# coding=utf-8
A module for creating and sanitizing identifiers
import itertools
import logging
import re
import unicodedata
from keyword import iskeyword
from string import ascii_uppercase

import six

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_invalid_ident_char_re = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+')
_invalid_ident_start_re = re.compile(r'^(?=[0-9_])')

def _sanitize_ident(ident, prefix="c", capitalize=False):
  Helper for pick_ident, which given a suggested identifier, massages it to ensure it's valid for
  python (and sqlite). In particular, leaves only alphanumeric characters, and prepends `prefix`
  if it doesn't start with a letter.

  Returns empty string if there are no valid identifier characters, so consider using as
  (_sanitize_ident(...) or "your_default").
  ident = u"" if ident is None else six.text_type(ident)

  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/517974/2482744
  # Separate out combining characters (e.g. accents)
  ident = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', ident)
  # then remove them completely
  # This means that 'é' becomes 'e' instead of '_' or 'e_'
  ident = "".join(c for c in ident if not unicodedata.combining(c))

  # TODO allow non-ascii characters in identifiers when using Python 3
  ident = _invalid_ident_char_re.sub('_', ident).lstrip('_')
  ident = _invalid_ident_start_re.sub(prefix, ident)
  if not ident:
    return ident

  if capitalize:
    # Just capitalize the first letter (do NOT lowercase other letters like str.title() does).
    ident = ident[0].capitalize() + ident[1:]

  # Prevent names that are illegal to assign to
  # iskeyword doesn't catch None/True/False in Python 2.x, but does in 3.x
  # (None is actually an error, Python 2.x doesn't make assigning to True or False an error,
  # but I think we don't want to allow users to do that)
  while iskeyword(ident) or ident in ['None', 'True', 'False']:
    ident = prefix + ident
  return ident

_ends_in_digit_re = re.compile(r'\d$')

def _add_suffix(ident_base, avoid=set(), next_suffix=1):
  Helper which appends a numerical suffix to ident_base, incrementing it until the result doesn't
  conflict with anything in the `avoid` set.
  if _ends_in_digit_re.search(ident_base):
    ident_base += "_"

  while True:
    ident = "%s%d" % (ident_base, next_suffix)
    if ident.upper() not in avoid:
      return ident
    next_suffix += 1

def _maybe_add_suffix(ident, avoid):
  Returns the first of ident, ident2, ident3 etc. that's not in the `avoid` set.
  return ident if (ident.upper() not in avoid) else _add_suffix(ident, avoid, 2)

def _uppercase(avoid):
  return {name.upper() for name in avoid}

def pick_table_ident(ident, avoid=set()):
  Given a suggested identifier (which may be None), creates a sanitized table identifier,
  possibly with a numerical suffix that doesn't conflict with anything in the `avoid` set.
  avoid = _uppercase(avoid)
  ident = _sanitize_ident(ident, prefix="T", capitalize=True)
  return _maybe_add_suffix(ident, avoid) if ident else _add_suffix("Table", avoid, 1)

def pick_col_ident(ident, avoid=set()):
  Given a suggested identifier (which may be None), creates a sanitized column identifier,
  possibly with a numerical suffix that doesn't conflict with anything in the `avoid` set.
  avoid = _uppercase(avoid)
  ident = _sanitize_ident(ident, prefix="c")
  return _maybe_add_suffix(ident, avoid) if ident else _gen_ident(avoid)

def pick_col_ident_list(ident_list, avoid=set()):
  Given a list of suggested identifiers (which may be invalid), returns a list of valid sanitized
  unique identifiers, that don't conflict with anything in the `avoid` set or with each other.
  avoid = _uppercase(avoid)
  result = []
  for ident in ident_list:
    ident = pick_col_ident(ident, avoid=avoid)
  return result

def _gen_ident(avoid):
  Helper for pick_ident, which generates a valid identifier
  when pick_ident is called without a suggested identifier or default.
  It returns the first identifier that does not conflict with any elements of the avoid set.
  The identifier is a letter or combination of letters that follows a
  similar pattern to what excel uses for naming columns.
   i.e. A, B, ... Z, AA, AB, ... AZ, BA, etc
  avoid = _uppercase(avoid)
  for letter in _make_letters():
    if letter not in avoid:
      return letter

def _make_letters():
  length = 1
  while True:
    for letters in itertools.product(ascii_uppercase, repeat=length):
      yield ''.join(letters)
    length +=1