import * as commands from 'app/client/components/commands'; import { urlState } from 'app/client/models/gristUrlState'; import { IOnBoardingMsg, startOnBoarding } from "app/client/ui/OnBoardingPopups"; import { colors } from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import { icon } from "app/client/ui2018/icons"; import { cssLink } from "app/client/ui2018/links"; import { dom, styled } from "grainjs"; export const welcomeTour: IOnBoardingMsg[] = [ { title: 'Editing Data', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Double-click or hit ', Key(KeyContent('Enter')), ' on a cell to edit it. ', 'Start with ', Key(KeyStrong('=')), ' to enter a formula.' ) ], selector: '.field_clip', placement: 'bottom', }, { selector: '.tour-creator-panel', title: 'Configuring your document', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Toggle the ', dom('em', 'creator panel'), ' to format columns, ', 'convert to card view, select data, and more.' ) ], placement: 'left', cropPadding: true, }, { selector: '.tour-type-selector', title: 'Customizing columns', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Set formatting options, formulas, or column types, such as dates, choices, or attachments. '), dom('p', 'Make it relational! Use the ', Key('Reference'), ' type to link tables. ' ) ], placement: 'right', }, { selector: '.tour-add-new', title: 'Building up', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Use ', Key('Add New'), ' to add widgets, pages, or import more data. ') ], placement: 'right', }, { selector: '.tour-share-icon', title: 'Sharing', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Use the Share button (', Icon('Share'), ') to share the document or export data.') ], placement: 'bottom', cropPadding: true, }, { selector: '.tour-help-center', title: 'Flying higher', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Use ', Key(GreyIcon('Help'), 'Help Center'), ' for documentation, videos, and tutorials.'), dom('p', 'Use ', Key(GreyIcon('Feedback'), 'Give Feedback'), ' for issues or questions.'), ], placement: 'right', }, { selector: '.tour-welcome', title: 'Welcome to Grist!', body: () => [ dom('p', 'Browse our ', cssLink({target: '_blank', href: urlState().makeUrl({homePage: "templates"})}, 'template library', cssInlineIcon('FieldLink')), "to discover what's possible and get inspired." ), ], showHasModal: true, } ]; export function startWelcomeTour(onFinishCB: () => void) {; startOnBoarding(welcomeTour, onFinishCB); } const KeyContent = styled('span', ` font-style: normal; font-family: inherit; color: ${colors.darkGreen}; `); const KeyStrong = styled(KeyContent, ` font-weight: 700; `); const Key = styled('div', ` display: inline-block; padding: 2px 5px; border-radius: 4px; margin: 0px 2px; border: 1px solid ${colors.slate}; color: black; background-color: white; font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; white-space: nowrap; `); const Icon = styled(icon, ` --icon-color: ${colors.lightGreen}; `); const GreyIcon = styled(icon, ` --icon-color: ${colors.slate}; margin-right: 8px; `); const cssInlineIcon = styled(icon, ` margin: -3px 8px 0 4px; `);