/** * Contains some non-webdriver functionality needed by tests. */ import FormData from 'form-data'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import { DocWorkerAPI, UserAPI, UserAPIImpl, UserProfile } from 'app/common/UserAPI'; import { HomeDBManager } from 'app/gen-server/lib/HomeDBManager'; import { TestingHooksClient } from 'app/server/lib/TestingHooks'; import { BrowserContext, expect, Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { UserPrefs } from "app/common/Prefs"; import { ALL_TIPS_DISABLED, ALL_TIPS_ENABLED } from "./homeUtil"; import { normalizeEmail } from "app/common/emails"; import EventEmitter = require('events'); import defaults = require('lodash/defaults'); import { authenticator } from "otplib"; import path from "path"; import * as fse from "fs-extra"; export interface Server extends EventEmitter { getTestingHooks(): Promise; getHost(): string; getUrl(team: string, relPath: string): string; getDatabase(): Promise; isExternalServer(): boolean; } export class HomeUtil { // Cache api keys of test users. It is often convenient to have various instances // of the home api available while making browser tests. private _apiKey = new Map(); constructor(public fixturesRoot: string, public server: Server) { server.on('stop', () => { this._apiKey.clear(); }); } /** * Set current session to a simulated login with the given name and email. Available options * include: * - `loginMethod`: when provided will store in the database which method the * user nominally logged in with (e.g. 'Email + Password' or 'Google'). * - `isFirstLogin`: when provided will cause user to be redirected or not to the * welcome pages. * - `freshAccount`: when true will cause the user account to be deleted and * recreated if it already existed. * - `cacheCredentials`: when true will result in the user's api key being stored * (after having been created if necessary), so that their home api can be later * instantiated without page loads. * When testing against an external server, the simulated login is in fact genuine, * done via the Grist login page. */ public async simulateLogin(page: Page, name: string, email: string, org: string = "", options: { loginMethod?: UserProfile['loginMethod'], freshAccount?: boolean, isFirstLogin?: boolean, showGristTour?: boolean, showTips?: boolean, cacheCredentials?: boolean, } = {}) { const {loginMethod, isFirstLogin, showTips} = defaults(options, { loginMethod: 'Email + Password', showTips: false, }); const showGristTour = options.showGristTour ?? (options.freshAccount ?? isFirstLogin); // For regular tests, we can log in through a testing hook. if (!this.server.isExternalServer()) { if (options.freshAccount) { await this._deleteUserByEmail(email); } if (isFirstLogin !== undefined) { await this._setFirstLogin(email, isFirstLogin); } if (showGristTour !== undefined) { await this._initShowGristTour(email, showGristTour); } if (showTips) { await this.enableTips(page, email); } else { await this.disableTips(page, email); } // TestingHooks communicates via JSON, so it's impossible to send an `undefined` value for org // through it. Using the empty string happens to work though. const testingHooks = await this.server.getTestingHooks(); const sid = await this.getGristSid(page.context()); if (!sid) { throw new Error('no session available'); } await testingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile( sid, {name, email, loginEmail: normalizeEmail(email), loginMethod}, org ); } else { if (loginMethod && loginMethod !== 'Email + Password') { throw new Error('only Email + Password logins supported for external server tests'); } // Make sure we revisit page in case login is changing. await page.goto('about:blank'); // When running against an external server, we log in through the Grist login page. await page.goto(this.server.getUrl(org, "")); if (!await this.isOnLoginPage(page)) { // Explicitly click Sign In button if necessary. await page.locator('css=.test-user-sign-in').click({ timeout: 4000 }); } // Fill the login form (either test or Grist). if (await this.isOnTestLoginPage(page)) { await this.fillTestLoginForm(page, email, name); } else { await this.fillGristLoginForm(page, email); } if (!await this.isWelcomePage(page) && (options.freshAccount || options.isFirstLogin)) { await this._recreateCurrentUser(page, email, org, name); } } if (options.freshAccount) { this._apiKey.delete(email); } if (options.cacheCredentials) { // Take this opportunity to cache access info. if (!this._apiKey.has(email)) { await page.goto(this.server.getUrl(org || 'docs', '')); const apiKey = await this._getApiKey(page); this._apiKey.set(email, apiKey); } } } /** * Fill the Grist test login page. * * TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD must be set. */ public async fillTestLoginForm(page: Page, email: string, name?: string) { const password = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD; if (!password) { throw new Error('TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD not set'); } const form = page.locator('css=div.modal-content-desktop'); await form.locator('css=input[name="username"]').fill(email); if (name) { await form.locator('css=input[name="name"]').fill(name); } await form.locator('css=input[name="password"]').fill(password); await form.locator('css=input[name="signInSubmitButton"]').click(); } /** * Fill up the Grist login page form, and submit. If called with a user that * has TOTP-based 2FA enabled, TEST_ACCOUNT_TOTP_SECRET must be set for a valid * code to be submitted on the following form. * * Should be on the Grist login or sign-up page before calling this method. If * `password` is not passed in, TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD must be set. */ public async fillGristLoginForm(page: Page, email: string, password?: string) { if (!password) { password = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD; if (!password) { throw new Error('TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD not set'); } } await this.checkGristLoginPage(page); if (page.url().match(/signup\?