/** * TypeScript will infer a string union type from the literal values passed to * this function. Without `extends string`, it would instead generalize them * to the common string type. * * Example definition: * const Race = StringUnion( * "orc", * "human", * "night elf", * "undead", * ); * type Race = typeof Race.type; * * For more details, see: * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36836011/checking-validity-of-string * -literal-union-type-at-runtime?answertab=active#tab-top */ export const StringUnion = <UnionType extends string>(...values: UnionType[]) => { Object.freeze(values); const valueSet: Set<string> = new Set(values); const guard = (value: string): value is UnionType => { return valueSet.has(value); }; const check = (value: string): UnionType => { if (!guard(value)) { const actual = JSON.stringify(value); const expected = values.map(s => JSON.stringify(s)).join(' | '); throw new TypeError(`Value '${actual}' is not assignable to type '${expected}'.`); } return value; }; const checkAll = (arr: string[]): UnionType[] => { return arr.map(check); }; /** * StringUnion.parse(value) returns value when it's valid, and undefined otherwise. */ const parse = (value: string|null|undefined): UnionType|undefined => { return value != null && guard(value) ? value : undefined; }; const unionNamespace = {guard, check, parse, values, checkAll}; return Object.freeze(unionNamespace as typeof unionNamespace & {type: UnionType}); };