import * as WS from 'ws'; import * as EIO from ''; export abstract class GristServerSocket { public abstract set onerror(handler: (err: Error) => void); public abstract set onclose(handler: () => void); public abstract set onmessage(handler: (data: string) => void); public abstract removeAllListeners(): void; public abstract close(): void; public abstract terminate(): void; public abstract get isOpen(): boolean; public abstract send(data: string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): void; } export class GristServerSocketEIO extends GristServerSocket { private _eventHandlers: Array<{ event: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void }> = []; private _messageCounter = 0; // Engine.IO only invokes send() callbacks on success. We keep a map of // send callbacks for messages in flight so that we can invoke them for // any messages still unsent upon receiving a "close" event. private _messageCallbacks: Map void> = new Map(); constructor(private _socket: EIO.Socket) { super(); } public set onerror(handler: (err: Error) => void) { // Note that as far as I can tell, Engine.IO sockets never emit "error" // but instead include error information in the "close" event. this._socket.on('error', handler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'error', handler }); } public set onclose(handler: () => void) { const wrappedHandler = (reason: string, description: any) => { // In practice, when available, description has more error details, // possibly in the form of an Error object. const maybeErr = description ?? reason; const err = maybeErr instanceof Error ? maybeErr : new Error(maybeErr); for (const cb of this._messageCallbacks.values()) { cb(err); } this._messageCallbacks.clear(); handler(); }; this._socket.on('close', wrappedHandler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'close', handler: wrappedHandler }); } public set onmessage(handler: (data: string) => void) { const wrappedHandler = (msg: Buffer) => { handler(msg.toString()); }; this._socket.on('message', wrappedHandler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'message', handler: wrappedHandler }); } public removeAllListeners() { for (const { event, handler } of this._eventHandlers) {, handler); } this._eventHandlers = []; } public close() { this._socket.close(); } // Terminates the connection without waiting for the client to close its own side. public terminate() { // Trigger a normal close. For the polling transport, this is sufficient and instantaneous. this._socket.close(/* discard */ true); } public get isOpen() { return this._socket.readyState === 'open'; } public send(data: string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void) { const msgNum = this._messageCounter++; if (cb) { this._messageCallbacks.set(msgNum, cb); } this._socket.send(data, {}, () => { if (cb && this._messageCallbacks.delete(msgNum)) { // send was successful: pass no Error to callback cb(); } }); } } export class GristServerSocketWS extends GristServerSocket { private _eventHandlers: Array<{ event: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void }> = []; constructor(private _ws: WS.WebSocket) { super(); } public set onerror(handler: (err: Error) => void) { this._ws.on('error', handler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'error', handler }); } public set onclose(handler: () => void) { this._ws.on('close', handler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'close', handler }); } public set onmessage(handler: (data: string) => void) { const wrappedHandler = (msg: Buffer) => handler(msg.toString()); this._ws.on('message', wrappedHandler); this._eventHandlers.push({ event: 'message', handler: wrappedHandler }); } public removeAllListeners() { // Avoiding websocket.removeAllListeners() because WS.Server registers listeners // internally for websockets it keeps track of, and we should not accidentally remove those. for (const { event, handler } of this._eventHandlers) {, handler); } this._eventHandlers = []; } public close() { this._ws.close(); } public terminate() { this._ws.terminate(); } public get isOpen() { return this._ws.readyState === WS.OPEN; } public send(data: string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void) { this._ws.send(data, cb); } }