export interface IExampleInfo { id: number; urlId: string; title: string; imgUrl: string; tutorialUrl: string; welcomeCard: WelcomeCard; } interface WelcomeCard { title: string; text: string; tutorialName: string; } export const examples: IExampleInfo[] = [{ id: 1, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'lightweight-crm', title: 'Lightweight CRM', imgUrl: 'https://www.getgrist.com/themes/grist/assets/images/use-cases/lightweight-crm.png', tutorialUrl: 'https://support.getgrist.com/lightweight-crm/', welcomeCard: { title: 'Welcome to the Lightweight CRM template', text: 'Check out our related tutorial for how to link data, and create ' + 'high-productivity layouts.', tutorialName: 'Tutorial: Create a CRM', }, }, { id: 2, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'investment-research', title: 'Investment Research', imgUrl: 'https://www.getgrist.com/themes/grist/assets/images/use-cases/data-visualization.png', tutorialUrl: 'https://support.getgrist.com/investment-research/', welcomeCard: { title: 'Welcome to the Investment Research template', text: 'Check out our related tutorial to learn how to create summary tables and charts, ' + 'and to link charts dynamically.', tutorialName: 'Tutorial: Analyze & Visualize', }, }, { id: 3, // Identifies the example in UserPrefs.seenExamples urlId: 'afterschool-program', title: 'Afterschool Program', imgUrl: 'https://www.getgrist.com/themes/grist/assets/images/use-cases/business-management.png', tutorialUrl: 'https://support.getgrist.com/afterschool-program/', welcomeCard: { title: 'Welcome to the Afterschool Program template', text: 'Check out our related tutorial for how to model business data, use formulas, ' + 'and manage complexity.', tutorialName: 'Tutorial: Manage Business Data', }, }];