import {DEPS, relativeDatesOptions} from 'app/client/ui/RelativeDatesOptions'; import sinon, { SinonStub } from 'sinon'; import {assert} from 'chai'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; const valueFormatter = (val: any) => moment(val * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); const toGristDate = (val: moment.Moment) => Math.floor(val.valueOf() / 1000); function getOptions(date: string) { const m = moment(date); const dateUTC = moment.utc([m.year(), m.month(),]); return relativeDatesOptions(toGristDate(dateUTC), valueFormatter); } function checkOption(options: Array<{label: string, spec: any}>, label: string, spec: any) { try { assert.deepInclude(options, {label, spec}); } catch (e) { const json = `{\n ${ => JSON.stringify({label: o.label, spec: o.spec})).join('\n ')}\n}`;`expected ${json} to include\n ${JSON.stringify({label, spec})}`); } } function optionNotIncluded(options: any[], label: string) { assert.notInclude( => o.label), label); } describe('RelativeDatesOptions', function() { const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let getCurrentTimeSub: SinonStub; function setCurrentDate(now: string) { getCurrentTimeSub.returns(moment(now)); } before(() => { getCurrentTimeSub = sandbox.stub(DEPS, 'getCurrentTime'); }); after(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('relativeDateOptions', function() { it('should limit \'X days ago/from now\' to 90 days ago/from now', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-26'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-10'), '16 days ago', [{quantity: -16, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-06-28'), '90 days ago', [{quantity: -90, unit: 'day'}]); // check no options of the form 'X days ago' optionNotIncluded(getOptions('2022-06-27'), '91 days ago'); assert.notOk(getOptions('2022-06-27').find(o => /^[0-9]+ days ago$/.test(o.label))); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-26'), 'Today', [{quantity: 0, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-27'), 'Tomorrow', [{quantity: 1, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-10-02'), '6 days from now', [{quantity: 6, unit: 'day'}]); }); it('should limit \'WEEKDAY of X weeks ago/from now\' to 4 weeks ago/from now', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-26'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-20'), 'Tuesday of last week', [ {quantity: -1, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 2, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-21'), 'Wednesday of last week', [ {quantity: -1, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 3, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-08-31'), 'Wednesday of 4 weeks ago', [ {quantity: -4, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 3, unit: 'day'}]); assert.notDeepInclude(getOptions('2022-08-24'), { label: 'Wednesday of 5 weeks ago', spec: [{quantity: -5, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 3, unit: 'day'}] }); assert.notOk(getOptions('2022-08-24').find(o => /Wednesday/.test(o.label))); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-29'), 'Thursday of this week', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 4, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-10-13'), 'Thursday of 2 weeks from now', [ {quantity: 2, unit: 'week'}, {quantity: 4, unit: 'day'}]); }); it('should limit \'N day of X month ago/from no\' to 3 months ago/from now', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-26'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-27'), '27th day of this month', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'month'}, {quantity: 26, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-06-16'), '16th day of 3 months ago', [ {quantity: -3, unit: 'month'}, {quantity: 15, unit: 'day'}]); assert.notOk(getOptions('2022-05-16').find(o => /months? ago/.test(o.label))); checkOption(getOptions('2022-10-16'), '16th day of next month', [ {quantity: 1, unit: 'month'}, {quantity: 15, unit: 'day'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-11-16'), '16th day of 2 months from now', [ {quantity: 2, unit: 'month'}, {quantity: 15, unit: 'day'}]); assert.notOk(getOptions('2023-01-16').find(o => /months? from now/.test(o.label))); }); it('should limit \'1st day of year\' to 1st of Jan', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-26'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-01-01'), '1st day of this year', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'year'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2021-01-01'), '1st day of last year', [ {quantity: -1, unit: 'year'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2024-01-01'), '1st day of 2 years from now', [ {quantity: 2, unit: 'year'}]); }); it('should limit \'Last day of X year ago/from now\' to 31st of Dec', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-26'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-12-31'), 'Last day of this year', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'year', endOf: true}]); checkOption(getOptions('2019-12-31'), 'Last day of 3 years ago', [ {quantity: -3, unit: 'year', endOf: true}]); checkOption(getOptions('2027-12-31'), 'Last day of 5 years from now', [ {quantity: 5, unit: 'year', endOf: true}]); }); it('should offer 1st day of any month, limited to 12 months ago/from now', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-29'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-01'), '1st day of this month', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'month'}]); checkOption(getOptions('2021-09-01'), '1st day of 12 months ago', [ {quantity: -12, unit: 'month'}]); assert.notOk(getOptions('2021-08-01').find(o => /1st day of [0-9]+ months? ago/.test(o.label))); checkOption(getOptions('2022-11-01'), '1st day of 2 months from now', [{ quantity: 2, unit: 'month'}]); }); it('should offer last day of the month, limited to 12 months ago/from now', function() { setCurrentDate('2022-09-29'); checkOption(getOptions('2022-09-30'), 'Last day of this month', [ {quantity: 0, unit: 'month', endOf: true}]); checkOption(getOptions('2022-08-31'), 'Last day of last month', [ {quantity: -1, unit: 'month', endOf: true}]); assert.notOk(getOptions('2021-08-31').find(o => /Last day of [0-9]+ months? ago/.test(o.label))); checkOption(getOptions('2022-12-31'), 'Last day of 3 months from now', [ {quantity: 3, unit: 'month', endOf: true}]); }); }); });