""" Plugin for importing CSV files """ import os import logging import chardet import messytables import six from six.moves import zip import parse_data from imports import import_utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SCHEMA = [ { 'name': 'lineterminator', 'label': 'Line terminator', 'type': 'string', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'include_col_names_as_headers', 'label': 'First row contains headers', 'type': 'boolean', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'delimiter', 'label': 'Field separator', 'type': 'string', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'skipinitialspace', 'label': 'Skip leading whitespace', 'type': 'boolean', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'quotechar', 'label': 'Quote character', 'type': 'string', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'doublequote', 'label': 'Quotes in fields are doubled', 'type': 'boolean', 'visible': True, }, { 'name': 'quoting', 'label': 'Convert quoted fields', 'type': 'number', 'visible': False, # Not supported by messytables }, { 'name': 'escapechar', 'label': 'Escape character', 'type': 'string', 'visible': False, # Not supported by messytables }, { 'name': 'start_with_row', 'label': 'Start with row', 'type': 'number', 'visible': False, # Not yet implemented }, { 'name': 'NUM_ROWS', 'label': 'Number of rows', 'type': 'number', 'visible': False, }] def parse_file_source(file_source, options): parsing_options, export_list = parse_file(import_utils.get_path(file_source["path"]), options) return {"parseOptions": parsing_options, "tables": export_list} def parse_file(file_path, parse_options=None): """ Reads a file path and parse options that are passed in using ActiveDoc.importFile() and returns a tuple with parsing options (users' or guessed) and an object formatted so that it can be used by grist for a bulk add records action. """ parse_options = parse_options or {} with open(file_path, "rb") as f: parsing_options, export_list = _parse_open_file(f, parse_options=parse_options) return parsing_options, export_list def _parse_open_file(file_obj, parse_options=None): options = {} csv_keys = ['delimiter', 'quotechar', 'lineterminator', 'doublequote', 'skipinitialspace'] csv_options = {k: parse_options.get(k) for k in csv_keys} if six.PY2: csv_options = {k: v.encode('utf8') if isinstance(v, six.text_type) else v for k, v in csv_options.items()} table_set = messytables.CSVTableSet(file_obj, delimiter=csv_options['delimiter'], quotechar=csv_options['quotechar'], lineterminator=csv_options['lineterminator'], doublequote=csv_options['doublequote'], skipinitialspace=csv_options['skipinitialspace']) num_rows = parse_options.get('NUM_ROWS', 0) # Messytable's encoding detection uses too small a sample, so we override it here. sample = file_obj.read(100000) table_set.encoding = chardet.detect(sample)['encoding'] # In addition, always prefer UTF8 over ASCII. if table_set.encoding == 'ascii': table_set.encoding = 'utf8' export_list = [] # A table set is a collection of tables: for row_set in table_set.tables: table_name = None sample_rows = list(row_set.sample) # Messytables doesn't guess whether headers are present, so we need to step in. data_offset, headers = import_utils.headers_guess(sample_rows) # Make sure all header values are strings. for i, header in enumerate(headers): if not isinstance(header, six.string_types): headers[i] = six.text_type(header) log.info("Guessed data_offset as %s", data_offset) log.info("Guessed headers as: %s", headers) have_guessed_headers = any(headers) include_col_names_as_headers = parse_options.get('include_col_names_as_headers', have_guessed_headers) if include_col_names_as_headers and not have_guessed_headers: # use first line as headers data_offset, first_row = import_utils.find_first_non_empty_row(sample_rows) headers = import_utils.expand_headers(first_row, data_offset, sample_rows) elif not include_col_names_as_headers and have_guessed_headers: # move guessed headers to data data_offset -= 1 headers = [''] * len(headers) row_set.register_processor(messytables.offset_processor(data_offset)) table_data_with_types = parse_data.get_table_data(row_set, len(headers), num_rows) # Identify and remove empty columns, and populate separate metadata and data lists. column_metadata = [] table_data = [] for col_data, header in zip(table_data_with_types, headers): if not header and all(val == "" for val in col_data["data"]): continue # empty column data = col_data.pop("data") col_data["id"] = header column_metadata.append(col_data) table_data.append(data) if not table_data: # Don't add tables with no columns. continue guessed = row_set._dialect quoting = parse_options.get('quoting') options = {"delimiter": parse_options.get('delimiter', guessed.delimiter), "doublequote": parse_options.get('doublequote', guessed.doublequote), "lineterminator": parse_options.get('lineterminator', guessed.lineterminator), "quotechar": parse_options.get('quotechar', guessed.quotechar), "skipinitialspace": parse_options.get('skipinitialspace', guessed.skipinitialspace), "include_col_names_as_headers": include_col_names_as_headers, "start_with_row": 1, "NUM_ROWS": num_rows, "SCHEMA": SCHEMA } log.info("Output table %r with %d columns", table_name, len(column_metadata)) for c in column_metadata: log.debug("Output column %s", c) export_list.append({ "table_name": table_name, "column_metadata": column_metadata, "table_data": table_data }) return options, export_list def get_version(): """ Return name and version of plug-in""" pass