/** * Module that allows client-side code to use browser globals (such as `document` or `Node`) in a * way that allows those globals to be replaced by mocks in browser-less tests. * * E.g. test/client/clientUtil.js can replace globals with those provided by jsdom. */ var allGlobals = []; /* global window */ var globalVars = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {}); /** * Usage: to get access to global variables `foo` and `bar`, call: * var G = require('browserGlobals').get('foo', 'bar'); * and use G.foo and G.bar. * * This modules stores a reference to G, so that setGlobals() call can replace the values to which * G.foo and G.bar refer. */ function get(varArgNames) { var obj = { neededNames: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), globals: {} }; updateGlobals(obj); allGlobals.push(obj); return obj.globals; } exports.get = get; /** * Internal helper which updates properties of all globals objects created with get(). */ function updateGlobals(obj) { obj.neededNames.forEach(function(key) { obj.globals[key] = globalVars[key]; }); } /** * Replace globals with those from the given object. The previous mapping of global values is * returned, so that it can be restored later. */ function setGlobals(globals) { var oldVars = globalVars; globalVars = globals; allGlobals.forEach(function(obj) { updateGlobals(obj); }); return oldVars; } exports.setGlobals = setGlobals;