import { DocAPI, UserAPI } from "app/common/UserAPI"; import difference from 'lodash/difference'; import { assert, driver } from "mocha-webdriver"; import * as gu from "test/nbrowser/gristUtils"; import { setupTestSuite } from "test/nbrowser/testUtils"; describe("Timing", function () { this.timeout(20000); const cleanup = setupTestSuite(); let docApi: DocAPI; let userApi: UserAPI; let docId: string; let session: gu.Session; before(async () => { session = await gu.session().teamSite.login(); docId = await session.tempNewDoc(cleanup); userApi = session.createHomeApi(); docApi = userApi.getDocAPI(docId); }); async function assertOn() { await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await timingText.text(), "Timing is on..."); }); assert.isTrue(await stopTiming.visible()); assert.isFalse(await startTiming.present()); } async function assertOff() { await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await timingText.text(), "Find slow formulas"); }); assert.isTrue(await startTiming.visible()); assert.isFalse(await stopTiming.present()); } it("should allow to start session", async function () { await gu.openDocumentSettings(); // Make sure we see the timing button. await assertOff(); // Start timing. await; // Wait for modal. await modal.wait(); // We have two options. assert.isTrue(await optionStart.visible()); assert.isTrue(await optionReload.visible()); // Start is selected by default. assert.isTrue(await optionStart.checked()); assert.isFalse(await optionReload.checked()); await; await assertOn(); }); it('should reflect that in the API', async function() { assert.equal(await docApi.timing().then(x => x.status), 'active'); }); it('should stop session from outside', async function() { await docApi.stopTiming(); await assertOff(); }); it('should start session from API', async function() { await docApi.startTiming(); // Add new record through the API (to trigger formula calculations). await userApi.applyUserActions(docId, [ ['AddRecord', 'Table1', null, {}] ]); }); it('should show result and stop session', async function() { // The stop button is actually stop and show results, and it will open new window in. const myTab = await gu.myTab(); const tabs = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); await; // Now new tab will be opened, and the timings will be stopped. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await docApi.timing().then(x => x.status), 'disabled'); }); // Find the new tab. const newTab = difference(await driver.getAllWindowHandles(), tabs)[0]; assert.isDefined(newTab); await driver.switchTo().window(newTab); // Sanity check that we see some results. assert.isTrue(await driver.findContentWait('div', 'Formula timer', 1000).isDisplayed()); await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.equal(await gu.getCell(0, 1).getText(), 'Table1'); }); // Switch back to the original tab. await; // Make sure controls are back to the initial state. await assertOff(); // Close the new tab. await driver.switchTo().window(newTab); await driver.close(); await; }); it("should allow to time the document load", async function () { await assertOff(); await; await modal.wait(); // Check that cancel works. await; assert.isFalse(await modal.present()); await assertOff(); // Open modal once again but this time select reload. await; await; assert.isTrue(await optionReload.checked()); await; // We will see spinner. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { await driver.findContentWait('div', 'Loading timing data.', 1000); }); // We land on the timing page in the same tab. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.findContentWait('div', 'Formula timer', 1000).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await gu.getCell(0, 1).getText(), 'Table1'); }); // Refreshing this tab will move us to the settings page. await driver.navigate().refresh(); await gu.waitForUrl('/settings'); }); it('clears virtual table when navigated away', async function() { // Start timing and go to results. await; await modal.wait(); await; await; // Wait for the results page. await gu.waitToPass(async () => { assert.isTrue(await driver.findContentWait('div', 'Formula timer', 1000).isDisplayed()); assert.equal(await gu.getCell(0, 1).getText(), 'Table1'); }); // Now go to the raw data page, and make sure we see only Table1. await driver.find('.test-tools-raw').click(); await driver.findWait('.test-raw-data-list', 2000); assert.deepEqual(await driver.findAll('.test-raw-data-table-id', e => e.getText()), ['Table1']); }); it('should be disabled for non-owners', async function() { await userApi.updateDocPermissions(docId, {users: { [gu.translateUser('user2').email]: 'editors', }}); const session = await gu.session().teamSite.user('user2').login(); await session.loadDoc(`/doc/${docId}`); await gu.openDocumentSettings(); const start = driver.find('.test-settings-timing-start'); assert.equal(await start.isPresent(), true); // Check that we have an informative tooltip. await start.mouseMove(); assert.match(await driver.findWait('.test-tooltip', 2000).getText(), /Only available to document owners/); // Nothing should happen on click. We click the location rather than the element, since the // element isn't actually clickable. await start.mouseMove(); await driver.withActions(a =>; await driver.sleep(100); assert.equal(await driver.find(".test-settings-timing-modal").isPresent(), false); }); }); const element = (testId: string) => ({ element() { return driver.find(testId); }, async wait() { await driver.findWait(testId, 1000); }, async visible() { return await this.element().isDisplayed(); }, async present() { return await this.element().isPresent(); } }); const label = (testId: string) => ({ ...element(testId), async text() { return this.element().getText(); }, }); const button = (testId: string) => ({ ...element(testId), async click() { await gu.scrollIntoView(this.element()); await this.element().click(); }, }); const option = (testId: string) => ({ ...button(testId), async checked() { return 'true' === await this.element().findClosest("label").find("input[type='checkbox']").getAttribute('checked'); } }); const startTiming = button(".test-settings-timing-start"); const stopTiming = button(".test-settings-timing-stop"); const timingText = label(".test-settings-timing-desc"); const modal = element(".test-settings-timing-modal"); const optionStart = option('.test-settings-timing-modal-option-adhoc'); const optionReload = option('.test-settings-timing-modal-option-reload'); const modalConfirm = button('.test-settings-timing-modal-confirm'); const modalCancel = button('.test-settings-timing-modal-cancel');