import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {loadSearch} from 'app/client/lib/imports'; import type * as searchModule from 'app/client/ui2018/search'; import {AppModel, reportError} from 'app/client/models/AppModel'; import {DocPageModel} from 'app/client/models/DocPageModel'; import {workspaceName} from 'app/client/models/WorkspaceInfo'; import {AccountWidget} from 'app/client/ui/AccountWidget'; import {buildNotifyMenuButton} from 'app/client/ui/NotifyUI'; import {manageTeamUsersApp} from 'app/client/ui/OpenUserManager'; import {buildShareMenuButton} from 'app/client/ui/ShareMenu'; import {hoverTooltip} from 'app/client/ui/tooltips'; import {cssHoverCircle, cssTopBarBtn} from 'app/client/ui/TopBarCss'; import {buildLanguageMenu} from 'app/client/ui/LanguageMenu'; import {docBreadcrumbs} from 'app/client/ui2018/breadcrumbs'; import {basicButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {cssHideForNarrowScreen, testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {IconName} from 'app/client/ui2018/IconList'; import {menuAnnotate} from 'app/client/ui2018/menus'; import {COMMENTS} from 'app/client/models/features'; import * as roles from 'app/common/roles'; import {Computed, dom, DomElementArg, makeTestId, MultiHolder, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; const t = makeT('TopBar'); export function createTopBarHome(appModel: AppModel) { return [ cssFlexSpace(), (appModel.isTeamSite && roles.canEditAccess(appModel.currentOrg?.access || null) ? [ basicButton( t("Manage Team"), dom.on('click', () => manageTeamUsersApp(appModel)), testId('topbar-manage-team') ), cssSpacer() ] : null ), buildLanguageMenu(appModel), buildNotifyMenuButton(appModel.notifier, appModel), dom('div', dom.create(AccountWidget, appModel)), ]; } export function createTopBarDoc(owner: MultiHolder, appModel: AppModel, pageModel: DocPageModel, allCommands: any) { const doc = pageModel.currentDoc; const renameDoc = (val: string) => pageModel.renameDoc(val); const displayNameWs = Computed.create(owner, pageModel.currentWorkspace, (use, ws) => ws ? {, name: workspaceName(appModel, ws)} : ws); const moduleObs = Observable.create<typeof searchModule|null>(owner, null); loadSearch().then(module => moduleObs.set(module)).catch(reportError); // Observable to decide whether to include the searchBar into this page. It doesn't work on // 'code' and 'acl' pages, so it's better to omit it, and let the browser's native search work. const enabledObs = Computed.create(owner, pageModel.gristDoc, (use, gristDoc) => { const viewId = gristDoc ? use(gristDoc.activeViewId) : null; return viewId !== null && viewId !== 'code' && viewId !== 'acl'; }); const searchModelObs = Computed.create(owner, moduleObs, pageModel.gristDoc, enabledObs, (use, module, gristDoc, enabled) => { if (!module || !gristDoc || !enabled) { return null; } return module.SearchModelImpl.create(use.owner, gristDoc); }); return [ // TODO Before gristDoc is loaded, we could show doc-name without the page. For now, we delay // showing of breadcrumbs until gristDoc is loaded. dom.maybe(pageModel.gristDoc, (gristDoc) => cssBreadcrumbContainer( docBreadcrumbs(displayNameWs, pageModel.currentDocTitle, gristDoc.currentPageName, { docNameSave: renameDoc, pageNameSave: getRenamePageFn(gristDoc), cancelRecoveryMode: getCancelRecoveryModeFn(gristDoc), isPageNameReadOnly: (use) => use(gristDoc.isReadonly) || typeof use(gristDoc.activeViewId) !== 'number', isDocNameReadOnly: (use) => use(gristDoc.isReadonly) || use(pageModel.isFork), isFork: pageModel.isFork, isBareFork: pageModel.isBareFork, isRecoveryMode: pageModel.isRecoveryMode, isFiddle: Computed.create(owner, (use) => use(pageModel.isPrefork)), isSnapshot: Computed.create(owner, doc, (use, _doc) => Boolean(_doc && _doc.idParts.snapshotId)), isPublic: Computed.create(owner, doc, (use, _doc) => Boolean(_doc && _doc.public)), }) ) ), cssFlexSpace(), // Don't show useless undo/redo buttons for sample docs, to leave more space for "Make copy". dom.maybe(pageModel.undoState, (state) => [ topBarUndoBtn('Undo', dom.on('click', () => state.isUndoDisabled.get() ||, hoverTooltip('Undo', {key: 'topBarBtnTooltip'}), cssHoverCircle.cls('-disabled', state.isUndoDisabled), testId('undo') ), topBarUndoBtn('Redo', dom.on('click', () => state.isRedoDisabled.get() ||, hoverTooltip('Redo', {key: 'topBarBtnTooltip'}), cssHoverCircle.cls('-disabled', state.isRedoDisabled), testId('redo') ), cssSpacer(), ]), dom.domComputed((use) => { const model = use(searchModelObs); return model && use(moduleObs)?.searchBar(model, makeTestId('test-tb-search-')); }), buildShareMenuButton(pageModel), dom.maybe(use => ( use(pageModel.gristDoc) && !use(use(pageModel.gristDoc)!.isReadonly) && use(COMMENTS()) ), () => buildShowDiscussionButton(pageModel)), dom.update( buildNotifyMenuButton(appModel.notifier, appModel), cssHideForNarrowScreen.cls(''), ), dom('div', dom.create(AccountWidget, appModel, pageModel)) ]; } function buildShowDiscussionButton(pageModel: DocPageModel) { return cssHoverCircle({ style: `margin: 5px; position: relative;` }, cssTopBarBtn('Chat', dom.cls('tour-share-icon')), cssBeta('Beta'), hoverTooltip('Comments', {key: 'topBarBtnTooltip'}), testId('open-discussion'), dom.on('click', () => pageModel.gristDoc.get()!.showTool('discussion')) ); } const cssBeta = styled(menuAnnotate, ` position: absolute; top: 4px; right: -9px; font-weight: bold; `); // Given the GristDoc instance, returns a rename function for the current active page. // If the current page is not able to be renamed or the new name is invalid, the function is a noop. function getRenamePageFn(gristDoc: GristDoc): (val: string) => Promise<void> { return async (val: string) => { const views = gristDoc.docModel.views; const viewId = gristDoc.activeViewId.get(); if (typeof viewId === 'number' && val.length > 0) { const name = views.rowModels[viewId].name; await name.saveOnly(val); } }; } function getCancelRecoveryModeFn(gristDoc: GristDoc): () => Promise<void> { return async () => { await!) .recover(false); }; } function topBarUndoBtn(iconName: IconName, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]): Element { return cssHoverCircle( cssTopBarUndoBtn(iconName), ...domArgs ); } const cssTopBarUndoBtn = styled(cssTopBarBtn, ` background-color: ${theme.topBarButtonSecondaryFg}; .${cssHoverCircle.className}:hover & { background-color: ${theme.topBarButtonPrimaryFg}; } .${cssHoverCircle.className}-disabled:hover & { background-color: ${theme.topBarButtonDisabledFg}; cursor: default; } `); const cssBreadcrumbContainer = styled('div', ` padding: 7px; flex: 1 1 auto; min-width: 24px; overflow: hidden; `); const cssFlexSpace = styled('div', ` flex: 1 1 0px; `); const cssSpacer = styled('div', ` max-width: 10px; flex: auto; `);