import * as AceEditor from 'app/client/components/AceEditor'; import {createGroup} from 'app/client/components/commands'; import {makeT} from 'app/client/lib/localization'; import {DataRowModel} from 'app/client/models/DataRowModel'; import {ViewFieldRec} from 'app/client/models/entities/ViewFieldRec'; import {colors, testId, theme} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {createMobileButtons, getButtonMargins} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorButtons'; import {EditorPlacement, ISize} from 'app/client/widgets/EditorPlacement'; import {NewBaseEditor, Options} from 'app/client/widgets/NewBaseEditor'; import {undef} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {Computed, Disposable, dom, MultiHolder, Observable, styled, subscribe} from 'grainjs'; import {isRaisedException} from "app/common/gristTypes"; import {decodeObject, RaisedException} from "app/plugin/objtypes"; import {GristDoc} from 'app/client/components/GristDoc'; import {ColumnRec} from 'app/client/models/DocModel'; import {asyncOnce} from 'app/common/AsyncCreate'; import {reportError} from 'app/client/models/errors'; import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import debounce = require('lodash/debounce'); // How wide to expand the FormulaEditor when an error is shown in it. const minFormulaErrorWidth = 400; const t = makeT('FormulaEditor'); export interface IFormulaEditorOptions extends Options { cssClass?: string; editingFormula: ko.Computed, column: ColumnRec, } /** * Required parameters: * @param {RowModel} options.field: ViewSectionField (i.e. column) being edited. * @param {Object} options.cellValue: The value in the underlying cell being edited. * @param {String} options.editValue: String to be edited. * @param {Number} options.cursorPos: The initial position where to place the cursor. * @param {Object} options.commands: Object mapping command names to functions, to enable as part * of the command group that should be activated while the editor exists. * @param {Boolean} options.omitBlurEventForObservableMode: Flag to indicate whether ace editor * should save the value on `blur` event. */ export class FormulaEditor extends NewBaseEditor { private _formulaEditor: any; private _commandGroup: any; private _dom: HTMLElement; private _editorPlacement!: EditorPlacement; constructor(options: IFormulaEditorOptions) { super(options); const editingFormula = options.editingFormula; const initialValue = undef(options.state as string | undefined, options.editValue, String(options.cellValue)); // create editor state observable (used by draft and latest position memory) this.editorState = Observable.create(this, initialValue); this._formulaEditor = AceEditor.create({ // A bit awkward, but we need to assume calcSize is not used until attach() has been called // and _editorPlacement created. column: options.column, calcSize: this._calcSize.bind(this), gristDoc: options.gristDoc, saveValueOnBlurEvent: !options.readonly, editorState : this.editorState, readonly: options.readonly }); const allCommands = !options.readonly ? Object.assign({ setCursor: this._onSetCursor }, options.commands) // for readonly mode don't grab cursor when clicked away - just move the cursor : options.commands; this._commandGroup = this.autoDispose(createGroup(allCommands, this, editingFormula)); const hideErrDetails = Observable.create(this, true); const raisedException = Computed.create(this, use => { if (!options.formulaError) { return null; } const error = isRaisedException(use(options.formulaError)) ? decodeObject(use(options.formulaError)) as RaisedException: new RaisedException(["Unknown error"]); return error; }); const errorText = Computed.create(this, raisedException, (_, error) => { if (!error) { return ""; } return error.message ? `${} : ${error.message}` :; }); const errorDetails = Computed.create(this, raisedException, (_, error) => { if (!error) { return ""; } return error.details ?? ""; }); // Once the exception details are available, update the sizing. The extra delay is to allow // the DOM to update before resizing. this.autoDispose(errorDetails.addListener(() => setTimeout(() => this._formulaEditor.resize(), 0))); this.autoDispose(this._formulaEditor); this._dom = dom('div.default_editor.formula_editor_wrapper', // switch border shadow dom.cls("readonly_editor", options.readonly), createMobileButtons(options.commands), options.cssClass ? dom.cls(options.cssClass) : null, // This shouldn't be needed, but needed for tests. dom.on('mousedown', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); this._formulaEditor.getEditor().focus(); }), dom('div.formula_editor.formula_field_edit', testId('formula-editor'), this._formulaEditor.buildDom((aceObj: any) => { aceObj.setFontSize(11); aceObj.setHighlightActiveLine(false); aceObj.getSession().setUseWrapMode(false); aceObj.renderer.setPadding(0); const val = initialValue; const pos = Math.min(options.cursorPos, val.length); this._formulaEditor.setValue(val, pos); this._formulaEditor.attachCommandGroup(this._commandGroup); // enable formula editing if state was passed if (options.state || options.readonly) { editingFormula(true); } if (options.readonly) { this._formulaEditor.enable(false); aceObj.gotoLine(0, 0); // By moving, ace editor won't highlight anything } // This catches any change to the value including e.g. via backspace or paste. aceObj.once("change", () => editingFormula?.