import * as net from 'net'; import {UserProfile} from 'app/common/LoginSessionAPI'; import {Deps as ActiveDocDeps} from 'app/server/lib/ActiveDoc'; import {Deps as DiscourseConnectDeps} from 'app/server/lib/DiscourseConnect'; import {Deps as CommClientDeps} from 'app/server/lib/Client'; import * as Client from 'app/server/lib/Client'; import {Comm} from 'app/server/lib/Comm'; import log from 'app/server/lib/log'; import {IMessage, Rpc} from 'grain-rpc'; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; import {Request} from 'express'; import * as t from 'ts-interface-checker'; import {FlexServer} from './FlexServer'; import {ClientJsonMemoryLimits, ITestingHooks} from './ITestingHooks'; import ITestingHooksTI from './ITestingHooks-ti'; import {connect, fromCallback} from './serverUtils'; import {WidgetRepositoryImpl} from 'app/server/lib/WidgetRepository'; const tiCheckers = t.createCheckers(ITestingHooksTI, {UserProfile:"object")}); export function startTestingHooks(socketPath: string, port: number, comm: Comm, flexServer: FlexServer, workerServers: FlexServer[]): Promise<net.Server> { // Create socket server listening on the given path for testing connections. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const server = net.createServer(); server.on('error', reject); server.on('listening', () => resolve(server)); server.on('connection', socket => { // On connection, create an Rpc object communicating over that socket. const rpc = connectToSocket(new Rpc({logger: {}}), socket); // Register the testing implementation. rpc.registerImpl('testing', new TestingHooks(port, comm, flexServer, workerServers), tiCheckers.ITestingHooks); }); server.listen(socketPath); }); } function connectToSocket(rpc: Rpc, socket: net.Socket): Rpc { socket.setEncoding('utf8'); // Poor-man's JSON processing, only OK because this is for testing only. If multiple messages // are received quickly, they may arrive in the same buf, and JSON.parse will fail. socket.on('data', (buf: string) => rpc.receiveMessage(JSON.parse(buf))); rpc.setSendMessage((m: IMessage) => fromCallback(cb => socket.write(JSON.stringify(m), 'utf8', cb))); return rpc; } export interface TestingHooksClient extends ITestingHooks { close(): void; } export async function connectTestingHooks(socketPath: string): Promise<TestingHooksClient> { const socket = await connect(socketPath); const rpc = connectToSocket(new Rpc({logger: {}}), socket); return Object.assign(rpc.getStub<TestingHooks>('testing', tiCheckers.ITestingHooks), { close: () => socket.end(), }); } export class TestingHooks implements ITestingHooks { constructor( private _port: number, private _comm: Comm, private _server: FlexServer, private _workerServers: FlexServer[] ) {} public async getOwnPort(): Promise<number> {"TestingHooks.getOwnPort called"); return this._server.getOwnPort(); } public async getPort(): Promise<number> {"TestingHooks.getPort called"); return this._port; } public async setLoginSessionProfile(gristSidCookie: string, profile: UserProfile|null, org?: string): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.setLoginSessionProfile called with", gristSidCookie, profile, org); const sessionId = this._comm.getSessionIdFromCookie(gristSidCookie); const scopedSession = this._comm.getOrCreateSession(sessionId as string, {org}); const req = {} as Request; await scopedSession.updateUserProfile(req, profile); this._server.getSessions().clearCacheIfNeeded({email: profile?.email, org}); } public async setServerVersion(version: string|null): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.setServerVersion called with", version); this._comm.setServerVersion(version); for (const server of this._workerServers) { server.getComm().setServerVersion(version); } } public async disconnectClients(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.disconnectClients called"); this._comm.destroyAllClients(); for (const server of this._workerServers) { server.getComm().destroyAllClients(); } } public async commShutdown(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.commShutdown called"); await this._comm.testServerShutdown(); for (const server of this._workerServers) { await server.getComm().testServerShutdown(); } } public async commRestart(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.commRestart called"); await this._comm.testServerRestart(); for (const server of this._workerServers) { await server.getComm().testServerRestart(); } } // Set how long new clients will persist after disconnection. // Returns the previous value. public async commSetClientPersistence(ttlMs: number): Promise<number> {"TestingHooks.commSetClientPersistence called with", ttlMs); const prev = CommClientDeps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs; CommClientDeps.clientRemovalTimeoutMs = ttlMs; return prev; } // Set one or more limits that Client.ts can use for JSON responses, in bytes. // Returns the old limits. // - totalSize limits total amount of memory Client allocates to JSON response // - jsonResponseReservation sets the initial amount reserved for each response // - maxReservationSize monkey-patches reservation logic to fail when reservation exceeds the // given amount, to simulate unexpected failures. public async commSetClientJsonMemoryLimits(limits: ClientJsonMemoryLimits): Promise<ClientJsonMemoryLimits> {"TestingHooks.commSetClientJsonMemoryLimits called with", limits); const previous: ClientJsonMemoryLimits = {}; if (limits.totalSize !