/** * TypeTransform extends ColumnTransform, creating the transform dom prompt that is shown when the * user changes the type of a data column. The purpose is to aid the user in converting data to the new * type by allowing a formula to be applied prior to conversion. It also allows for program-generated formulas * to be pre-entered for certain transforms (to Reference / Date) which the user can modify via dropdown menus. */ import * as AceEditor from 'app/client/components/AceEditor'; import {ColumnTransform} from 'app/client/components/ColumnTransform'; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import * as TypeConversion from 'app/client/components/TypeConversion'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import * as modelUtil from 'app/client/models/modelUtil'; import {cssButtonRow} from 'app/client/ui/RightPanel'; import {basicButton, primaryButton} from 'app/client/ui2018/buttons'; import {testId} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {FieldBuilder} from 'app/client/widgets/FieldBuilder'; import {NewAbstractWidget} from 'app/client/widgets/NewAbstractWidget'; import {ColValues} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import {Computed, dom, fromKo, Observable} from 'grainjs'; import isEmpty = require('lodash/isEmpty'); import pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy'); // To simplify diff (avoid rearranging methods to satisfy private/public order). /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/member-ordering */ /** * Creates an instance of TypeTransform for a single field. Extends ColumnTransform. */ export class TypeTransform extends ColumnTransform { private reviseTypeChange = Observable.create(this, false); private transformWidget: Computed; constructor(gristDoc: GristDoc, fieldBuilder: FieldBuilder) { super(gristDoc, fieldBuilder); this._shouldExecute = true; // The display widget of the new transform column. Used to build the transform config menu. // Only set while transforming. this.transformWidget = Computed.create(this, fromKo(fieldBuilder.widgetImpl), (use, widget) => { return use(this.origColumn.isTransforming) ? widget : null; }); } /** * Build the transform menu for a type transform */ public buildDom() { // An observable to disable all buttons before the dom get removed. const disableButtons = Observable.create(null, false); this.reviseTypeChange.set(false); this.editor = this.autoDispose(AceEditor.create({ observable: this.transformColumn.formula })); return dom('div', testId('type-transform-top'), dom.maybe(this.transformWidget, transformWidget => transformWidget.buildTransformConfigDom()), dom.maybe(this.reviseTypeChange, () => dom('div.transform_editor', this.buildEditorDom(), testId("type-transform-formula") ) ), cssButtonRow( basicButton(dom.on('click', () => { this.cancel().catch(reportError); disableButtons.set(true); }), 'Cancel', testId("type-transform-cancel"), dom.cls('disabled', disableButtons) ), dom.domComputed(this.reviseTypeChange, revising => { if (revising) { return basicButton(dom.on('click', () => this.editor.writeObservable()), 'Preview', testId("type-transform-update"), dom.cls('disabled', (use) => use(disableButtons) || use(this.formulaUpToDate)), { title: 'Update formula (Shift+Enter)' } ); } else { return basicButton(dom.on('click', () => { this.reviseTypeChange.set(true); }), 'Revise', testId("type-transform-revise"), dom.cls('disabled', disableButtons) ); } }), primaryButton(dom.on('click', () => { this.execute().catch(reportError); disableButtons.set(true); }), 'Apply', testId("type-transform-apply"), dom.cls('disabled', disableButtons) ) ) ); } protected async resetToDefaultFormula() { if (!this.isFinalizing()) { const toType = this.transformColumn.type.peek(); const formula = TypeConversion.getDefaultFormula(this.gristDoc.docModel, this.origColumn, toType, this.field.visibleColRef(), this.field.widgetOptionsJson()); await modelUtil.setSaveValue(this.transformColumn.formula, formula); } } /** * Overrides parent method to initialize the transform column with guesses as to the particular * type and column options. * @param {String} toType: A pure or complete type for the transformed column. */ protected async addTransformColumn(toType: string) { const docModel = this.gristDoc.docModel; const colInfo = await TypeConversion.prepTransformColInfo(docModel, this.origColumn, this.origDisplayCol, toType); const newColInfo = await this._tableData.sendTableAction(['AddColumn', 'gristHelper_Transform', colInfo]); const tcol = docModel.columns.getRowModel(newColInfo.colRef); await TypeConversion.setDisplayFormula(docModel, tcol); return newColInfo.colRef; } /** * Overrides parent method to subscribe to changes to the transform column. */ protected postAddTransformColumn() { // When a user-initiated change is saved to type or widgetOptions, update the formula. this.autoDispose(this.transformColumn.type.subscribe(this.resetToDefaultFormula, this, "save")); this.autoDispose(this.transformColumn.visibleCol.subscribe(this.resetToDefaultFormula, this, "save")); this.autoDispose(this.field.widgetOptionsJson.subscribe(this.resetToDefaultFormula, this, "save")); } /** * When a type is changed, again guess appropriate column options. */ public async setType(toType: string) { const docModel = this.gristDoc.docModel; const colInfo = await TypeConversion.prepTransformColInfo(docModel, this.origColumn, this.origDisplayCol, toType); // Only update those values which changed, and only if needed. const tcol = this.transformColumn; const changedInfo = pickBy(colInfo, (val, key) => (val !== tcol[key as keyof TypeConversion.ColInfo].peek())); return Promise.all([ isEmpty(changedInfo) ? undefined : tcol.updateColValues(changedInfo as ColValues), TypeConversion.setDisplayFormula(docModel, tcol, changedInfo.visibleCol) ]); } }