(true)); }) ), (options.formulaError ? [ dom('div.error_msg', testId('formula-error-msg'), dom.on('click', () => { if (errorDetails.get()){ hideErrDetails.set(!hideErrDetails.get()); this._formulaEditor.resize(); } }), dom.maybe(errorDetails, () => dom.domComputed(hideErrDetails, (hide) => cssCollapseIcon(hide ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse')) ), dom.text(errorText), ), dom.maybe(use => Boolean(use(errorDetails) && !use(hideErrDetails)), () => dom('div.error_details', dom('div.error_details_inner', dom.text(errorDetails), ), testId('formula-error-details'), ) ) ] : null ) ); } public attach(cellElem: Element): void { this._editorPlacement = EditorPlacement.create(this, this._dom, cellElem, {margins: getButtonMargins()}); // Reposition the editor if needed for external reasons (in practice, window resize). this.autoDispose(this._editorPlacement.onReposition.addListener( this._formulaEditor.resize, this._formulaEditor)); this._formulaEditor.onAttach(); this._formulaEditor.editor.focus(); } public getDom(): HTMLElement { return this._dom; } public getCellValue() { return this._formulaEditor.getValue(); } public getTextValue() { return this._formulaEditor.getValue(); } public getCursorPos() { const aceObj = this._formulaEditor.getEditor(); return aceObj.getSession().getDocument().positionToIndex(aceObj.getCursorPosition()); } private _calcSize(elem: HTMLElement, desiredElemSize: ISize) { const errorBox: HTMLElement|null = this._dom.querySelector('.error_details'); const errorBoxStartHeight = errorBox?.getBoundingClientRect().height || 0; const errorBoxDesiredHeight = errorBox?.scrollHeight || 0; // If we have an error to show, ask for a larger size for formulaEditor. const desiredSize = { width: Math.max(desiredElemSize.width, (this.options.formulaError ? minFormulaErrorWidth : 0)), // Ask for extra space for the error; we'll decide how to allocate it below. height: desiredElemSize.height + (errorBoxDesiredHeight - errorBoxStartHeight), }; const result = this._editorPlacement.calcSizeWithPadding(elem, desiredSize); if (errorBox) { // Note that result.height does not include errorBoxStartHeight, but includes any available // extra space that we requested. const availableForError = errorBoxStartHeight + (result.height - desiredElemSize.height); // This is the key calculation: if space is available, use it; if not, give 64px to error // (it'll scroll within that), but don't use more than desired. const errorBoxEndHeight = Math.min(errorBoxDesiredHeight, Math.max(availableForError, 64)); = `${errorBoxEndHeight}px`; result.height -= (errorBoxEndHeight - errorBoxStartHeight); } return result; } // TODO: update regexes to unicode? private _onSetCursor(row: DataRowModel, col: ViewFieldRec) { if (!col) { return; } // if clicked on row header, no col to insert if (this.options.readonly) { return; } const aceObj = this._formulaEditor.getEditor(); if (!aceObj.selection.isEmpty()) { // If text selected, replace whole selection aceObj.session.replace(aceObj.selection.getRange(), '$' + col.colId()); } else { // Not a selection, gotta figure out what to replace const pos = aceObj.getCursorPosition(); const line = aceObj.session.getLine(pos.row); const result = _isInIdentifier(line, pos.column); // returns {start, end, id} | null if (!result) { // Not touching an identifier, insert colId as normal aceObj.insert("$" + col.colId()); // We are touching an identifier } else if (result.ident.startsWith("$")) { // If ident is a colId, replace it const idRange = AceEditor.makeRange(pos.row, result.start, pos.row, result.end); aceObj.session.replace(idRange, "$" + col.colId()); } // Else touching a normal identifier, dont mangle it } // Resize editor in case it is needed. this._formulaEditor.resize(); aceObj.focus(); } } // returns whether the column in that line is inside or adjacent to an identifier // if yes, returns {start, end, ident}, else null function _isInIdentifier(line: string, column: number) { // If cursor is in or after an identifier, scoot back to the start of it const prefix = line.slice(0, column); let startOfIdent =[$A-Za-z0-9_]+$/); if (startOfIdent < 0) { startOfIdent = column; } // if no match, maybe we're right before it // We're either before an ident or nowhere near one. Try to match to its end const match = line.slice(startOfIdent).match(/^[$a-zA-Z0-9_]+/); if (match) { const ident = match[0]; return { ident, start: startOfIdent, end: startOfIdent + ident.length}; } else { return null; } } /** * Open a formula editor. Returns a Disposable that owns the editor. */ export function openFormulaEditor(options: { gristDoc: GristDoc, // Associated formula from a different column (for example style rule). column?: ColumnRec, field?: ViewFieldRec, editingFormula?: ko.Computed, // Needed to get exception value, if any. editRow?: DataRowModel, // Element over which to position the editor. refElem: Element, editValue?: string, onSave?: (column: ColumnRec, formula: string) => Promise, onCancel?: () => void, // Called after editor is created to set up editor cleanup (e.g. saving on click-away). setupCleanup: ( owner: MultiHolder, doc: GristDoc, editingFormula: ko.Computed, save: () => Promise ) => void, }): Disposable { const {gristDoc, editRow, refElem, setupCleanup} = options; const holder = MultiHolder.create(null); const column = options.column ?? options.field?.column(); if (!column) { throw new Error(t('Column or field is required')); } // AsyncOnce ensures it's called once even if triggered multiple times. const saveEdit = asyncOnce(async () => { const formula = String(editor.getCellValue()); if (formula !