// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file import {CellValue} from 'app/common/DocActions'; import * as gristTypes from 'app/common/gristTypes'; import * as gutil from 'app/common/gutil'; import {buildNumberFormat, NumberFormatOptions} from 'app/common/NumberFormat'; import * as moment from 'moment-timezone'; // Some text to show on cells whose values are pending. export const PENDING_DATA_PLACEHOLDER = "Loading..."; /** * Formats a custom object received as a value in a DocAction, as "Constructor(args...)". * E.g. ["Foo", 1, 2, 3] becomes the string "Foo(1, 2, 3)". */ export function formatObject(args: [string, ...any[]]): string { const objType = args[0], objArgs = args.slice(1); switch (objType) { case 'L': return JSON.stringify(objArgs); // First arg is seconds since epoch (moment takes ms), second arg is timezone case 'D': return moment.tz(objArgs[0] * 1000, objArgs[1]).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ"); case 'd': return moment.tz(objArgs[0] * 1000, 'UTC').format("YYYY-MM-DD"); case 'R': return `${objArgs[0]}[${objArgs[1]}]`; case 'E': return gristTypes.formatError(args); case 'U': return String(args[1]); case 'P': return PENDING_DATA_PLACEHOLDER; } return objType + "(" + JSON.stringify(objArgs).slice(1, -1) + ")"; } /** * Formats a value of unknown type, using formatObject() for encoded objects. */ export function formatUnknown(value: any): string { return gristTypes.isObject(value) ? formatObject(value) : (value == null ? "" : String(value)); } export type IsRightTypeFunc = (value: CellValue) => boolean; export class BaseFormatter { public readonly isRightType: IsRightTypeFunc; constructor(public type: string, public opts: object) { this.isRightType = gristTypes.isRightType(gristTypes.extractTypeFromColType(type)) || gristTypes.isRightType('Any')!; } /** * Formats a value that matches the type of this formatter. This should be overridden by derived * classes to handle values in formatter-specific ways. */ public format(value: any): string { return value; } /** * Formats using this.format() if a value is of the right type for this formatter, or using * AnyFormatter otherwise. This method the recommended API. There is no need to override it. */ public formatAny(value: any): string { return this.isRightType(value) ? this.format(value) : formatUnknown(value); } } class AnyFormatter extends BaseFormatter { public format(value: any): string { return formatUnknown(value); } } export class NumericFormatter extends BaseFormatter { private _numFormat: Intl.NumberFormat; private _formatter: (val: number) => string; constructor(type: string, options: NumberFormatOptions) { super(type, options); this._numFormat = buildNumberFormat(options); this._formatter = (options.numSign === 'parens') ? this._formatParens : this._formatPlain; } public format(value: any): string { return value === null ? '' : this._formatter(value); } public _formatPlain(value: number): string { return this._numFormat.format(value); } public _formatParens(value: number): string { // Surround positive numbers with spaces to align them visually to parenthesized numbers. return (value >= 0) ? ` ${this._numFormat.format(value)} ` : `(${this._numFormat.format(-value)})`; } } class IntFormatter extends NumericFormatter { constructor(type: string, opts: object) { super(type, {decimals: 0, ...opts}); } } class DateFormatter extends BaseFormatter { private _dateTimeFormat: string; private _timezone: string; constructor(type: string, opts: {dateFormat?: string}, timezone: string = 'UTC') { super(type, opts); this._dateTimeFormat = opts.dateFormat || 'YYYY-MM-DD'; this._timezone = timezone; } public format(value: any): string { if (value === null) { return ''; } const time = moment.tz(value * 1000, this._timezone); return time.format(this._dateTimeFormat); } } class DateTimeFormatter extends DateFormatter { constructor(type: string, opts: {dateFormat?: string; timeFormat?: string}) { const timezone = gutil.removePrefix(type, "DateTime:") || ''; const timeFormat = opts.timeFormat === undefined ? 'h:mma' : opts.timeFormat; const dateFormat = (opts.dateFormat || 'YYYY-MM-DD') + " " + timeFormat; super(type, {dateFormat}, timezone); } } const formatters: {[name: string]: typeof BaseFormatter} = { Numeric: NumericFormatter, Int: IntFormatter, Bool: BaseFormatter, Date: DateFormatter, DateTime: DateTimeFormatter, // We don't list anything that maps to AnyFormatter, since that's the default. }; /** * Takes column type and widget options and returns a constructor with a format function that can * properly convert a value passed to it into the right format for that column. */ export function createFormatter(type: string, opts: object): BaseFormatter { const ctor = formatters[gristTypes.extractTypeFromColType(type)] || AnyFormatter; return new ctor(type, opts); }