import {CursorPos} from 'app/client/components/Cursor'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {getStorage} from 'app/client/lib/localStorageObs'; import {IDocPage, isViewDocPage, ViewDocPage} from 'app/common/gristUrls'; import {Disposable, Listener, Observable} from 'grainjs'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; /** * Enriched cursor position with a view id */ export type ViewCursorPos = CursorPos & { viewId: ViewDocPage } /** * Component for GristDoc that allows it to keep track of the latest cursor position. * In case, when a document is reloaded abnormally, the latest cursor * position should be restored from a local storage. */ export class CursorMonitor extends Disposable { // abstraction to work with local storage private _store: StorageWrapper; // key for storing position in the memory (docId + userId) private _key: string; // flag that tells if the position was already restored // we track document's view change event, so we only want // to react to that event once private _restored = false; constructor( doc: GristDoc, store?: Storage) { super(); this._store = new StorageWrapper(store); // Use document id and user id as a key for storage. const userId = ?? null; this._key = doc.docId() + userId; /** * When document loads last cursor position should be restored from local storage. */ this._whenDocumentLoadsRestorePosition(doc); /** * When a cursor position changes, its value is stored in a local storage. */ this._whenCursorHasChangedStoreInMemory(doc); } public clear() { this._store.clear(this._key); } private _whenCursorHasChangedStoreInMemory(doc: GristDoc) { // whenever current position changes, store it in the memory this.autoDispose(doc.cursorPosition.addListener(pos => { // if current position is not restored yet, don't change it if (!this._restored) { return; } // store position only when we have valid rowId // for some views (like CustomView) cursor position might not reflect actual row if (pos && pos.rowId !== undefined) { this._storePosition(pos); } })); } private _whenDocumentLoadsRestorePosition(doc: GristDoc) { // if doc was opened with a hash link, don't restore last position if (doc.hasCustomNav.get()) { return this._abortRestore(); } // if we are on raw data view, we need to set the position manually // as currentView observable will not be changed. if (doc.activeViewId.get() === 'data') { this._doRestorePosition(doc).catch((e) => reportError(e)); return; } // on view shown this.autoDispose(oneTimeListener(doc.currentView, async () => { await this._doRestorePosition(doc); })); } private async _doRestorePosition(doc: GristDoc) { // if the position was restored for this document do nothing if (this._restored) { return; } // set that we already restored the position, as some view is shown to the user this._restored = true; const viewId = doc.activeViewId.get(); if (!isViewDocPage(viewId)) { return this._abortRestore(); } const position = this._readPosition(viewId); if (position) { // Ignore error with finding desired cell. await doc.recursiveMoveToCursorPos(position, true, true); } } private _abortRestore() { this.clear(); this._restored = true; } private _storePosition(pos: ViewCursorPos) { this._store.update(this._key, pos); } private _readPosition(view: IDocPage) { const lastPosition =; this._store.clear(this._key); if (lastPosition && lastPosition.position.viewId == view) { return lastPosition.position; } return null; } } // Internal implementations for working with local storage class StorageWrapper { constructor(private _storage = getStorage()) { } public update(docId: string, position: ViewCursorPos): void { try { const storage = this._storage; const data = { docId, position, timestamp: }; storage.setItem(this._key(docId), JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (e) { console.error("Can't store latest position in storage. Detail error " + e.message); } } public clear(docId: string,): void { const storage = this._storage; storage.removeItem(this._key(docId)); } public read(docId: string): { docId: string; position: ViewCursorPos; } | undefined { const storage = this._storage; const result = storage.getItem(this._key(docId)); if (!result) { return undefined; } return JSON.parse(result); } protected _key(docId: string) { return `grist-last-position-${docId}`; } } export function oneTimeListener(obs: Observable, handler: (value: T) => any) { let listener: Listener|null = obs.addListener((value) => { setImmediate(dispose); handler(value); }); function dispose() { if (listener) { listener.dispose(); listener = null; } } return { dispose }; }