== column.formula.peek()) { if (options.onSave) { await options.onSave(column, formula); } else { await column.updateColValues({formula}); } holder.dispose(); } else { holder.dispose(); options.onCancel?.(); } }); // These are the commands for while the editor is active. const editCommands = { fieldEditSave: () => { saveEdit().catch(reportError); }, fieldEditSaveHere: () => { saveEdit().catch(reportError); }, fieldEditCancel: () => { holder.dispose(); options.onCancel?.(); }, }; // Replace the item in the Holder with a new one, disposing the previous one. const editor = FormulaEditor.create(holder, { gristDoc, column, editingFormula: options.editingFormula, rowId: editRow ? : 0, cellValue: column.formula(), formulaError: editRow ? getFormulaError(gristDoc, editRow, column) : undefined, editValue: options.editValue, cursorPos: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, // Position of the caret within the editor. commands: editCommands, cssClass: 'formula_editor_sidepane', readonly : false } as IFormulaEditorOptions); editor.attach(refElem); const editingFormula = options.editingFormula ?? options?.field?.editingFormula; if (!editingFormula) { throw new Error(t('editingFormula is required')); } // When formula is empty enter formula-editing mode (highlight formula icons; click on a column inserts its ID). // This function is used for primarily for switching between different column behaviors, so we want to enter full // edit mode right away. // TODO: consider converting it to parameter, when this will be used in different scenarios. if (!column.formula()) { editingFormula(true); } setupCleanup(holder, gristDoc, editingFormula, saveEdit); return holder; } /** * If the cell at the given row and column is a formula value containing an exception, return an * observable with this exception, and fetch more details to add to the observable. */ export function getFormulaError( gristDoc: GristDoc, editRow: DataRowModel, column: ColumnRec ): Observable|undefined { const colId = column.colId.peek(); const cellCurrentValue = editRow.cells[colId].peek(); const isFormula = column.isFormula() || column.hasTriggerFormula(); if (isFormula && isRaisedException(cellCurrentValue)) { const formulaError = Observable.create(null, cellCurrentValue); gristDoc.docData.getFormulaError(column.table().tableId(), colId, editRow.getRowId()) .then(value => { formulaError.set(value); }) .catch(reportError); return formulaError; } return undefined; } /** * Create and return an observable for the count of errors in a column, which gets updated in * response to changes in origColumn and in user data. */ export function createFormulaErrorObs(owner: MultiHolder, gristDoc: GristDoc, origColumn: ColumnRec) { const errorMessage = Observable.create(owner, ''); // Count errors in origColumn when it's a formula column. Counts get cached by the // tableData.countErrors() method, and invalidated on relevant data changes. function countErrors() { if (owner.isDisposed()) { return; } const tableData = gristDoc.docData.getTable(origColumn.table.peek().tableId.peek()); const isFormula = origColumn.isRealFormula.peek() || origColumn.hasTriggerFormula.peek(); if (tableData && isFormula) { const colId = origColumn.colId.peek(); const numCells = tableData.getColValues(colId)?.length || 0; const numErrors = tableData.countErrors(colId) || 0; errorMessage.set( (numErrors === 0) ? '' : (numCells === 1) ? t(`Error in the cell`) : (numErrors === numCells) ? t(`Errors in all {{numErrors}} cells`, {numErrors}) : t(`Errors in {{numErrors}} of {{numCells}} cells`, {numErrors, numCells}) ); } else { errorMessage.set(''); } } // Debounce the count calculation to defer it to the end of a bundle of actions. const debouncedCountErrors = debounce(countErrors, 0); // If there is an update to the data in the table, count errors again. Since the same UI is // reused when different page widgets are selected, we need to re-create this subscription // whenever the selected table changes. We use a Computed to both react to changes and dispose // the previous subscription when it changes. Computed.create(owner, (use) => { const tableData = gristDoc.docData.getTable(use(use(origColumn.table).tableId)); return tableData ? use.owner.autoDispose(tableData.tableActionEmitter.addListener(debouncedCountErrors)) : null; }); // The counts depend on the origColumn and its isRealFormula status, but with the debounced // callback and subscription to data, subscribe to relevant changes manually (rather than using // a Computed). owner.autoDispose(subscribe(use => { use(; use(origColumn.isRealFormula); debouncedCountErrors(); })); return errorMessage; } const cssCollapseIcon = styled(icon, ` margin: -3px 4px 0 4px; --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; `); export const cssError = styled('div', ` color: ${theme.errorText}; `);