import {colors, testId, theme, vars} from 'app/client/ui2018/cssVars'; import {IconName} from 'app/client/ui2018/IconList'; import {icon} from 'app/client/ui2018/icons'; import {isColorDark} from 'app/common/gutil'; import {dom, DomElementArg, Observable, styled} from 'grainjs'; import debounce = require('lodash/debounce'); export interface ISelectorOptionFull<T> { value: T; label?: string; icon?: IconName; } // For string options, we can use a string for label and value without wrapping into an object. export type ISelectorOption<T> = (T & string) | ISelectorOptionFull<T>; /** * Creates a button select, which is a row of buttons of which only one may be selected. * The observable `obs` reflects the value of the selected option, and `optionArray` is an array * of option values and labels. These may be either strings, or {label, value, icon} objects. * Icons and labels are optional (but one should be included or the buttons will be blank). * * The type of value may be any type at all; it is opaque to this widget. * * A "light" style is supported in CSS by passing cssButtonSelect.cls('-light') as an additional * argument. * * A disabled state is supported by passing cssButtonSelect.cls('-disabled'). * * Usage: * const fruit = observable("apple"); * buttonSelect(fruit, ["apple", "banana", "mango"]); * * const alignments: ISelectorOption<string>[] = [ * {value: 'left', icon: 'LeftAlign'}, * {value: 'center', icon: 'CenterAlign'}, * {value: 'right', icon: 'RightAlign'} * ]; * buttonSelect(obs, alignments); * */ export function buttonSelect<T>( obs: Observable<T>, optionArray: Array<ISelectorOption<T>>, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[] ) { return makeButtonSelect(obs, optionArray, (val: T) => { obs.set(val); }, ...domArgs); } /** * Identical to a buttonSelect, but allows the possibility of none of the items being selected. * Sets the observable `obs` to null when no items are selected. */ export function buttonToggleSelect<T>( obs: Observable<T|null>, optionArray: Array<ISelectorOption<T>>, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[] ) { const onClick = (val: T) => { obs.set(obs.get() === val ? null : val); }; return makeButtonSelect(obs, optionArray, onClick, ...domArgs); } /** * Pre-made text alignment selector. */ export function alignmentSelect(obs: Observable<string>, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) { const alignments: Array<ISelectorOption<string>> = [ {value: 'left', icon: 'LeftAlign'}, {value: 'center', icon: 'CenterAlign'}, {value: 'right', icon: 'RightAlign'} ]; return buttonSelect(obs, alignments, {}, testId('alignment-select'), ...domArgs); } /** * Color selector button. Observable should contain a hex color value, e.g. #a4ba23. */ export function colorSelect(value: Observable<string>, save: (val: string) => Promise<void>, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[]) { // On some machines (seen on chrome running on a Mac) the `change` event fires as many times as // the `input` event, hence the debounce. Also note that when user picks a first color and then a // second before closing the picker, it will create two user actions on Chrome, and only one in FF // (which should be the expected behaviour). const setValue = debounce(e => value.set(, 300); const onSave = debounce(e => save(, 300); return cssColorBtn( // TODO: When re-opening the color picker after a new color was saved on server, the picker will // reset the value to what it was when the picker was last closed. To allow picker to show the // latest saved value we should rebind the <input .../> element each time the value is changed // by the server. cssColorPicker( {type: 'color'}, dom.attr('value', (use) => use(value).slice(0, 7)), dom.on('input', setValue), dom.on('change', onSave) ),'background-color', (use) => use(value) || '#000000'), cssColorBtn.cls('-dark', (use) => isColorDark(use(value) || '#000000')), cssColorIcon('Dots'), ...domArgs ); } export function makeButtonSelect<T>( obs: Observable<T|null>, optionArray: Array<ISelectorOption<T>>, onClick: (value: T) => any, ...domArgs: DomElementArg[] ) { return cssButtonSelect( dom.forEach(optionArray, (option: ISelectorOption<T>) => { const value = getOptionValue(option); const label = getOptionLabel(option); return cssSelectorBtn( cssSelectorBtn.cls('-selected', (use) => use(obs) === value), dom.on('click', () => onClick(value)), isFullOption(option) && option.icon ? icon(option.icon) : null, label ? cssSelectorLabel(label) : null, testId('select-button') ); }), ...domArgs ); } function isFullOption<T>(option: ISelectorOption<T>): option is ISelectorOptionFull<T> { return typeof option !== "string"; } function getOptionLabel<T>(option: ISelectorOption<T>): string|undefined { return isFullOption(option) ? option.label : option; } function getOptionValue<T>(option: ISelectorOption<T>): T { return isFullOption(option) ? option.value : option; } export const cssButtonSelect = styled('div', ` /* Resets */ position: relative; outline: none; border-style: none; display: flex; /* Vars */ color: ${theme.text}; flex: 1 1 0; `); const cssSelectorBtn = styled('div', ` /* Resets */ position: relative; outline: none; border-style: none; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; /* Vars */ flex: 1 1 0; font-size: ${vars.mediumFontSize}; letter-spacing: -0.08px; text-align: center; line-height: normal; min-width: 32px; white-space: nowrap; padding: 4px 10px; background-color: ${theme.buttonGroupBg}; border: 1px solid ${theme.buttonGroupBorder}; --icon-color: ${theme.buttonGroupIcon}; margin-left: -1px; cursor: pointer; &:first-child { border-top-left-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius}; border-bottom-left-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius}; margin-left: 0; } &:last-child { border-top-right-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius}; border-bottom-right-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius}; } &:hover:not(&-selected) { border: 1px solid ${theme.buttonGroupBorderHover}; z-index: 5; /* Update z-index so selected borders take precedent */ } &-selected { color: ${theme.buttonGroupSelectedFg}; --icon-color: ${theme.buttonGroupSelectedFg}; border: 1px solid ${theme.buttonGroupSelectedBorder}; background-color: ${theme.buttonGroupSelectedBg}; z-index: 10; /* Update z-index so selected borders take precedent */ } /* Styles when container includes cssButtonSelect.cls('-light') */ .${cssButtonSelect.className}-light > & { border: none; border-radius: ${vars.controlBorderRadius}; margin-left: 0px; padding: 8px; color: ${theme.buttonGroupLightFg}; --icon-color: ${theme.buttonGroupLightFg}; } .${cssButtonSelect.className}-light > &-selected { border: none; color: ${theme.buttonGroupLightSelectedFg}; --icon-color: ${theme.buttonGroupLightSelectedFg}; background-color: initial; } .${cssButtonSelect.className}-light > &:hover { border: none; background-color: ${theme.hover}; } .${cssButtonSelect.className}-disabled > &, .${cssButtonSelect.className}-disabled > &:hover { --icon-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledFg}; color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledFg}; background-color: ${theme.rightPanelToggleButtonDisabledBg}; border-color: ${theme.buttonGroupBorder}; pointer-events: none; } `); const cssSelectorLabel = styled('span', ` margin: 0 2px; vertical-align: middle; `); const cssColorBtn = styled('div', ` position: relative; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 100%; min-width: 32px; max-width: 56px; height: 32px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid ${colors.darkGrey}; &:hover { border: 1px solid ${colors.hover}; } &-dark { border: none !important; } `); const cssColorPicker = styled('input', ` position: absolute; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; `); const cssColorIcon = styled(icon, ` margin: 0 2px; background-color: ${colors.slate}; pointer-events: none; .${cssColorBtn.className}-dark & { background-color: ${colors.light}; } `);