== undefined) { previous.totalSize = Client.jsonMemoryPool.setTotalSize(limits.totalSize); } if (limits.jsonResponseReservation !== undefined) { previous.jsonResponseReservation = CommClientDeps.jsonResponseReservation; CommClientDeps.jsonResponseReservation = limits.jsonResponseReservation; } if (limits.maxReservationSize !== undefined) { previous.maxReservationSize = null; const orig = Object.getPrototypeOf(Client.jsonMemoryPool)._updateReserved; if (limits.maxReservationSize === null) { (Client.jsonMemoryPool as any)._updateReserved = orig; } else { // Monkey-patch reservation logic to simulate unexpected failures. const jsonMemoryThrowLimit = limits.maxReservationSize; function updateReservedWithLimit(this: typeof Client.jsonMemoryPool, sizeDelta: number) { const newSize: number = (this as any)._reservedSize + sizeDelta; log.warn(`TestingHooks _updateReserved reserving ${newSize}, limit ${jsonMemoryThrowLimit}`); if (newSize > jsonMemoryThrowLimit) { throw new Error(`TestingHooks: hit JsonMemoryThrowLimit: ${newSize} > ${jsonMemoryThrowLimit}`); } return, sizeDelta); } (Client.jsonMemoryPool as any)._updateReserved = updateReservedWithLimit; } } return previous; } public async closeDocs(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.closeDocs called"); if (this._server) { await this._server.closeDocs(); } for (const server of this._workerServers) { await server.closeDocs(); } } public async setDocWorkerActivation(workerId: string, active: 'active'|'inactive'|'crash'): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.setDocWorkerActivation called with", workerId, active); const matches = this._workerServers.filter( server => === workerId || server.worker.publicUrl === workerId || (server.worker.publicUrl.startsWith('http://localhost:') && workerId.startsWith('http://localhost:') && new URL(server.worker.publicUrl).host === new URL(workerId).host)); if (matches.length !== 1) { throw new Error(`could not find worker: ${workerId}`); } const server = matches[0]; switch (active) { case 'active': await server.restartListening(); break; case 'inactive': await server.stopListening(); break; case 'crash': await server.stopListening('crash'); break; } } public async flushAuthorizerCache(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.flushAuthorizerCache called"); this._server.getHomeDBManager().flushDocAuthCache(); for (const server of this._workerServers) { server.getHomeDBManager().flushDocAuthCache(); } } public async flushDocs(): Promise<void> {"TestingHooks.flushDocs called"); for (const server of this._workerServers) { await server.testFlushDocs(); } } // Returns a Map from docId to number of connected clients for all open docs across servers, // but represented as an array of pairs, to be serializable. public async getDocClientCounts(): Promise<Array<[string, number]>> {"TestingHooks.getDocClientCounts called"); const counts = new Map<string, number>(); for (const server of [this._server, ...this._workerServers]) { const c = await server.getDocClientCounts(); for (const [key, val] of c) { counts.set(key, (counts.get(key) || 0) + val); } } return Array.from(counts); } // Sets the seconds for ActiveDoc timeout, and returns the previous value. public async setActiveDocTimeout(seconds: number): Promise<number> { const prev = ActiveDocDeps.ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT; ActiveDocDeps.ACTIVEDOC_TIMEOUT = seconds; return prev; } // Sets env vars for the DiscourseConnect module, and returns the previous value. public async setDiscourseConnectVar(varName: string, value: string|null): Promise<string|null> { const key = varName as keyof typeof DiscourseConnectDeps; const prev = DiscourseConnectDeps[key] || null; if (value == null) { delete DiscourseConnectDeps[key]; } else { DiscourseConnectDeps[key] = value; } return prev; } public async setWidgetRepositoryUrl(url: string): Promise<void> { const repo = this._server.getWidgetRepository() as WidgetRepositoryImpl; if (!(repo instanceof WidgetRepositoryImpl)) { throw new Error("Unsupported widget repository"); } repo.testOverrideUrl(url); } public async getMemoryUsage(): Promise<NodeJS.MemoryUsage> { return process.memoryUsage(); } // This is for testing the handling of unhandled exceptions and rejections. public async tickleUnhandledErrors(errType: 'exception'|'rejection'|'error-event'): Promise<void> { if (errType === 'exception') { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("TestingHooks: Fake exception"); }, 0); } else if (errType === 'rejection') { void(Promise.resolve(null).then(() => { throw new Error("TestingHooks: Fake rejection"); })); } else if (errType === 'error-event') { const emitter = new EventEmitter(); setTimeout(() => emitter.emit('error', new Error('TestingHooks: Fake error-event')), 0); } else { throw new Error(`Unrecognized errType ${errType}`); } } }