/)) { await page.locator('css=a[href*="login?"]').click({ timeout: 4000 }); } await page.locator('css=input[name="email"]').fill(email); await page.locator('css=input[name="password"]').fill(password); await page.locator('css=.test-lp-sign-in').click(); await this.checkGristLoginPage(page, 4000); if (!(await (page.locator('css=.test-mfa-title').getByText('Almost there!').count()) > 0)) { return; } const secret = process.env.TEST_ACCOUNT_TOTP_SECRET; if (!secret) { throw new Error('TEST_ACCOUNT_TOTP_SECRET not set'); } const code = authenticator.generate(secret); await page.locator('css=input[name="verificationCode"]').fill(code); await page.locator('css=.test-mfa-submit').click(); await expect( page.locator('css=.test-mfa-title:has-text("Almost there!")'), 'Possible reason: verification code is invalid or expired (i.e. was recently used to log in)' ).toBeAttached(); } /** * Remove any simulated login from the current session (for the given org, if specified). * For testing against an external server, all logins are removed, since there's no way * to be more nuanced. */ public async removeLogin(page: Page, org: string = "") { // If cursor is on field editor, escape before remove login await page.keyboard.press('Escape'); if (!this.server.isExternalServer()) { const testingHooks = await this.server.getTestingHooks(); const sid = await this.getGristSid(page.context()); if (sid) { await testingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile(sid, null, org); } } else { await page.goto(`${this.server.getHost()}/logout`); } } /** * Delete the currently logged in user. */ public async deleteCurrentUser(page: Page) { const apiKey = await this._getApiKey(page); const api = this._createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey); const info = await api.getSessionActive(); await api.deleteUser(info.user.id, info.user.name); } /** * Returns the current Grist session-id (for the selenium browser accessing this server), * or null if there is no session. */ public async getGristSid(context: BrowserContext): Promise { // Load a cheap page on our server to get the session-id cookie from browser. const newPage = await context.newPage(); await newPage.goto(`${this.server.getHost()}/test/session`); const cookie = (await context.cookies()) .find(cookie => cookie.name === (process.env.GRIST_SESSION_COOKIE || 'grist_sid')); if (!cookie) { return null; } return decodeURIComponent(cookie.value); } /** * Create a new document. */ public async createNewDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, docName: string, options: {email?: string} = {}) { const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org, options.email); const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace); return await homeApi.newDoc({name: docName}, workspaceId); } /** * Create a copy of a doc. Similar to importFixturesDoc, but starts with an existing docId. */ public async copyDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, docId: string, options: {newName?: string} = {}) { const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org); const docWorker = await homeApi.getWorkerAPI('import'); const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace); const uploadId = await docWorker.copyDoc(docId); return docWorker.importDocToWorkspace(uploadId, workspaceId); } // A helper that find a workspace id by name for a given username and org. public async getWorkspaceId(homeApi: UserAPIImpl, workspace: string): Promise { return (await homeApi.getOrgWorkspaces('current')).find((w) => w.name === workspace)!.id; } // A helper that returns the list of names of all documents within a workspace. public async listDocs(homeApi: UserAPI, wid: number): Promise { const workspace = await homeApi.getWorkspace(wid); return workspace.docs.map(d => d.name); } // A helper to create a UserAPI instance for a given useranme and org, that targets the home server // Username can be null for anonymous access. public createHomeApi(username: string|null, org: string, email?: string): UserAPIImpl { const apiKey = this.getApiKey(username, email); return this._createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey, org); } public getApiKey(username: string|null, email?: string): string | null { const name = (username || '').toLowerCase(); const apiKey = username && ((email && this._apiKey.get(email)) || `api_key_for_${name}`); return apiKey; } /** * Returns whether we are currently on any login page (including the test page). */ public async isOnLoginPage(page: Page) { return await this.isOnGristLoginPage(page) || await this.isOnTestLoginPage(page); } /** * Returns whether we are currently on a Grist login page. */ public async isOnGristLoginPage(page: Page) { const isOnSignupPage = await page.locator('css=.test-sp-heading').count() > 0; const isOnLoginPage = await page.locator('css=.test-lp-heading').count() > 0; return isOnSignupPage || isOnLoginPage; } /** * Returns whether we are currently on