accessId = this.makeAccessId(userId); const docSession = makeExceptionalDocSession('nascent', {browserSettings}); const result = await this._doImportDoc(docSession, globalUploadSet.getUploadInfo(uploadId, accessId), { naming: workspaceId ? 'saved' : 'unsaved', userId, }); if (workspaceId) { const queryResult = await this._homeDbManager.addDocument({userId}, workspaceId, {name: result.title},; if (queryResult.status !== 200) { // TODO The ready-to-add document is not yet in storageManager, but is in the filesystem. It // should get cleaned up in case of error here. throw new ApiError(queryResult.errMessage || 'unable to add imported document', queryResult.status); } } // Ship the import to S3, since it isn't associated with any particular worker at this time. // We could associate it with the current worker, but that is not necessarily desirable. await this.storageManager.addToStorage(; return result; } /** * Imports file at filepath into the app by creating a new document and adding the file to * the documents directory. * @param {String} filepath - Path to the current location of the file on the server. * @returns {Promise:String} The name of the new document. */ public async importNewDoc(filepath: string): Promise<DocCreationInfo> { const uploadId = globalUploadSet.registerUpload([await getFileUploadInfo(filepath)], null, noop, null); return await this._doImportDoc(makeOptDocSession(null), globalUploadSet.getUploadInfo(uploadId, null), {naming: 'classic'}); } /** * Deletes the Grist files and directories for a given document name. * @param {String} docName - The name of the Grist document to be deleted. * @returns {Promise:String} The name of the deleted Grist document. * */ public async deleteDoc(client: Client|null, docName: string, deletePermanently: boolean): Promise<string> { log.debug('DocManager.deleteDoc starting for %s', docName); const docPromise = this._activeDocs.get(docName); if (docPromise) { // Call activeDoc's shutdown method first, to remove the doc from internal structures. const doc: ActiveDoc = await docPromise; await doc.shutdown(); } await this.storageManager.deleteDoc(docName, deletePermanently); return docName; } /** * Interrupt all clients, forcing them to reconnect. Handy when a document has changed * status in some major way that affects access rights, such as being deleted. */ public async interruptDocClients(docName: string) { const docPromise = this._activeDocs.get(docName); if (docPromise) { const doc: ActiveDoc = await docPromise; doc.docClients.interruptAllClients(); } } /** * Opens a document. Adds the client as a subscriber to the document, and fetches and returns the * document's metadata. * @returns {Promise:Object} An object with properties: * `docFD` - the descriptor to use in further methods and messages about this document, * `doc` - the object with metadata tables. */ public async openDoc(client: Client, docId: string, mode: OpenDocMode = 'default'): Promise<OpenLocalDocResult> { let auth: Authorizer; const dbManager = this._homeDbManager; if (!isSingleUserMode()) { if (!dbManager) { throw new Error("HomeDbManager not available"); } // Sets up authorization of the document. const org = client.getOrg(); if (!org) { throw new Error('Documents can only be opened in the context of a specific organization'); } const userId = await client.getUserId(dbManager) || dbManager.getAnonymousUserId(); // We use docId in the key, and disallow urlId, so we can be sure that we are looking at the // right doc when we re-query the DB over the life of the websocket. const key = {urlId: docId, userId, org}; log.debug("DocManager.openDoc Authorizer key", key); const docAuth = await dbManager.getDocAuthCached(key); assertAccess('viewers', docAuth); if (docAuth.docId !== docId) { // The only plausible way to end up here is if we called openDoc with a urlId rather // than a docId. throw new Error(`openDoc expected docId ${docAuth.docId} not urlId ${docId}`); } auth = new DocAuthorizer(dbManager, key, mode, docAuth, client.getProfile() || undefined); } else { log.debug(`DocManager.openDoc not using authorization for ${docId} because GRIST_SINGLE_USER`); auth = new DummyAuthorizer('owners', docId); } // Fetch the document, and continue when we have the ActiveDoc (which may be immediately). const docSessionPrecursor = makeOptDocSession(client); docSessionPrecursor.authorizer = auth; const activeDoc: ActiveDoc = await this.fetchDoc(docSessionPrecursor, docId); if (activeDoc.muted) { log.debug('DocManager.openDoc interrupting, called for a muted doc', docId); client.interruptConnection(); throw new Error(`document ${docId} cannot be opened right now`); } const docSession = activeDoc.addClient(client, auth); const [metaTables, recentActions] = await Promise.all([ activeDoc.fetchMetaTables(docSession), activeDoc.getRecentActions(docSession, false) ]); this.emit('open-doc', this.storageManager.getPath(activeDoc.docName)); return { docFD: docSession.fd, clientId: docSession.client.clientId, doc: metaTables, log: recentActions, plugins: activeDoc.docPluginManager.getPlugins() }; } /** * Shut down all open docs. This is called, in particular, on server shutdown. */ public async shutdownAll() { await Promise.all(Array.from(this._activeDocs.values(), adocPromise => adocPromise.then(adoc => adoc.shutdown()))); try { await this.storageManager.closeStorage(); } catch (err) { log.error('DocManager had problem shutting down storage: %s', err.message); } // Clear the setInterval that the pidusage module sets up internally. pidusage.clear(); } // Access a document by name. public getActiveDoc(docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc>|undefined { return this._activeDocs.get(docName); } public async removeActiveDoc(activeDoc: ActiveDoc): Promise<void> { this._activeDocs.delete(activeDoc.docName); } public async renameDoc(client: Client, oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<void> { log.debug('DocManager.renameDoc %s -> %s', oldName, newName); const docPromise = this._activeDocs.get(oldName); if (docPromise) { const adoc: ActiveDoc = await docPromise; await adoc.renameDocTo({client}, newName); this._activeDocs.set(newName, docPromise); this._activeDocs.delete(oldName); } else { await this.storageManager.renameDoc(oldName, newName); } } public markAsChanged(activeDoc: ActiveDoc, reason?: 'edit') { // Ignore changes if document is muted or in the middle of a migration. if (!activeDoc.muted && !activeDoc.isMigrating()) { this.storageManager.markAsChanged(activeDoc.docName, reason); } } public async makeBackup(activeDoc: ActiveDoc, name: string): Promise<string> { if (activeDoc.muted) { throw new Error('Document is disabled'); } return this.storageManager.makeBackup(activeDoc.docName, name); } /** * Helper function for creating a new empty document that also emits an event. * @param docSession The client session. * @param basenameHint Suggested base name to use (no directory, no extension). */ public async createNewEmptyDoc(docSession: OptDocSession, basenameHint: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> { const docName = await this._createNewDoc(basenameHint); return mapSetOrClear(this._activeDocs, docName, this.gristServer.create.ActiveDoc(this, docName).createDoc(docSession)); } /** * Fetches an ActiveDoc object. Used by openDoc. */ public async fetchDoc(docSession: OptDocSession, docName: string): Promise<ActiveDoc> { log.debug('DocManager.fetchDoc', docName); // Repeat until we acquire an ActiveDoc that is not muted (shutting down). for (;;) { if (!this._activeDocs.has(docName)) { const newDoc = this.gristServer.create.ActiveDoc(this, docName); // Propagate backupMade events from newly opened activeDocs (consolidate all to DocMan) newDoc.on('backupMade', (bakPath: string) => { this.emit('backupMade', bakPath); }); return mapSetOrClear(this._activeDocs, docName, newDoc.loadDoc(docSession)); } const activeDoc = await this._activeDocs.get(docName)!; if (!activeDoc.muted) { return activeDoc; } log.debug('DocManager.fetchDoc waiting because doc is muted', docName); await bluebird.delay(1000); } } public makeAccessId(userId: number|null): string|null { return makeAccessId(this.gristServer, userId); } /** * Helper function for creating a new shared document given the doc snapshot bundles received * from the sharing hub. * @param {String} basenameHint: Suggested base name to use (no directory, no extension). * @param {String} docId: The docId of the doc received from the hub. * @param {String} instanceId: The user instanceId creating the doc. * @param {EncActionBundleFromHub[]} encBundles: The action bundles making up the doc snapshot. * @returns {Promise:ActiveDoc} ActiveDoc for the newly created document. */ protected async _createNewSharedDoc(basenameHint: string, docId: string, instanceId: string, encBundles: EncActionBundleFromHub[]): Promise<ActiveDoc> { const docName = await this._createNewDoc(basenameHint); return mapSetOrClear(this._activeDocs, docName, this.gristServer.create.ActiveDoc(this, docName).downloadSharedDoc(docId, instanceId, encBundles)); } /** * Helper that implements doing the actual import of an uploaded set of files to create a new * document. */ private async _doImportDoc(docSession: OptDocSession, uploadInfo: UploadInfo, options: { naming: 'classic'|'saved'|'unsaved', userId?: number, }): Promise<DocCreationInfo> { try { const fileCount = uploadInfo.files.length; const hasGristDoc = Boolean(uploadInfo.files.find(f => extname(f.origName) === '.grist')); if (hasGristDoc && fileCount > 1) { throw new Error('Grist docs must be uploaded individually'); } const first = uploadInfo.files[0].origName; const ext = extname(first); const basename = path.basename(first, ext).trim() || "Untitled upload"; let id: string; switch (options.naming) { case 'saved': id = makeId(); break; case 'unsaved': { const {userId} = options; if (!userId) { throw new Error('unsaved import requires userId'); } if (!this._homeDbManager) { throw new Error("HomeDbManager not available"); } const isAnonymous = userId === this._homeDbManager.getAnonymousUserId(); id = makeForkIds({userId, isAnonymous, trunkDocId: NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE, trunkUrlId: NEW_DOCUMENT_CODE}).docId; break; } case 'classic': id = basename; break; default: throw new Error('naming mode not recognized'); } if (ext === '.grist') { // If the import is a grist file, copy it to the docs directory. // TODO: We should be skeptical of the upload file to close a possible // security vulnerability. See const docName = await this._createNewDoc(id); const docPath = await this.storageManager.getPath(docName); await docUtils.copyFile(uploadInfo.files[0].absPath, docPath); return {title: basename, id: docName}; } else { const doc = await this.createNewEmptyDoc(docSession, id); await doc.oneStepImport(docSession, uploadInfo); return {title: basename, id: doc.docName}; } } catch (err) { throw new ApiError(err.message, err.status || 400, { tips: [{action: 'ask-for-help', message: 'Ask for help'}] }); } finally { await globalUploadSet.cleanup(uploadInfo.uploadId); } } // Returns the name for a new doc, based on basenameHint. private async _createNewDoc(basenameHint: string): Promise<string> { const docName: string = await docUtils.createNumbered(basenameHint, '-', async (name: string) => { if (this._activeDocs.has(name)) { throw new Error("Existing entry in active docs for: " + name); } return docUtils.createExclusive(this.storageManager.getPath(name)); }); log.debug('DocManager._createNewDoc picked name', docName); await this.pluginManager.pluginsLoaded; return docName; } } // Returns the extension of fpath (from last occurrence of "." to the end of the string), even // when the basename is empty or starts with a period. function extname(fpath: string): string { return path.extname("X" + fpath); }