import logging from six.moves import zip as izip import six import actions from usertypes import get_type_default log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TableDataSet(object): """ TableDataSet represents the full data of a Grist document as a dictionary mapping tableId to actions.TableData. It then allows applying arbitrary doc-actions, and updates its representation of the document accordingly. The dictionary is available as the object's `all_tables` member. This is used, in particular, for migrations, which need to access data with minimal assumptions about its interpretation. Note that to initialize a TableDataSet, the schema is needed, so it should be done by applying AddTable actions, followed by BulkAddRecord or ReplaceTableData actions. """ def __init__(self): # Dictionary of { tableId: actions.TableData object } self.all_tables = {} # Dictionary of { tableId: { colId: values }} where values come from AddTable, as modified by # Add/ModifyColumn actions. self._schema = {} def apply_doc_action(self, action): try: getattr(self, action.__class__.__name__)(*action) except Exception as e: log.warning("ERROR applying action %s: %s", action, e) raise def apply_doc_actions(self, doc_actions): for a in doc_actions: self.apply_doc_action(a) return doc_actions def get_col_info(self, table_id, col_id): return self._schema[table_id][col_id] def get_schema(self): return self._schema #---------------------------------------- # Actions on records. #---------------------------------------- def AddRecord(self, table_id, row_id, columns): self.BulkAddRecord(table_id, [row_id], {key: [val] for key, val in six.iteritems(columns)}) def BulkAddRecord(self, table_id, row_ids, columns): table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] table_data.row_ids.extend(row_ids) for col, values in six.iteritems(table_data.columns): if col in columns: values.extend(columns[col]) else: col_info = self._schema[table_id][col] default = get_type_default(col_info['type']) values.extend([default] * len(row_ids)) def RemoveRecord(self, table_id, row_id): return self.BulkRemoveRecord(table_id, [row_id]) def BulkRemoveRecord(self, table_id, row_ids): table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] remove_set = set(row_ids) for col, values in six.iteritems(table_data.columns): values[:] = [v for r, v in izip(table_data.row_ids, values) if r not in remove_set] table_data.row_ids[:] = [r for r in table_data.row_ids if r not in remove_set] def UpdateRecord(self, table_id, row_id, columns): self.BulkUpdateRecord( table_id, [row_id], {key: [val] for key, val in six.iteritems(columns)}) def BulkUpdateRecord(self, table_id, row_ids, columns): table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] rowid_map = {r:i for i, r in enumerate(table_data.row_ids)} table_indices = [rowid_map[r] for r in row_ids] for col, values in six.iteritems(columns): if col in table_data.columns: col_values = table_data.columns[col] for i, v in izip(table_indices, values): col_values[i] = v def ReplaceTableData(self, table_id, row_ids, columns): table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] del table_data.row_ids[:] for col, values in six.iteritems(table_data.columns): del values[:] self.BulkAddRecord(table_id, row_ids, columns) #---------------------------------------- # Actions on columns. #---------------------------------------- def AddColumn(self, table_id, col_id, col_info): self._schema[table_id][col_id] = col_info default = get_type_default(col_info['type']) table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] table_data.columns[col_id] = [default] * len(table_data.row_ids) def RemoveColumn(self, table_id, col_id): self._schema[table_id].pop(col_id, None) table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] table_data.columns.pop(col_id, None) def RenameColumn(self, table_id, old_col_id, new_col_id): self._schema[table_id][new_col_id] = self._schema[table_id].pop(old_col_id) table_data = self.all_tables[table_id] table_data.columns[new_col_id] = table_data.columns.pop(old_col_id) def ModifyColumn(self, table_id, col_id, col_info): self._schema[table_id][col_id].update(col_info) #---------------------------------------- # Actions on tables. #---------------------------------------- def AddTable(self, table_id, columns): self.all_tables[table_id] = actions.TableData(table_id, [], {c['id']: [] for c in columns}) self._schema[table_id] = {c['id']: c.copy() for c in columns} def RemoveTable(self, table_id): del self.all_tables[table_id] del self._schema[table_id] def RenameTable(self, old_table_id, new_table_id): table_data = self.all_tables.pop(old_table_id) self.all_tables[new_table_id] = actions.TableData(new_table_id, table_data.row_ids, table_data.columns) self._schema[new_table_id] = self._schema.pop(old_table_id)