the test login page. */ public async isOnTestLoginPage(page: Page) { return await page.getByText('A Very Credulous Login Page').count() > 0; } /** * Waits for browser to navigate to a Grist login page. */ public async checkGristLoginPage(page: Page, waitMs: number = 2000) { const isOnSignUpPage = await page.locator('css=.test-sp-heading').waitFor({ timeout: waitMs }); const isOnLoginPage = await page.locator('css=.test-lp-heading').waitFor({ timeout: waitMs }); await Promise.race([isOnSignUpPage, isOnLoginPage]); } /** * Delete and recreate the user, via the specified org. The specified user must be * currently logged in! */ private async _recreateCurrentUser(page: Page, email: string, org: string, name?: string) { await this.deleteCurrentUser(page); await this.removeLogin(page, org); await page.goto(this.server.getUrl(org, "")); await page.locator('css=.test-user-sign-in').click({ timeout: 4000 }); await this.checkGristLoginPage(page); // Fill the login form (either test or Grist). if (await this.isOnTestLoginPage(page)) { await this.fillTestLoginForm(page, email, name); } else { await this.fillGristLoginForm(page, email); } } public async enableTips(page: Page, email: string) { await this._toggleTips(page, true, email); } public async disableTips(page: Page, email: string) { await this._toggleTips(page, false, email); } // Check if the url looks like a welcome page. The check is weak, but good enough // for testing. public async isWelcomePage(page: Page) { return Boolean(page.url().match(/\/welcome\//)); } /** * Import a fixture doc into a workspace. */ public async importFixturesDoc(username: string, org: string, workspace: string, filename: string, options: {newName?: string, email?: string} = {}) { const homeApi = this.createHomeApi(username, org, options.email); const docWorker = await homeApi.getWorkerAPI('import'); const workspaceId = await this.getWorkspaceId(homeApi, workspace); const uploadId = await this.uploadFixtureDoc(docWorker, filename, options.newName); return docWorker.importDocToWorkspace(uploadId, workspaceId); } public async uploadFixtureDoc(docWorker: DocWorkerAPI, filename: string, newName: string = filename) { const filepath = path.resolve(this.fixturesRoot, "docs", filename); if (!await fse.pathExists(filepath)) { throw new Error(`Can't find file: ${filepath}`); } const fileStream = fse.createReadStream(filepath); // node-fetch can upload streams, although browser fetch can't return docWorker.upload(fileStream as any, newName); } private async _getApiKey(page: Page): Promise { return page.evaluate(() => { const app = (window as any).gristApp; if (!app) { return ""; } const api: UserAPI = app.topAppModel.api; return api.fetchApiKey().then(key => { if (key) { return key; } return api.createApiKey(); }).catch(() => ""); }); } // Make a home api instance with the given api key, for the specified org. // If no api key given, work anonymously. private _createHomeApiUsingApiKey(apiKey: string|null, org?: string): UserAPIImpl { const headers = apiKey ? {Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`} : undefined; return new UserAPIImpl(org ? this.server.getUrl(org, '') : this.server.getHost(), { headers, fetch: fetch as any, newFormData: () => new FormData() as any, // form-data isn't quite type compatible }); } private async _toggleTips(page: Page, enabled: boolean, email: string) { if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { // Unsupported due to lack of access to the database. return; } const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase(); const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email); if (!user) { return; } if (user.personalOrg) { const org = await dbManager.getOrg({userId: user.id}, user.personalOrg.id); const userPrefs = (org.data as any)?.userPrefs ?? {}; const newUserPrefs: UserPrefs = { ...userPrefs, ...(enabled ? ALL_TIPS_ENABLED : ALL_TIPS_DISABLED), }; await dbManager.updateOrg({userId: user.id}, user.personalOrg.id, {userPrefs: newUserPrefs}); } else { await page.evaluate(() => { const userPrefs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userPrefs:u=${user.id}') || '{}'); localStorage.setItem('userPrefs:u=${user.id}', JSON.stringify({ ...userPrefs, ...(enabled ? ALL_TIPS_ENABLED : ALL_TIPS_DISABLED), })); }); } } // Delete a user using their email address. Requires access to the database. private async _deleteUserByEmail(email: string) { if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); } const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase(); const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email); if (user) { await dbManager.deleteUser({userId: user.id}, user.id, user.name); } } // Set whether this is the user's first time logging in. Requires access to the database. private async _setFirstLogin(email: string, isFirstLogin: boolean) { if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); } const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase(); const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email); if (user) { user.isFirstTimeUser = isFirstLogin; await user.save(); } } private async _initShowGristTour(email: string, showGristTour: boolean) { if (this.server.isExternalServer()) { throw new Error('not supported'); } const dbManager = await this.server.getDatabase(); const user = await dbManager.getUserByLogin(email); if (user && user.personalOrg) { const userOrgPrefs = {showGristTour}; await dbManager.updateOrg({userId: user.id}, user.personalOrg.id, {userOrgPrefs}); } } }