import * as moment from 'moment-timezone'; // When using YY format, use a consistent interpretation in datepicker and in moment parsing: add // 2000 if the result is at most 10 years greater than the current year; otherwise add 1900. See // and // "Parsing two digit years" in export const TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_THRESHOLD = 10; const MAX_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR = new Date().getFullYear() + TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_THRESHOLD - 2000; // Moment suggests that overriding this is fine, but we need to force TypeScript to allow it. (moment as any).parseTwoDigitYear = function(yearString: string): number { const year = parseInt(yearString, 10); return year + (year > MAX_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR ? 1900 : 2000); }; // Order of formats to try if the date cannot be parsed as the currently set format. // Formats are parsed in momentjs strict mode, but separator matching and the MM/DD // two digit requirement are ignored. Also, partial completion is permitted, so formats // may match even if only beginning elements are provided. // TODO: These should be affected by the user's locale/settings. // TODO: We may want to consider adding default time formats as well to support more // time formats. const PARSER_FORMATS: string[] = [ 'M D YYYY', 'M D YY', 'M D', 'M', 'MMMM D YYYY', 'MMMM D', 'MMMM Do YYYY', 'MMMM Do', 'MMMM', 'MMM D YYYY', 'MMM D', 'D MMM YYYY', 'D MMM', 'MMM', 'YYYY M D', 'YYYY M', 'YYYY', 'D M YYYY', 'D M YY', 'D M', 'D' ]; interface ParseOptions { time?: string; dateFormat?: string; timeFormat?: string; timezone?: string; } /** * parseDate - Attempts to parse a date string using several common formats. Returns the * timestamp of the parsed date in seconds since epoch, or returns null on failure. * @param {String} date - The date string to parse. * @param {String} options.dateFormat - The preferred momentjs format to use to parse the * date. This is attempted before the default formats. * @param {String} options.time - The time string to parse. * @param {String} options.timeFormat - The momentjs format to use to parse the time. This * must be given if options.time is given. * @param {String} options.timezone - The timezone string for the date/time, which affects * the resulting timestamp. */ export function parseDate(date: string, options: ParseOptions = {}): number | null { // If no date, return null. if (!date) { return null; } // Not picky about separators, so replace them in the date and format strings to be spaces. const separators = /[\W_]+/g; const dateFormats = PARSER_FORMATS.slice(); // If a preferred parse format is given, set that to be the first parser used. if (options.dateFormat) { // Momentjs has an undesirable feature in strict mode where MM and DD // matches require two digit numbers. Change MM, DD to M, D. let format = options.dateFormat.replace(/MM+/g, m => (m === 'MM' ? 'M' : m)) .replace(/DD+/g, m => (m === 'DD' ? 'D' : m)) .replace(separators, ' '); format = _getPartialFormat(date, format); // Consider some alternatives to the preferred format. const variations = _buildVariations(format); dateFormats.unshift(...variations); } const cleanDate = date.replace(separators, ' '); const datetime = (options.time ? `${cleanDate} ${options.time}` : cleanDate).trim(); for (const f of dateFormats) { // Momentjs has an undesirable feature in strict mode where HH, mm, and ss // matches require two digit numbers. Change HH, mm, and ss to H, m, and s. const timeFormat = options.timeFormat ? options.timeFormat.replace(/\bHH\b/g, 'H') .replace(/\bmm\b/g, 'm') .replace(/\bss\b/g, 's') : null; const fullFormat = options.time && timeFormat ? `${f} ${timeFormat}` : f; const m =, fullFormat, true, options.timezone || 'UTC'); if (m.isValid()) { return m.valueOf() / 1000; } } return null; } // Helper function to get the partial format string based on the input. Momentjs has a feature // which allows defaulting to the current year, month and/or day if not accounted for in the // parser. We remove any parts of the parser not given in the input to take advantage of this // feature. function _getPartialFormat(input: string, format: string): string { // Define a regular expression to match contiguous non-separators. const re = /Y+|M+|D+|[a-zA-Z0-9]+/g; // Count the number of meaningful parts in the input. const numInputParts = input.match(re)?.length || 0; // Count the number of parts in the format string. let numFormatParts = format.match(re)?.length || 0; if (numFormatParts > numInputParts) { // Remove year from format first, to default to current year. if (/Y+/.test(format)) { format = format.replace(/Y+/, ' ').trim(); numFormatParts -= 1; } if (numFormatParts > numInputParts) { // Remove month from format next. format = format.replace(/M+/, ' ').trim(); } } return format; } // Moment non-strict mode is considered bad, as it's far too lax. But moment's strict mode is too // strict. We want to allow YY|YYYY for either year specifier, as well as M for MMM or MMMM month // specifiers. It's silly that we need to create multiple format variations to support this. function _buildVariations(format: string) { const variations = new Set([format]); const otherYear = format.replace(/Y{2,4}/, (m) => (m === 'YY' ? 'YYYY' : (m === 'YYYY' ? 'YY' : m))); variations.add(otherYear); variations.add(format.replace(/MMM+/, 'M')); if (otherYear !== format) { variations.add(otherYear.replace(/MMM+/, 'M')); } return variations; }